Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
Comparison between indolent systemic mastocytosis and clonal mast cell disease not meeting WHO diagnostic criteria: A nationwide multicenter retrospective analysis
2024 M. Sciumè, F. Serpenti, R. Zanotti, P. Bonadonna, I. Tanasi, L. Crosera, C. Elena, F. Mannelli, F. Crupi, C. Papayannidis, C. Sartor, S. Soverini, M. Rondoni, C. Eller-Vainicher, V. Pravettoni, F. Rivolta, S. Alberti Violetti, G.A. Croci, A.C. Migliorini, N. Bolli, D. Giannarelli, F.I. Grifoni
Primary cutaneous, epidermotropic mycosis fungoides-like presentation: critical appraisal and description of two novel cases, broadening the spectrum of ALK+ T-cell lymphoma
2024 G.A. Croci, L. Appio, C. Cecchetti, S. Tabano, S. Alberti-Violetti, E. Berti, D. Rahal, F. Cavallaro, F. Onida, D. Tomasini, E. Todisco
The unexpected guest: Cytotoxic, pseudolymphoma-like reaction at the site of primary cutaneous follicle centre B-cell lymphoma in a patient receiving secukinumab for psoriasis
2024 C. Pescia, G. Pini, S. Tabano, E. Berti, S. Alberti Violetti, G.A. Croci
Natural history of chronic idiopathic neutropenia of the adult
2024 B. Fattizzo, A. Bosi, M. Sorrenti, D. Murgia, L. Pettine, M. Bortolotti, G.A. Croci, F. Passamonti, W. Barcellini
Use of steroids in the management of low-risk myelodysplastic syndromes with autoimmune features
2023 B. Fattizzo, F. Serpenti, F. Versino, G. Cassanello, L.M. Cro, M. Barbieri, G.A. Croci, N. Revelli, M.G. Della Porta, W. Barcellini
PD-1 expression in transbronchial biopsies of lung transplant recipients is a possible early predictor of rejection
2023 I. Righi, V. Vaira, L.C. Morlacchi, G.A. Croci, V. Rossetti, F. Blasi, S. Ferrero, M. Nosotti, L. Rosso, M. Clerici
T follicular helper phenotype mycosis fungoides associated with acanthosis nigricans
2023 C.B. Spigariolo, E. Berti, A. Cerri, L. Venegoni, G. Croci, S.A. Violetti
An unusual case of pleural effusion
2023 A. Della Torre, P. Di Francesco, G.A. Montanelli, M. Bolis, A. Comelli, M. Ferrarese, G.A. Croci, E. Tobaldini
Granular cell tumor of the neurohypophysis presenting as a third ventricle mass
2023 G. Lopez, C. Pescia, C. Galli, M. Bramerio, A. Tosoni, M. Nebuloni, M. Ferrara, G. Bertani, L. Caschera, F.M. Triulzi, M. Locatelli, S. Tabano, G.A. Croci
High Filamin a Expression in Adrenocortical Carcinomas Is Associated with a Favourable Tumour Behaviour: A European Multicentric Study
2023 R. Catalano, B. Altieri, A. Angelousi, M. Arosio, F. Bravi, L. Canu, G.A. Croci, M. Detomas, E. Esposito, E. Ferrante, S. Ferrero, C.T. Fuss, G. Kaltsas, O. Kimpel, L. Landwehr, M. Luconi, V. Morelli, G. Nesi, E. Nozza, S. Sbiera, A.L. Serban, C.L. Ronchi, G. Mantovani, E. Peverelli
Primary cutaneous epidermotropic, cytotoxic, ALK+ T-cell lymphoma: observation of a novel case and review of the literature point at a discrete pattern of disease, with response to target therapy
2023 G.A. Croci, E. Berti
Lymphomatoid papulosis associated with myeloid neoplasm with eosinophilia and FIP1L1::PDGFRA rearrangement: Successful imatinib treatment in two cases
2023 V. Bellani, G.A. Croci, C. Bucelli, C.A. Maronese, S. Alberti, A. Iurlo, D. Cattaneo
Aplastic anemia after SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccines: case series and literature review
2023 B. Fattizzo, R. Pasquale, G.A. Croci, L. Pettine, G. Cassanello, W. Barcellini
Wait and see: a case of EBV + cutaneous extranodal NK/T-type lymphoma with indolent behaviour
2023 I.F. Aromolo, C. Pescia, D. Simeoli, S.A. Violetti, V. Ferla, F.G. Rossi, G.A. Croci
Liquid biopsy in non-small cell lung cancer: a meta-analysis of state-of-the-art and future perspectives
2023 S. Franzi, G. Seresini, P. Borella, P.R. Raviele, G. Bonitta, G.A. Croci, C. Bareggi, D. Tosi, M. Nosotti, S. Tabano
Fibroblastic/cytokeratin-positive interstitial reticular cell tumor of the spleen with indolent behavior: a case report with review of the literature.
2022 C. Pescia, G. Lopez, U. Gianelli, G. Croci
NF-kB pathway is involved in microscopic colitis pathogenesis
2022 L.F. Pisani, G. Tontini, M. Vecchi, G.A. Croci, L. Pastorelli
Histological evaluation of ischemic alterations in donors after cardiac death: A useful tool to predict post-transplant renal function
2022 M. Zagni, G.A. Croci, A. Cannavò, S.M. Passamonti, T. De Feo, F.L. Boggio, F.M. Cribiù, M. Maggioni, S. Ferrero, A. Del Gobbo, U. Gianelli
Diagnostic challenges: strange presentation for a common disease—a case of fever with splenic involvement of unknown nature in a peripheral T-cell lymphoma treated with alemtuzumab
2022 J.A. Peta, G. Coti Zelati, R. Tirelli, M. Caronni, L. Furlan, M. Dalla Porta, F.G. Rossi, G.A. Croci, G. Bozzi, O. Milani
Mental health and the effects on methylation of stress-related genes in front-line versus other health care professionals during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic: an Italian pilot study
2022 S. Tabano, L. Tassi, M. Cannone, G. Brescia, G. Gaudioso, M. Ferrara, P. Colapietro, L. Fontana, M. Miozzo, G. Croci, M. Seia, C. Piuma, M. Solbiati, E. Tobaldini, S. Ferrero, N. Montano, G. Costantino, M. Buoli