Dipartimento di Bioscienze  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Campanula bergomensis (Campanulaceae), a new species from Bergamo Prealps (Northern Italy) 2024 VALLE, BARBARAEUSTACCHIO, ELENAGALLO, GUIDO ROBERTOBERETTA, MARIOBONELLI, MARCOGIANFRANCESCHI, LUCAMANGILI, FEDERICOCACCIANIGA, MARCO + Article (author) -
A Chromosome-Level Reference Genome for the Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), a Declining Circumpolar Seabird 2023 Ferrer Obiol J.Gianfranceschi L.Rubolini D. + Article (author) -
A chromosome-level reference genome and pangenome for barn swallow population genomics 2023 Secomandi, SimonaGallo, Guido RGalati, ElenaCaprioli, ManuelaMessina, GraziellaFerrer Obiol, JoanOlivieri, AnnaRubolini, DiegoSaclier, MarielleAmbrosini, RobertoBonisoli-Alquati, AndreaGianfranceschi, LucaFormenti, Giulio + Article (author) -
Genomics-driven breeding for local adaptation of durum wheat is enhanced by farmers’ traditional knowledge 2023 Luca GianfranceschiGuido Roberto Gallo + Article (author) -
Time trees and clock genes: a systematic review and comparative analysis of contemporary avian migration genetics 2023 Bazzi, GaiaGianfranceschi, LucaRubolini, Diego + Article (author) -
Birds of a feather flock together: a dataset for Clock and Adcyap1 genes from migration genetics studies 2023 Ferrer Obiol, JoanGianfranceschi, LucaRubolini, Diego + Article (author) -
Pangenomics provides insights into the role of synanthropy in barn swallow evolution 2022 S. SecomandiG. GalloE. GalatiM. CaprioliG. MessinaD. RuboliniM. SaclierR. AmbrosiniL. GianfranceschiG. Formenti + Article (author) -
Barn swallow pangenomics provides insights into the evolution of synanthropy 2022 G. GalloS. SecomandiR. AmbrosiniL. GianfranceschiG. Formenti + Conference Object -
Faecal DNA-based genetic survey of a relict Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) population (Sila Massif, S Italy) 2022 Balestrieri, AGianfranceschi, LGatti, ETremolada, P + Article (author) -
The mitogenome relationships and phylogeography of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) 2022 Caprioli, ManuelaSecomandi, SimonaGallo, Guido RobertoCostanzo, AlessandraRomano, AndreaAmbrosini, RobertoRubolini, DiegoGianfranceschi, Luca + Article (author) -
Evolutionary insights from a barn swallow chromosome-level assembly 2021 S. SecomandiG. GalloR. AmbrosiniL. GianfranceschiG. Formenti + Conference Object -
A possible endophytic symbiotic bacterium of endemic species Androsace brevis (Primulaceae) 2021 Bonelli M.Eustacchio E.Casartelli M.Caccianiga M.Gianfranceschi L. + Article (author) -
High mountain plant-pollinator interactions: the case study of the narrow endemic alpine plant Androsace brevis (Hegetschw.) Ces. (Primulaceae) 2021 Eustacchio E.Bonelli M.Melotto A.Gobbi M.Gianfranceschi L.Casartelli M.Caccianiga M. + Article (author) -
Unravelling biology and ecology of the endangered endemic alpine plant Androsace brevis (Hegetschw.) Cesati (Primulaceae) by a multidisciplinary approach 2021 Bonelli M.Eustacchio E.Melotto A.Mangili F.Gobbi M.Beretta M.Gatti E.Onelli E.Gianfranceschi L.Casartelli M.Caccianiga M. + Article (author) -
Video analysis as an innovative approach to investigate plant-arthropod interactions in high mountain environments: the case study of Androsace brevis (Primulaceae) 2021 Melotto A.Bonelli M.Eustacchio E.Gobbi M.Gianfranceschi L.Casartelli M.Caccianiga M. + Article (author) -
Genetic and viability assessment of a reintroduced Eurasian otter Lutra lutra population on the River Ticino, Italy 2021 Balestrieri A.Gianfranceschi L.Tremolada P. + Article (author) -
The otter population of the River Ticino (N Italy) 20 years after its reintroduction 2020 Paolo TremoladaGiorgio SmiroldoEmanuele GattiLuca GianfranceschiAlessandro Balestrieri + Article (author) -
Videorecordings as an innovative method to investigate the behaviour of arthropods on high altitude plants : The case study of Androsace brevis (Hegetschw.) Cesati (Primulaceae) 2020 Andrea MelottoMarco BonelliElena EustacchioMauro GobbiLuca GianfranceschiMorena CasartelliMarco Caccianiga + Conference Object -
Plants and flower-visiting arthropods in mountain ecosystems : the case study of the alpine species Androsace brevis (Primulaceae) 2020 E. EustacchioM. BonelliL. GianfranceschiM. CasartelliM. Caccianiga + Conference Object -
A possible endophytic symbiont of Androsace brevis (Hegetschw.) Cesati (Primulaceae) 2020 M BonelliE EustacchioM CaccianigaL Gianfranceschi + Conference Object -