Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Usefulness of fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) score and metabolic alterations in the prediction of SARS-CoV-2 severity
2022 R. Lombardi, V.L. Mura, A. Cespiati, F. Iuculano, G. Sigon, G. Pallini, M. Proietti, I. Motta, B. Montinaro, E. Fiorelli, M. Cesari, A. Bandera, L. Valenti, F. Peyvandi, N. Montano, M. Baldini, A.L. Fracanzani
Incidence of delayed bleeding in patients on antiplatelet therapy after mild traumatic brain injury : a systematic review and meta-analysis
2021 G. Colombo, M. Bonzi, E. Fiorelli, A. Jachetti, V. Bozzano, G. Casazza, M. Solbiati, G. Costantino
Obesity and sleep disturbances : The "chicken or the egg" question
2021 G.D. Rodrigues, E.M. Fiorelli, L. Furlan, N. Montano, E. Tobaldini
Management of patients with cervical spine trauma in the emergency department: a systematic critical appraisal of guidelines with a view to developing standardized strategies for clinical practice
2021 E. Gesu, P. Bellone, M. Bonzi, G.A. Bertani, B. Brignolo Ottolini, P. Bosco, G. Conte, M. Ferrari, E.M. Fiorelli, H. Kurihara, M. Solbiati, L.P. Solimeno, G. Costantino
Multicentre external validation of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score to predict adverse events and comparison with clinical judgement
2021 M. Solbiati, G. Talerico, P. Villa, F. Dipaola, R. Furlan, L. Furlan, E.M. Fiorelli, F. Rabajoli, I. Casagranda, K. Cazzola, S. Ramuscello, A. Vicenzi, G. Casazza, G. Costantino
Treatment of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) secondary to malignancy: a systematic review
2020 G.M. Podda, E.M. Fiorelli, S. Birocchi, B. Rambaldi, M.C. Di Chio, G. Casazza, M. Cattaneo
Incremental Risk of Intracranial Hemorrhage After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Patients on Antiplatelet Therapy : Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2020 E.M. Fiorelli, V. Bozzano, M. Bonzi, S.V. Rossi, G. Colombo, G. Radici, T. Canini, H. Kurihara, G. Casazza, M. Solbiati, G. Costantino
Cardiac autonomic dynamics during sleep are lost in patients with TIA and stroke
2019 E. Tobaldini, P. Proserpio, V. Oppo, M. Figorilli, E.M. Fiorelli, M. Manconi, E.C. Agostoni, L. Nobili, N. Montano, T. Horvath, C.L. Bassetti
Sleep Duration and the Heart: I Sleep, Therefore I Beat
2019 N. Montano, E. Fiorelli, E. Tobaldini
Short sleep duration and cardiometabolic risk: from pathophysiology to clinical evidence
2019 E. Tobaldini, E.M. Fiorelli, M. Solbiati, G. Costantino, L. Nobili, N. Montano
Secondary prevention of cryptogenic stroke in patients with patent foramen ovale : a systematic review and meta-analysis
2018 E.M. Fiorelli, T. Carandini, D. Gagliardi, V. Bozzano, M. Bonzi, E. Tobaldini, G.P. Comi, E.A. Scarpini, N. Montano, M. Solbiati
Diagnostic accuracy of ICD-9 code 780.2 for the identification of patients with syncope in the emergency department
2018 L. Furlan, M. Solbiati, V. Pacetti, F. Dipaola, M. Meda, M. Bonzi, E. Fiorelli, G. Cernuschi, D. Alberio, G. Casazza, N. Montano, R. Furlan, G. Costantino
A simple treatment for a potentially life-threatening cause of malabsorption
2018 M. Bonzi, E.M. Fiorelli, G. Montanelli, L. Furlan, M. Solbiati
Acute particulate matter affects cardiovascular autonomic modulation and IFN-γ methylation in healthy volunteers
2018 E. Tobaldini, V. Bollati, M. Prado, E.M. Fiorelli, M. Pecis, G. Bissolotti, B. Albetti, L. Cantone, C. Favero, C. Cogliati, P. Carrer, A. Baccarelli, P.A. Bertazzi, N. Montano
Andexanet Alfa for Factor Xa Inhibitor Reversal
2016 S. Birocchi, E.M. Fiorelli, G.M. Podda
Accuracy of Peripheral Thermometers for Estimating Temperature
2016 M. Bonzi, E.M. Fiorelli, M. Solbiati, N. Montano
Is perioperative bridging anticoagulation useful in patients with atrial fibrillation?
2016 E.M. Fiorelli, G. Podda
Retrospective study of patients' persistence on treatment with Vitamin K antagonists in the setting of an anticoagulation clinic in Italy
2015 E.M. Fiorelli, S. Ricci, S. Birocchi, G. Carpani, M. Cattaneo
Primary PCI is associated with different cardiac autonomic patterns in relation to the site of myocardial infarction
2015 E. Tobaldini, E.M. Fiorelli, M. Prado, M.A. Wu, A. Queiroz, T. Kara, G. Costantino, A. Belloni, L. Campi, P. Danna, R. Sala, M. Viecca, N. Montano
Predictive accuracy of triage nurses evaluation in risk stratification of syncope in the emergency department
2014 M. Bonzi, E.M. Fiorelli, L. Angaroni, L. Furlan, M. Solbiati, C. Colombo, F. Dipaola, N. Montano, R. Furlan, G. Costantino