Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale
Multicentre external validation of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score to predict adverse events and comparison with clinical judgement
2021 M. Solbiati, G. Talerico, P. Villa, F. Dipaola, R. Furlan, L. Furlan, E.M. Fiorelli, F. Rabajoli, I. Casagranda, K. Cazzola, S. Ramuscello, A. Vicenzi, G. Casazza, G. Costantino
Machine Learning and Syncope Management in the {ED}: The Future Is Coming
2021 F. Dipaola, D. Shiffer, M. Gatti, R. Men(`(e)), M. Solbiati, R. Furlan
Impact of implementing a Choosing Wisely educational intervention into clinical practice: The CW-SIMI study (a multicenter-controlled study)
2021 G. Costantino, L. Furlan, C. Bracco, M.D. Cappellini, G. Casazza, V. Nunziata, C.B. Cogliati, A. Fracanzani, R. Furlan, G. Gambassi, R. Manetti, R. Manna, A. Piccoli, A.M. Pignone, G. Podda, T. Salvatore, S. Sella, A. Squizzato, M. Tresoldi, F. Perticone, A. Pietrangelo, G.R. Corazza, N. Montano
Association Between US Physician Malpractice Claims Rates and Hospital Admission Rates Among Patients With Lower-Risk Syncope
2020 J. Quinn, S. Chung, A. Murchland, G. Casazza, G. Costantino, M. Solbiati, R. Furlan
Predictive Accuracy of Electrocardiographic Monitoring of Patients With Syncope in the Emergency Department : The SyMoNE Multicenter Study
2020 M. Solbiati, F. Dipaola, P. Villa, S. Seghezzi, I. Casagranda, F. Rabajoli, E. Fiorini, L. Porta, G. Casazza, A. Voza, F. Barbic, N. Montano, R. Furlan, G. Costantino
Time course of autonomic symptoms in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (Pots) patients : Two-year follow-up results
2020 F. Dipaola, C. Barberi, E. Castelnuovo, M. Minonzio, R. Fornerone, D. Shiffer, B. Cairo, A.R. Zamuner, F. Barbic, R. Furlan
Artificial neural networks and risk stratification in emergency departments
2019 G. Falavigna, G. Costantino, R. Furlan, J.V. Quinn, A. Ungar, R. Ippoliti
A systematic review of noninvasive electrocardiogram monitoring devices for the evaluation of suspected cardiovascular syncope
2019 M. Solbiati, L. Trombetta, R.M. Sacco, L. Erba, V. Bozzano, G. Costantino, S.R. Raj, F. Barbic, G. Casazza, F. Dipaola, R. Furlan, R.A. Kenny, J.V. Quinn, R.S. Sheldon, W.-. Shen, B.C. Sun, V. Thiruganasambandamoorthy, M.J. Reed
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Natural Language Processing for the Recognition of Syncope Patients on Emergency Department Medical Records
2019 F. Dipaola, M. Gatti, V. Pacetti, A.G. Bottaccioli, D. Shiffer, M. Minonzio, R. Menè, A. Giaj Levra, M. Solbiati, G. Costantino, M. Anastasio, E. Sini, F. Barbic, E. Brunetta, R. Furlan
Syncope in a Working-Age Population: Recurrence Risk and Related Risk Factors
2019 F. Barbic, F. Dipaola, G. Casazza, M. Borella, M. Minonzio, M. Solbiati, S.R. Raj, R. Sheldon, J. Quinn, G. Costantino, R. Furlan
Cardiovascular autonomic profile in women with constitutional hypotension
2018 G. Jacob, F. Barbic, M. Glago, F. Dipaola, A. Porta, R. Furlan
Effects of clockwise and counterclockwise job shift work rotation on sleep and work-life balance on hospital nurses
2018 D. Shiffer, M. Minonzio, F. Dipaola, M. Bertola, A.R. Zamuner, L.A.D. Vecchia, M. Solbiati, G. Costantino, R. Furlan, F. Barbic
Outcomes in syncope research : a systematic review and critical appraisal
2018 M. Solbiati, V. Bozzano, F. Barbic, G. Casazza, F. Dipaola, J.V. Quinn, M.J. Reed, R.S. Sheldon, W. Shen, B.C. Sun, V. Thiruganasambandamoorthy, R. Furlan, G. Costantino
The diagnostic yield of implantable loop recorders in unexplained syncope : A systematic review and meta-analysis
2017 M. Solbiati, G. Casazza, F. Dipaola, F. Barbic, M. Caldato, N. Montano, R. Furlan, R.S. Sheldon, G.M. Costantino
Complexity analysis of cardiovascular oscillations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2016 B. De Maria, G. Mora, K. Marinou, R. Sideri, A. Porta, R. Furlan, L. Dalla Vecchia
Cardiovascular regulatory profile in subjects with constitutional hypotension
2016 G. Jacob, F. Barbic, F. Dipaola, M. Glago, A. Porta, R. Furlan
Vascular sympathetic control in Sjogren syndrome
2016 E. Brunetta, P. Mandelli, M.I.S. Achenza, E. Scannella, L. Boccassini, A. Marchi, F. Barbic, I. Bianchi, P. Sarzi Puttini, A. Porta, R. Furlan
Implantable loop recorder versus conventional diagnostic workup for unexplained recurrent syncope
2016 M. Solbiati, G. Costantino, G. Casazza, F. Dipaola, A. Galli, R. Furlan, N. Montano, R. Sheldon
Neural networks as a tool to predict syncope risk in the Emergency Department
2016 G. Costantino, G. Falavigna, M. Solbiati, I. Casagranda, B.C. Sun, S.A. Grossman, J.V. Quinn, M.J. Reed, A. Ungar, N. Montano, R. Furlan, R. Ippoliti
Syncope clinical management in the emergency department: a consensus from the first international workshop on syncope risk stratification in the emergency department
2016 G. Costantino, B.C. Sun, F. Barbic, I. Bossi, G. Casazza, F. Dipaola, D. Mcdermott, J. Quinn, M.J. Reed, R.S. Sheldon, M. Solbiati, V. Thiruganasambandamoorthy, D. Beach, N. Bodemer, M. Brignole, I. Casagranda, A. Del Rosso, P. Duca, G. Falavigna, S.A. Grossman, R. Ippoliti, A.D. Krahn, N. Montano, C.A. Morillo, B. Olshansky, S.R. Raj, M.H. Ruwald, F.P. Sarasin, W. Shen, I. Stiell, A. Ungar, J. Gert Van Dijk, N. Van Dijk, W. Wieling, R. Furlan