Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Ablative Treatments for Small Renal Masses and Management of Recurrences: A Comprehensive Review
2024 A. Aveta, V. Iossa, G. Spena, P. Conforti, G. Pagano, F. Dinacci, P. Verze, C. Manfredi, M. Ferro, F. Lasorsa, L. Spirito, L. Napolitano, A. Tufano, A. Fiorenza, P. Russo, F. Crocerossa, G. Lucarelli, S. Perdona, R. Sanseverino, S. Siracusano, S. Cilio, S.D. Pandolfo
Huntington’s disease cellular phenotypes are rescued non-cell autonomously by healthy cells in mosaic telencephalic organoids
2024 M. Galimberti, M.R. Nucera, V.D. Bocchi, P. Conforti, E. Vezzoli, M. Cereda, C. Maffezzini, R. Iennaco, A. Scolz, A. Falqui, C. Cordiglieri, M. Cremona, I. Espuny-Camacho, A. Faedo, D.P. Felsenfeld, T.F. Vogt, V. Ranzani, C. Zuccato, D. Besusso, E. Cattaneo
hESC-derived striatal progenitors grafted into a Huntington’s disease rat model support long-term functional motor recovery by differentiating, self-organizing and connecting into the lesioned striatum
2023 R. Schellino, D. Besusso, R. Parolisi, G.B. Gómez-González, S. Dallere, L. Scaramuzza, M. Ribodino, I. Campus, P. Conforti, M. Parmar, M. Boido, E. Cattaneo, A. Buffo
Brain Regional Identity and Cell Type Specificity Landscape of Human Cortical Organoid Models
2022 M. Magni, B. Bossi, P. Conforti, M. Galimberti, F. Dezi, T. Lischetti, X. He, R.A. Barker, C. Zuccato, I. Espuny-Camacho, E. Cattaneo
In vitro-derived medium spiny neurons recapitulate human striatal development and complexity at single-cell resolution
2022 P. Conforti, V.D. Bocchi, I. Campus, L. Scaramuzza, M. Galimberti, T. Lischetti, F. Talpo, M. Pedrazzoli, A. Murgia, I. Ferrari, C. Cordiglieri, A. Fasciani, E. Arenas, D. Felsenfeld, G. Biella, D. Besusso, E. Cattaneo
SREBP2 gene therapy targeting striatal astrocytes ameliorates Huntington's disease phenotypes
2021 G. Birolini, G. Verlengia, F. Talpo, C. Maniezzi, L. Zentilin, M. Giacca, P. Conforti, C. Cordiglieri, C. Caccia, V. Leoni, F. Taroni, G. Biella, M. Simonato, E. Cattaneo, M. Valenza
ADAM10 hyperactivation acts on piccolo to deplete synaptic vesicle stores in Huntington's disease
2021 F. Cozzolino, E. Vezzoli, C. Cheroni, D. Besusso, P. Conforti, M. Valenza, I. Iacobucci, V. Monaco, G. Birolini, M. Bombaci, A. Falqui, P. Saftig, R.L. Rossi, M. Monti, E. Cattaneo, C. Zuccato
hiPSCs for predictive modelling of neurodegenerative diseases : dreaming the possible
2021 P. Rivetti di Val Cervo, D. Besusso, P. Conforti, E. Cattaneo
The coding and long noncoding single-cell atlas of the developing human fetal striatum
2021 V.D. Bocchi, P. Conforti, E. Vezzoli, D. Besusso, C. Cappadona, T. Lischetti, M. Galimberti, V. Ranzani, R.J.P. Bonnal, M.D. De Simone, G. Rossetti, X. He, K. Kamimoto, I. Espuny-Camacho, A. Faedo, F. Gervasoni, R. Vuono, S.A. Morris, J. Chen, D. Felsenfeld, G. Pavesi, R.A. Barker, M. Pagani, E. Cattaneo
Dose-dependent and disease-modifying effects of striatal infusion of cholesterol in Huntington{\textquotesingle}s disease
2020 G. Birolini, M. Valenza, E. Dipaolo, E. Vezzoli, F. Talpo, C. Maniezzi, C. Caccia, V. Leoni, V.D. Bocchi, P. Conforti, E. Sogne, L. Petricca, C. Cariulo, M. Verani, A. Caricasole, A. Falqui, G.R. Biella, E. Cattaneo
Striatal infusion of cholesterol promotes dose-dependent behavioral benefits and exerts disease-modifying effects in Huntington's disease mice
2020 G. Birolini, M. Valenza, E. Di Paolo, E. Vezzoli, F. Talpo, C. Maniezzi, C. Caccia, V. Leoni, F. Taroni, V.D. Bocchi, P. Conforti, E. Sogne, L. Petricca, C. Cariulo, M. Verani, A. Caricasole, A. Falqui, G. Biella, E. Cattaneo
A CRISPR-strategy for the generation of a detectable fluorescent hESC reporter line (WAe009-A-37) for the subpallial determinant GSX2
2020 D. Besusso, A. Cossu, A. Mohamed, M. Cernigoj, P. Codega, M. Galimberti, I. Campus, P. Conforti, E. Cattaneo
RUES2 hESCs exhibit MGE-biased neuronal differentiation and muHTT-dependent defective specification hinting at SP1
2020 P. Conforti, D. Besusso, S. Brocchetti, I. Campus, C. Cappadona, M. Galimberti, A. Laporta, R. Iennaco, R.L. Rossi, V. Bocchi, E. Cattaneo
Stem Cell-Derived Human Striatal Progenitors Innervate Striatal Targets and Alleviate Sensorimotor Deficit in a Rat Model of Huntington Disease
2020 D. Besusso, R. Schellino, M. Boido, S. Belloli, R. Parolisi, P. Conforti, A. Faedo, M. Cernigoj, I. Campus, A. Laporta, V. Bocchi, V. Murtaj, M. Parmar, P. Spaiardi, F. Talpo, C. Maniezzi, M.G. Toselli, G. Biella, R.M. Moresco, A. Vercelli, A. Buffo, E. Cattaneo
DNAJB6, a Key Factor in Neuronal Sensitivity to Amyloidogenesis
2020 A. Thiruvalluvan, E.P. de Mattos, J.F. Brunsting, R. Bakels, D. Serlidaki, L. Barazzuol, P. Conforti, A. Fatima, S. Koyuncu, E. Cattaneo, D. Vilchez, S. Bergink, E.H.W.G. Boddeke, S. Copray, H.H. Kampinga
SREBP2 delivery to striatal astrocytes normalizes transcription of cholesterol biosynthesis genes and ameliorates pathological features in Huntington’s Disease
2020 G. Birolini, G. Verlengia, F. Talpo, C. Maniezzi, L. Zentilin, M. Giacca, P. Conforti, C. Cordiglieri, C. Caccia, V. Leoni, F. Taroni, G. Biella, M. Simonato, E. Cattaneo, M. Valenza
Inhibiting pathologically active ADAM10 rescues synaptic and cognitive decline in Huntington’s disease
2019 E. Vezzoli, I. Caron, F. Talpo, D. Besusso, P. Conforti, E. Battaglia, E. Sogne, A. Falqui, L. Petricca, M. Verani, P. Martufi, A. Caricasole, A. Bresciani, O. Cecchetti, P.R. Di Val Cervo, G. Sancini, O. Riess, H. Nguyen, L. Seipold, P. Saftig, G. Biella, E. Cattaneo, C. Zuccato
Human cortical organoids expose a differential function of GSK3 on cortical neurogenesis
2019 A. Lopez-Tobon, C.E. Villa, C. Cheroni, S. Trattaro, N. Caporale, P. Conforti, R. Iennaco, M. Lachgar, M.T. Rigoli, B. Marco De La Cruz, P. Lo Riso, E. Tenderini, F. Troglio, M. De Simone, I. Liste-Noya, G. Macino, M. Pagani, E. Cattaneo, G. Testa
Faulty neuronal determination and cell polarization are reverted by modulating HD early phenotypes
2018 P. Conforti, D. Besusso, V.D. Bocchi, A. Faedo, E. Cesana, G. Rossetti, V. Ranzani, C.N. Svendsen, L.M. Thompson, M. Toselli, G. Biella, M. Pagani, E. Cattaneo
Phosphorylation of huntingtin at residue T3 is decreased in Huntington’s disease and modulates mutant huntingtin protein conformation
2017 C. Cariulo, L. Azzollini, M. Verani, P. Martufi, R. Boggio, A. Chiki, S.M. Deguire, M. Cherubini, S. Gines, J. Lawrence Marsh, P. Conforti, E. Cattaneo, I. Santimone, F. Squitieri, H.A. Lashuel, L. Petricca, A. Caricasole