Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Non-invasive biomarkers for sperm retrieval in non-obstructive patients: a comprehensive review
2024 L. Fontana, S.M. Sirchia, C. Pesenti, G.M. Colpi, M.R. Miozzo
The Genetic and Epigenetic Footprint in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis: A State-of-the-Art Review
2022 C. Tirelli, C. Pesenti, M. Miozzo, M. Mondoni, L. Fontana, S. Centanni
Copy number alterations in stage I epithelial ovarian cancer highlight three genomic patterns associated with prognosis
2022 C. Pesenti, L. Beltrame, A. Velle, R. Fruscio, M. Jaconi, F. Borella, F.M. Cribiù, E. Calura, L.V. Venturini, D. Lenoci, F. Agostinis, D. Katsaros, N. Panini, T. Bianchi, F. Landoni, M. Miozzo, M. D'Incalci, J.D. Brenton, C. Romualdi, S. Marchini
The Genetic Landscape of Human Glioblastoma and Matched Primary Cancer Stem Cells Reveals Intratumour Similarity and Intertumour Heterogeneity
2019 C. Pesenti, S. Navone, L. Guarnaccia, A. Terrasi, J. Costanza, R. Silipigni, S. Guarneri, N. Fusco, L. Fontana, M. Locatelli, P. Rampini, R. Campanella, S. Tabano, M. Miozzo, G. Marfia
Mismatch repair protein loss is a prognostic and predictive biomarker in breast cancers regardless of microsatellite instability
2019 N. Fusco, G. Lopez, C. Corti, C. Pesenti, P. Colapietro, G. Ercoli, G. Gaudioso, A. Faversani, D. Gambini, L. Despini, C. Blundo, V. Vaira, M. Miozzo, S. Ferrero, S. Bosari
Constitutive BRCA1 Promoter Hypermethylation Can Be a Predisposing Event in Isolated Early-Onset Breast Cancer
2019 J. Azzollini, C. Pesenti, S. Pizzamiglio, L. Fontana, C. Guarino, B. Peissel, M. Plebani, S. Tabano, S.M. Sirchia, P. Colapietro, R. Villa, B. Paolini, P. Verderio, M. Miozzo, S. Manoukian
Impact of Mutation Density and Heterogeneity on Papillary Thyroid Cancer Clinical Features and Remission Probability
2019 C. Colombo, M. Muzza, M.C. Proverbio, D. Tosi, D. Soranna, C. Pesenti, S. Rossi, V. Cirello, S. De Leo, N. Fusco, M. Miozzo, G. Bulfamante, L. Vicentini, S. Ferrero, A. Zambon, S. Tabano, L. Fugazzola
MassARRAY-based simultaneous detection of hotspot somatic mutations and recurrent fusion genes in papillary thyroid carcinoma : the PTC-MA assay
2018 C. Pesenti, M. Muzza, C. Colombo, M.C. Proverbio, C. Faré, S. Ferrero, M. Miozzo, L. Fugazzola, S. Tabano
IMP3 expression in NSCLC brain metastases demonstrates its role as a prognostic factor in non-neuroendocrine phenotypes
2018 D.G. A, A. Morotti, A. Colombo, V. Vaira, E. G, C. Pesenti, E. Bonaparte, E. Guerini-Rocco, A. Di Cristofori, L. M, P. A, F. S.
A novel splice site variant in ITPR1 gene underlying recessive Gillespie syndrome
2018 L. Paganini, C. Pesenti, D. Milani, L. Fontana, S. Motta, S.M. Sirchia, G. Scuvera, P. Marchisio, S. Esposito, C.M. Cinnante, S.M. Tabano, M.R. Miozzo
Molecular profiling of lung cancer specimens and liquid biopsies using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
2018 E. Bonaparte, C. Pesenti, L. Fontana, R. Falcone, L. Paganini, A. Marzorati, M. Nosotti, P. Mendogni, C. Bareggi, S.M. Sirchia, S.M. Tabano, S. Bosari, M.R. Miozzo
Mismatch repair protein loss as a prognostic and predictive biomarker in breast cancers regardless of microsatellite instability
2018 N. Fusco, G. Lopez, C. Corti, C. Pesenti, P. Colapietro, G. Ercoli, G. Gaudioso, A. Faversani, D. Gambini, A. Michelotti, L. Despini, C. Blundo, V. Vaira, M. Miozzo, S. Ferrero, S. Bosari
Revertant mosaicism for family mutations is not observed in BRCA1/2 phenocopies
2017 J. Azzollini, C. Pesenti, L. Ferrari, L. Fontana, M. Calvello, B. Peissel, G. Portera, S. Tabano, M.L. Carcangiu, P. Riva, M. Miozzo, S. Manoukian
Mass spectrometry-based assay for the molecular diagnosis of glioma : Concomitant detection of chromosome 1p/19q codeletion, and IDH1, IDH2, and TERT mutation status
2017 C. Pesenti, L. Paganini, L. Fontana, E. Veniani, R. Letterio, S. Ferrero, S. Bosari, M. Maura, G. Marfia, C. Manuela, R. Silipigni, G. Silvana, S. Tabano, M. Miozzo
Prognostic value of preoperative von Willebrand factor plasma levels in patients with Glioblastoma
2016 G. Marfia, S. Navone, C. Fanizzi, S. Tabano, C. Pesenti, L. Abdel Hadi, A. Franzini, M. Caroli, M. Miozzo, L. Riboni, P. Rampini, R. Campanella
Reduced kinase activity of polo kinase Cdc5 affects chromosome stability and DNA damage response in S. cerevisiae
2016 C. Rawal, S. Riccardo, C. Pesenti, M. Ferrari, F. Marini, A. Pellicioli
MGMT-Methylated Alleles Are Distributed Heterogeneously Within Glioma Samples Irrespective of IDH Status and Chromosome 10q Deletion
2016 L. Fontana, S. Tabano, E. Bonaparte, G. Marfia, C. Pesenti, R. Falcone, C. Augello, N. Carlessi, R. Silipigni, S. Guerneri, R. Campanella, M. Caroli, S.M. Sirchia, S. Bosari, M. Miozzo
Germline oncopharmacogenetics, a promising field in cancer therapy
2015 C. Pesenti, M. Gusella, S.M. Sirchia, M. Miozzo
Total synthesis of a pepstatin analog incorporating two trifluoromethyl hydroxymethylene isosteres (Tfm-GABOB) and evaluation of Tfm-GABOB containing peptides as inhibitors of HIV-1 protease and MMP-9
2001 C. Pesenti, A. Arnone, S. Bellosta, P. Bravo, M. Canavesi, E. Corradi, M. Frigerio, S.V. Meille, M. Monetti, W. Panzeri, F. Viani, R. Venturini, M. Zanda