Sfoglia per SSD
Una vetrina per le piante officinali: la Rete degli Orti Botanici della Lombardia
2013 G. Fico, G. Rinaldi, D. Praolini, C. Puricelli, A. Ronchi, S. Assini, F. Bracco, M. Sugni, P. Berera
Uncovering genetic and molecular interactions among floral meristem identity genes in Arabidopsis thaliana
2012 V. Grandi, V. Gregis, M. Kater
Understanding p63 startegy in the skin
2009 M.A. Viganò, S. Borrelli, S. Pozzi, N. Cordani, R. Mantovani
2014 E. Cannavo'
Unlocking the Secret to Higher Crop Yield: The Potential for Histone Modifications
2023 W. Fang, C. Fasano, G. Perrella
2012 S. Simonini
Unravelling biology and ecology of the endangered endemic alpine plant Androsace brevis (Hegetschw.) Cesati (Primulaceae) by a multidisciplinary approach
2021 M. Bonelli, E. Eustacchio, A. Minici, E. Dinatale, A. Melotto, F. Mangili, M. Gobbi, M. Beretta, E. Gatti, E. Onelli, L. Gianfranceschi, M. Casartelli, M. Caccianiga
Unravelling the role of Hpcal4 as a potential modifier gene for Rett Syndrome
2024 J. Sandakly, S. Pezzini, L. Scandella, A. Arcari, E. Fraviga, D. Pozzi, M. Francolini, N. Landsberger
$\upalpha$-Lipoic Acid Improves Hepatic Metabolic Dysfunctions in Acute Intermittent Porphyria: A Proof-of-Concept Study [alpha-Lipoic Acid Improves Hepatic Metabolic Dysfunctions in Acute Intermittent Porphyria: A Proof-of-Concept Study]
2021 M. Longo, E. Paolini, M. Meroni, L. Duca, I. Motta, A.L. Fracanzani, E. Di Pierro, P. Dongiovanni
Update on Chloroplast Research : New Tools, New Topics, and New Trends
2011 U. Armbruster, P. Pesaresi, M. Pribil, A. Hertle, D. Leister
Upwardly mobile proteins. Workshop: the role of HMG proteins in chromatin structure, gene expression and neoplasia
2000 M.E. Bianchi, M. Beltrame
Use of homologous and heterologous gene expression profiling tools to characterize transcription dynamics during apple fruit maturation and ripening
2010 F. Costa, R. Alba, H. Schouten, V. Soglio, L. Gianfranceschi, S. Serra, S. Musacchi, S. Sansavini, G. Costa, Z. Fei, J. Giovannoni
Use of quantitative mass spectrometric analysis to elucidate the mechanisms of phospho-priming and auto-activation of the checkpoint kinase Rad53 in vivo
2014 E.S.W. Chen, N.C. Hoch, S.C. Wang, A. Pellicioli, J. Heierhorst, M.D. Tsai
The USR domain of USF1 mediates NF-Y interactions and cooperative DNA binding
2021 A. Bernardini, M. Lorenzo, A. Chaves Sanjuan, P. Swuec, M. Pigni, D. Saad, P.V. Konarev, M. Ann Graewert, E. Valentini, D.I. Svergun, M. Nardini, R. Mantovani, N.B. Gnesutta
UV-B depletion differentially affects carotenoid content in flesh and peel of wild type tomato cv. Money Maker and high pigment-1 mutant
2006 V. Lazzeri, D. Giuntini, B. Lercari, V. Calvenzani, S. Prussiani, C. Tonelli, K. Petroni, A. Ranieri
UV-B radiation: a powerful tool to modulate flavonoid metabolism in tomato fruits
2012 A. Ranieri, C. Dall’Asta, K. Petroni, G. Galaverna, C. Tonelli, A. Castagna
La valutazione del rischio ambientale dell'emissione deliberata nell'ambiente di organismi geneticamente modificati
2005 C. Sorlini, M. Buiatti, G. Burgio, F. Cellini, V. Giovannelli, M. Lerner, G. Massari, P. Perrino, E. Selva, A. Spagnoletti, G. Staiano
The variability of SMCHD1 gene in FSHD patients: evidence of new mutations
2019 C. Strafella, V. Caputo, R.M. Galota, G. Campoli, C. Bax, L. Colantoni, G. Minozzi, C. Orsini, L. Politano, G. Tasca, G. Novelli, E. Ricci, E. Giardina, R. Cascella
Variants in the degron of AFF3 are associated with intellectual disability, mesomelic dysplasia, horseshoe kidney, and epileptic encephalopathy
2021 N. Voisin, R.E. Schnur, S. Douzgou, S.M. Hiatt, C.F. Rustad, N.J. Brown, D.L. Earl, B. Keren, O. Levchenko, S. Geuer, S. Verheyen, D. Johnson, Y.A. Zarate, M. Hancarova, D.J. Amor, E.M. Bebin, J. Blatterer, A. Brusco, G. Cappuccio, J. Charrow, N. Chatron, G.M. Cooper, T. Courtin, E. Dadali, J. Delafontaine, E. Del Giudice, M. Doco, G. Douglas, A. Eisenkolbl, T. Funari, G. Giannuzzi, U. Gruber-Sedlmayr, N. Guex, D. Heron, O.L. Holla, A.C.E. Hurst, J. Juusola, D. Kronn, A. Lavrov, C. Lee, S. Lorrain, E. Merckoll, A. Mikhaleva, J. Norman, S. Pradervand, D. Prchalova, L. Rhodes, V.R. Sanders, Z. Sedlacek, H.A. Seebacher, E.A. Sellars, F. Sirchia, T. Takenouchi, A.J. Tanaka, H. Taska-Tench, E. Tonne, K. Tveten, G. Vitiello, M. Vlckova, T. Uehara, C. Nava, B. Yalcin, K. Kosaki, D. Donnai, S. Mundlos, N. Brunetti-Pierri, W.K. Chung, A. Reymond
Variants in UBAP1L lead to autosomal recessive rod-cone and cone-rod dystrophy
2024 C. Zeitz, J. Navarro, L. Azizzadeh Pormehr, C. Méjécase, L.M. Neves, C. Letellier, C. Condroyer, S. Albadri, A. Amprou, A. Antonio, T. Ben-Yacoub, J. Wohlschlegel, C. Andrieu, M. Serafini, L. Bianco, A. Antropoli, M. Nassisi, S. El Shamieh, S. Chantot-Bastaraud, S. Mohand-Saïd, V. Smirnov, J. Sahel, F. Del Bene, I. Audo
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