Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Restructuring surgical training after COVID-19 pandemic: A nationwide survey on the Italian scenario on behalf of the Italian polyspecialistic young surgeons society (SPIGC) 2023 Formisano G.Settembrini A.Giovenzana M.Mendogni P.Di Marco C.Pisani D. + Article (author) -
How future surgery will benefit from SARS-COV-2-related measures: a SPIGC survey conveying the perspective of Italian surgeons 2023 Galassi, LucaAntonelli, AlessandroGiuliani, BeatriceChierici, AndreaCentonze, LeonardoLauterio, AndreaGiurazza, GiancarloMele, CaterinaMicalef, AndreaSettembrini, AlbertoMei, SimonaCarbone, GabrieleOttaviani, LucaEpifani, Angelo GabrieleMaffioli, AnnaMoretti, MarcoUggeri, FabioIacopino, GiorgiaDi Pietro, FrancescoDamarco, FrancescoLoi, SaraMicheletto, GiancarloOrlandi, RiccardoMendogni, PaoloSena, GiuseppeMarchetto, CarloBenuzzi, LauraBracchetti, GretaBrucchi, FrancescoManzo, Carlo AlbertoScaravilli, LucaGrande, SimonaFrancia, AlessandroBaia, Marco + Article (author) -
Management of pleural effusion secondary to malignant mesothelioma 2021 Musso V.Diotti C.Palleschi A.Mendogni P. + Article (author) -
Thymomectomy plus total thymectomy versus simple thymomectomy for early-stage thymoma without myasthenia gravis: a European Society of Thoracic Surgeons Thymic Working Group Study 2021 Andrea BilleLorenzo SpaggiariPaolo MendogniMario Nosotti + Article (author) -
Medium-term safety and efficacy profile of paraesophageal hernia repair with Phasix-ST® mesh : a single-institution experience 2021 Aiolfi A.Panizzo V.Mendogni P.Campanelli G.Bona D. + Article (author) -
Lung Transplantation from Controlled and Uncontrolled Donation after Circulatory Death Donors. Single Centre Experience 2020 Palleschi AMusso VMendogni PZanella ANosotti M + Article (author) -
Extended-criteria uncontrolled DCD donor for a fragile recipient: A case report about a challenging yet successful lung transplantation 2020 Musso V.Mendogni P.Scaravilli V.Croci G. A.Palleschi A. + Article (author) -
Oxygenation during general anesthesia and thoracic surgery in a patient with Titusville low-oxygen affinity hemoglobin 2019 Scaravilli, VittorioPolli, FedericoMendogni, PaoloZanella, AlbertoGraziadei, GiovannaPesenti, AntonioTaccone, Paolo Article (author) -
Molecular profiling of lung cancer specimens and liquid biopsies using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry 2018 E. BonaparteC. PesentiL. FontanaR. FalconeL. PaganiniM. NosottiP. MendogniS. M. SirchiaS. M. TabanoS. BosariM. R. Miozzo + Article (author) -
Prophylactic continuous positive airway pressure after pulmonary lobectomy :a randomized controlled trial 2018 A. PalleschiL. RossoP. MendogniI. RighiR. CarrinolaM. MontoliM. RedaL. SantambrogioM. Nosotti + Article (author) -
Utility of PET scan in diagnosis and monitoring descending necrotizing mediastinitis complicating Lemierre’s syndrome 2018 Carandini T.Mendogni P.Gaffuri M.Ceriani E. + Article (author) -
Is "lung repair centre" a possible answer to organ shortage? Transplantation of left and right lung at two different centres after ex vivo lung perfusion evaluation and repair : case report 2018 A. PalleschiL. RossoP. MendogniL. SantambrogioM. NosottiF. Valenza + Article (author) -
An alternative chest tube placement after uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery 2018 A. PalleschiP. MendogniA. V. MarioloM. NosottiL. Rosso Article (author) -
Conversion to extend release tacrolimus in early post-lung transplantation period 2017 A. PalleschiL. C. MorlacchiR. CarrinolaL. RossoP. MendogniM. Nosotti + Article (author) -
Lobar transplantation does not affect early outcome compared to full lung transplantation 2017 P. MendogniL. RossoA. PalleschiRIGHI, ILARIAM. MontoliCARRINOLA, ROSARIAF. DamarcoL. SantambrogioM. Nosotti + Article (author) -
Biopsie polmonari transbronchiali (TBB) per la valutazione del rigetto dopo trapianto polmonare: costi e benefici nella nostra esperienza monocentrica 2017 L. RossoA. MarioloR. CarrinolaA. PalleschiP. MendogniM. CattaneoM. Nosotti + Conference Object -
Lung transplantation from donors after previous cardiac surgery: ideal graft in marginal donor? 2017 A. PalleschiP. MendogniM. MontoliF. ValenzaM. NosottiL. Santambrogio + Conference Object -
Video-assisted pulmonary lobectomy combined with transmanubrial approach for anterior Pancoast tumor resection : case report 2016 L. RossoA. PalleschiP. MendogniM. Nosotti Article (author) -
Lung transplantation from donors after previous cardiac surgery: our experience 2016 A. PalleschiI. RighiP. MendogniM. MontoliF. DamarcoF. ValenzaM. Nosotti + Conference Object -
A standardized model of brain death, donor treatment, and lung transplantation for studies on organ preservation and reconditioning 2014 F. ValenzaS. CoppolaS. FroioG.M. RuggeriJ. FumagalliA.M. VillaL. RossoP. MendogniG. ConteC. LonatiA. CarlinP. LeonardiN. StocchettiL. Gattinoni + Article (author) -