Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni
The Jesuit mission in early modern Ireland, 1560–1760. Edited by Mary Ann Lyons and Brian Mac Cuarta. Pp. 269 incl. 5 ills. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2022. £50. 978 1 80151 025 7
2024 A. Andreani
Metalinguistic labelling in Florio’s A Worlde of Words (1598)
2024 A. Andreani
2023 A. Andreani
Sixteenth-Century English Dictionaries. By John Considine. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xiv + 496. ISBN 978-0-19-883228-7
2023 A. Andreani
Mapping the history of language-related terminology in English (1500-1700): A corpus-based collocate approach
2023 A. Andreani, D. Russo
Notes on a Catholic Manuscript Compilation in Oxford, Bodleian Libraries MS. Rawl. 107 D
2023 A. Andreani
Building a Corpus of the Metalanguage of English Linguistics 1500-1700: Methodological Issues
2023 A. Andreani, D. Russo
European Renaissance Archives
2022 A. Andreani
False “cacographees” and “correct” English names: the quest for perfect botanical naming in early modern England
2022 A. Andreani
Étienne Pasquier, The Jesuits’ catechism or their doctrine examined (1602). Edited by Robert A. Maryks and Jotham Parsons (trans. Patricia M. Ranum). (Jesuit Studies, 33; Anti-Jesuit Literature, 1.) Pp. lxxi + 453. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2021. €157. 978 90 04 14936 6; 2214 3289
2022 A. Andreani
Confessionalism and mobility in early modern Ireland. By Tadhg Ó hAnnracháin. Pp. xii + 373. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £90. 978 0 19 887091 3
2022 A. Andreani
Translating Ecclesiastical Historiography in Tudor England
2021 A. Andreani
Sui sentieri delle lingue: Sistemi linguistici tra movimento e complessità
2021 E. Alberani, A. Andreani, C. Dozio, L. Paracchini
A database of early modern first citations from the OED: Religious and geographical terminology
2021 A. Andreani, D. Russo
2021 E. Alberani, A. Andreani, C. Dozio, L. Paracchini
Meredith Hanmer and the Elizabethan Church: A Clergyman’s Career in 16th Century England and Ireland
2020 A. Andreani
The Elizabethan map of the languages of Britain : Evidence from two Celtic-English wordlists
2020 A. Andreani
Ogden’s Basic English and its roots in the Early Modern English search for language simplicity
2020 D. Russo, A. Andreani
The Clergy and the Military in Early Modern Ireland
2019 A. Andreani, A. Hadfield
The role of church history in the history of English : a terminological corpus-based analysis
2019 A. Andreani, D. Russo