Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
Enhanced extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal by acidification and metabolic control
2023 G. Florio, C. Valsecchi, L. Vivona, M. Battistin, S.M. Colombo, E. Cattaneo, I. Protti, M. DI Feliciantonio, G. Castelli, D. Dondossola, O. Biancolilli, A. Carlin, S. Gatti, A. Pesenti, A. Zanella, G. Grasselli
Lung Biomolecular Profile and Function of Grafts from Donors after Cardiocirculatory Death with Prolonged Donor Warm Ischemia Time
2022 F. Gori, J. Fumagalli, C. Lonati, A. Carlin, P. Leonardi, O. Biancolilli, A. Rossetti, I. Righi, D. Tosi, A. Palleschi, L. Rosso, L.C. Morlacchi, F. Blasi, L. Vivona, G. Florio, V. Scaravilli, F. Valenza, A. Zanella, G. Grasselli
A Minimally Invasive and Highly Effective Extracorporeal CO2 Removal Device Combined With a Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
2022 A. Zanella, A. Pesenti, M. Busana, S. De Falco, L. Di Girolamo, E. Scotti, I. Protti, S.M. Colombo, V. Scaravilli, O. Biancolilli, A. Carlin, F. Gori, M. Battistin, D. Dondossola, F. Pirrone, D. Salerno, S. Gatti, G. Grasselli
Lung biomolecular profile and function comparing graft from marginal brain-dead donors and donors after cardiac death
2021 J. Fumagalli, F. Gori, C. Lonati, A. Palleschi, L. Rosso, P. Leonardi, A. Carlin, F. Valenza, L. Vivona, V. Scaravilli, M. Nosotti, G. Grasselli, A. Pesenti, A. Zanella
Mesenchymal stem cell–derived extracellular vesicles improve the molecular phenotype of isolated rat lungs during ischemia/reperfusion injury
2019 C. Lonati, G.A. Bassani, D. Brambilla, P. Leonardi, A. Carlin, M. Maggioni, A. Zanella, D. Dondossola, V. Fonsato, C. Grange, G. Camussi, S. Gatti
Influence of ex vivo perfusion on the biomolecular profile of rat lungs
2018 C. Lonati, G.A. Bassani, D. Brambilla, P. Leonardi, A. Carlin, A. Faversani, S. Gatti, F. Valenza
Effects of sodium citrate, citric acid and lactic acid on human blood coagulation
2018 V. Scaravilli, L. Di Girolamo, E. Scotti, M. Busana, O. Biancolilli, P. Leonardi, A. Carlin, C. Lonati, M. Panigada, A. Pesenti, A. Zanella
The application of an open lung strategy after cardio-circulatory death in rats preserves lung viability and promotes the up-regulation of protective genes
2015 G. Bassani, C. Lonati, P. Leonardi, A. Carlin, S. Coppola, S. Froio, F. Rapido, A. Faversani, V. Vaira, S. Ferrero, P. Braidotti, S. Gatti, S. Bosari, L. Gattinoni, F. Valenza
Lung pre-conditioning during ex-vivo lung perfusion: results of an experimental study
2015 C. Lonati, G. Bassani, P. Leonardi, A. Carlin, D. Brambilla, F. Rapido, S. Gatti, L. Gattinoni, F. Valenza
A standardized model of brain death, donor treatment, and lung transplantation for studies on organ preservation and reconditioning
2014 F. Valenza, S. Coppola, S. Froio, G.M. Ruggeri, J. Fumagalli, A.M. Villa, L. Rosso, P. Mendogni, G. Conte, C. Lonati, A. Carlin, P. Leonardi, S. Gatti, N. Stocchetti, L. Gattinoni
Modulatory effects of NDP-MSH in the regenerating liver after partial hepatectomy in rats
2013 C. Lonati, A. Carlin, P. Leonardi, F. Valenza, S. Bosari, A. Catania, S. Gatti
Molecular changes induced in rat liver by hemorrhage and effects of melanocortin treatment
2012 C. Lonati, A. Sordi, D. Giuliani, L. Spaccapelo, P. Leonardi, A. Carlin, A. Ottani, M. Galantucci, P. Grieco, A. Catania, S. Guarini
Protective action of NDP-MSH in experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage
2012 S. Gatti, C. Lonati, F. Acerbi, A. Sordi, P. Leonardi, A. Carlin, S.M. Gaini, A. Catania
The peptide NDP-MSH induces phenotype changes in the heart that resemble ischemic preconditioning
2010 A. Catania, C. Lonati, A. Sordi, P. Leonardi, A. Carlin, S. Gatti
The melanocortin system in control of inflammation
2010 A. Catania, C. Lonati, A. Sordi, A. Carlin, P. Leonardi, S. Gatti
Treatment with alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone preserves calcium regulatory proteins in rat heart allografts
2008 G. Colombo, A. Sordi, C. Lonati, A. Carlin, F. Turcatti, P. Leonardi, S. Gatti, A. Catania
Production and effects of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone during acute lung injury
2007 G. Colombo, S. Gatti, A. Sordi, F. Turcatti, A. Carlin, C. Rossi, C. Lonati, A. Catania
Inhibitory effects of the peptide (CKPV)2 on endotoxin-induced host reactions
2006 S. Gatti, A. Carlin, A. Sordi, P. Leonardi, G. Colombo, L.R. Fassati, J.M. Lipton, A. Catania
Antimicrobial properties of alpha-MSH and related synthetic melanocortins
2006 A. Catania, G. Colombo, C.F. Rossi, A. Carlin, A. Sordi, C. Lonati, F. Turcatti, P. Leonardi, P. Grieco, S. Gatti
Change in gene expression profile induced by alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone in a malignant mesothelioma cell line
2006 G. Colombo, A. Sordi, F. Turcatti, A. Carlin, C. Rossi, C. Lonati, L. Santambrogio, S. Gatti, A. Catania