Dipartimento di Bioscienze
In vitro-derived medium spiny neurons recapitulate human striatal development and complexity at single-cell resolution
2022 P. Conforti, V.D. Bocchi, I. Campus, L. Scaramuzza, M. Galimberti, T. Lischetti, F. Talpo, M. Pedrazzoli, A. Murgia, I. Ferrari, C. Cordiglieri, A. Fasciani, E. Arenas, D. Felsenfeld, G. Biella, D. Besusso, E. Cattaneo
The evolutionary history of the polyQ tract in huntingtin sheds light on its functional pro-neural activities
2022 R. Iennaco, G. Formenti, C. Trovesi, R.L. Rossi, C. Zuccato, T. Lischetti, V.D. Bocchi, A. Scolz, C. Martínez-Labarga, O. Rickards, M. Pacifico, A. Crottini, A.P. Møller, R.Z. Chen, T.F. Vogt, G. Pavesi, D.S. Horner, N. Saino, E. Cattaneo
Modeling human telencephalic development and autism-associated SHANK3 deficiency using organoids generated from single neural rosettes
2022 Y. Wang, S. Chiola, G. Yang, C. Russell, C.J. Armstrong, Y. Wu, J. Spampanato, P. Tarboton, H.M.A. Ullah, N.U. Edgar, A.N. Chang, D.A. Harmin, V.D. Bocchi, E. Vezzoli, D. Besusso, J. Cui, E. Cattaneo, J. Kubanek, A. Shcheglovitov
Stem Cell-Derived Human Striatal Progenitors Innervate Striatal Targets and Alleviate Sensorimotor Deficit in a Rat Model of Huntington Disease
2020 D. Besusso, R. Schellino, M. Boido, S. Belloli, R. Parolisi, P. Conforti, A. Faedo, M. Cernigoj, I. Campus, A. Laporta, V. Bocchi, V. Murtaj, M. Parmar, P. Spaiardi, F. Talpo, C. Maniezzi, M.G. Toselli, G. Biella, R.M. Moresco, A. Vercelli, A. Buffo, E. Cattaneo
RUES2 hESCs exhibit MGE-biased neuronal differentiation and muHTT-dependent defective specification hinting at SP1
2020 P. Conforti, D. Besusso, S. Brocchetti, I. Campus, C. Cappadona, M. Galimberti, A. Laporta, R. Iennaco, R.L. Rossi, V. Bocchi, E. Cattaneo
2019 V. Bocchi
Identification of Solute carrier family 5 member 9 (SLC5A9) as biomarker of in vivo and in vitro oocyte developmental competence
2018 E. Manzoni, V. Bocchi, C. Galli, M.G. Strillacci, G. Stradaioli, T. Brevini, F. Gandolfi
In search of the transcriptional blueprints of a competent oocyte
2017 R. Pasquariello, V. Bocchi, T. Brevini, F. Gandolfi
Searching for the in vivo transcriptome blueprint of competent bovine oocytes
2016 V. Bocchi, M.G. Strillacci, A. Zecconi, C. Galli, G. Stadaioli, T.A.L. Brevini, A. Bagnato, F. Gandolfi