Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari
Development of an in vitro model to simulate the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption of stabilizing agents
2014 F. Uberti, E. Corsini, P. Poatti, Y. Manzoni, E. Peñas, P. Restani
Clinical monosensitivity to salmon and rainbow trout : a case report
2014 E. Peñas, F. Uberti, G. Baviera, C. Di Lorenzo, P. Restani
Diversity of oat varieties in eliciting the early inflammatory events in celiac disease
2014 M. Silano, M.E. Penas Pozo, F. Uberti, S. Manferdelli, T. Del Pinto, C. Felli, A. Budelli, O. Vincentini, P. Restani
Catechin stability in commercial teas during their shelf-life
2012 C. Di Lorenzo, A. Dos Santos, E. Moro, F. Uberti, E. Peñas Pozo, P. Restani
Coeliac disease and oats : molecular assessment of their suitability for coeliac's diet
2012 F. Uberti, E. Peñas, C. Ballabio, C. Di Lorenzo, C. Catassi, S. Manferdelli, P. Restani
Polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of grape, grape juices, and musts
2011 C. Di Lorenzo, A. Dos Santos, E. Penas, C. Ballabio, F. Uberti, P. Restani
Assessment of the presence of allergenic residues in commercial wines fined with caseinates or egg white proteins
2011 P. Restani, F. Uberti, C. Ballabio, E. Penas, C. Di Lorenzo, R. Danzi, C. Tarantino