Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Could war and the supply chain crisis affect the sustainability of gastrointestinal endoscopy and single-use endoscopes?
2023 A. Sorge, G. Tontini, L. Scaramella, N. Nandi, F. Cavallaro, M. Vecchi, L. Elli
Effectiveness of double-balloon enteroscopy-assisted endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (DBE-ERCP): A multicenter real-world study.
2023 E. Farina, P. Cantù, F. Cavallaro, V. Iori, E. Rosa-Rizzotto, M. Cavina, G. Tontini, N. Nandi, L. Scaramella, R. Sassatelli, R. Penagini, M. Vecchi, L. Elli
Nomenclature and Definition of Atrophic Lesions in Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy: A Delphi Consensus Statement of the International CApsule endoscopy REsearch (I-CARE) Group.
2022 L. Elli, B. Marinoni, R. Sidhu, C. Bojarski, F. Branchi, G. Tontini, S. Chetcuti Zammit, S. Khater, R. Eliakim, E. Rondonotti, J. Saurin, M. Bruno, J. Buchkremer, S. Cadoni, F. Cavallaro, X. Dray, P. Ellul, I. Urien, M. Keuchel, U. Kopylov, A. Koulaouzidis, R. Leenhardt, P. Baltes, H. Beaumont, C. Marmo, D. Mcnamara, A. Mussetto, A. Nemeth, E. Cuadrado Robles, G. Perrod, G. Rahmi, M. Riccioni, A. Robertson, C. Spada, E. Toth, K. Triantafyllou, G. Wurm Johansson, A. Rimondi, G. International CApsule endoscopy REsearch (I-CARE)
Safety and efficacy of dual emission endoscopic laser treatment in patients with upper or lower gastrointestinal vascular lesions causing chronic anemia: results from the first multicenter cohort study
2022 G. Tontini, L. Dioscoridi, A. Rimondi, P. Cantù, F. Cavallaro, A. Giannetti, L. Elli, L. Pastorelli, F. Pugliese, M. Mutignani, M. Vecchi
Efficacy and tolerability of high and low-volume bowel preparation compared : A real-life single-blinded large-population study
2021 V. Occhipinti, P. Soriani, F. Bagolini, V. Milani, E. Rondonotti, M.L. Annunziata, F. Cavallaro, S. Vavassori, M. Vecchi, L. Pastorelli, G.E. Tontini
Safety and clinical efficacy of the double switch from originator infliximab to biosimilars CT-P13 and SB2 in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (SCESICS): A multicenter cohort study
2021 S. Mazza, O.S.N. Piazza, F.S. Conforti, A. Fasci, A. Rimondi, B. Marinoni, V. Casini, C. Ricci, F. Munari, L. Pirola, P. Invernizzi, C. Girelli, G. Lupinacci, L. Pastorelli, F. Cavallaro, L. Ferraris, A. Colucci, A. Amato, G. Eugenio Tontini, M. Vecchi, G. Fiorino, F. Caprioli
Low prevalence of colorectal neoplasia in microscopic colitis : A large prospective multi-center study
2021 E. Borsotti, B. Barberio, R. D'Inca, G. Bonitta, F. Cavallaro, L. Spina, L. Pastorelli, E. Rondonotti, L. Samperi, M. Dinelli, M. Vecchi, G.E. Tontini
Ultrasonography Tight Control and Monitoring in Crohn's Disease During Different Biological Therapies: A Multicenter Study
2021 E. Calabrese, A. Rispo, F. Zorzi, E. De Cristofaro, A. Testa, G. Costantino, A. Viola, C. Bezzio, C. Ricci, S. Prencipe, C. Racchini, G. Stefanelli, M. Allocca, S. Scotto di Santolo, M.V. D'Auria, P. Balestrieri, A. Ricchiuti, M. Cappello, F. Cavallaro, A.D. Guarino, G. Maconi, A. Spagnoli, G. Monteleone, F. Castiglione
Uso della videocapsula nelle ibd: Che c’è di nuovo?
2020 G.E. Tontini, F. Cavallaro, L. Elli, M. Vecchi
Nomenclature and semantic descriptions of ulcerative and inflammatory lesions seen in Crohn’s disease in small bowel capsule endoscopy: An international Delphi consensus statement
2020 R. Leenhardt, A. Buisson, A. Bourreille, P. Marteau, A. Koulaouzidis, C. Li, M. Keuchel, E. Rondonotti, E. Toth, J.N. Plevris, R. Eliakim, B. Rosa, K. Triantafyllou, L. Elli, G. Wurm Johansson, S. Panter, P. Ellul, E. Perez-Cuadrado Robles, D. Mcnamara, H. Beaumont, C. Spada, F. Cavallaro, F. Cholet, I. Fernandez-Urien Sainz, U. Kopylov, M.E. Mcalindon, A. Nemeth, G.E. Tontini, D.E. Yung, Y. Niv, G. Rahmi, J.-. Saurin, X. Dray
Nomenclature and semantic description of vascular lesions in small bowel capsule endoscopy: an international Delphi consensus statement
2019 R. Leenhardt, C. Li, A. Koulaouzidis, F. Cavallaro, F. Cholet, R. Eliakim, I. Fernandez-Urien, U. Kopylov, M. Mcalindon, A. Németh, J.N. Plevris, G. Rahmi, E. Rondonotti, J. Saurin, G.E. Tontini, E. Toth, D. Yung, P. Marteau, X. Dray
A rare case of angina bullosa hemorrhagica of the esophagus
2019 F. Cavallaro, G.E. Tontini, E. Leggieri, P. Lagoussis, A. Prada, L. Bonavina, L. Pastorelli
Thulium laser in interventional endoscopy : animal and human studies
2017 G.E. Tontini, H. Neumann, L. Pastorelli, L. Spina, F. Cavallaro, P. Soriani, A. Rimondi, B. Bruni, C. Clemente, F. Fagnani, P. Lagoussis, L. Carmignani, M. Vecchi
The role of wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) in the detection of occult primary neuroendocrine tumors
2017 M. Furnari, A. Buda, G. Delconte, D. Citterio, T. Voiosu, G. Ballardini, F. Cavallaro, E. Savarino, V. Mazzaferro, E. Meroni
Anti-TNF-Mediated Modulation of Prohepcidin Improves Iron Availability in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, in an IL-6-Mediated Fashion
2017 F. Cavallaro, L. Duca, L.F. Pisani, R. Rigolini, L. Spina, G.E. Tontini, N. Munizio, E. Costa, M.D. Cappellini, M. Vecchi, L. Pastorelli
Small-bowel capsule endoscopy with panoramic view : results of the first multicenter, observational study (with videos)
2017 G.E. Tontini, F. Wiedbrauck, F. Cavallaro, A. Koulaouzidis, R. Marino, L. Pastorelli, L. Spina, M.E. Mcalindon, P. Leoni, P. Vitagliano, S. Cadoni, E. Rondonotti, M. Vecchi
In-vivo axial-strain sonoelastography helps distinguish acutely-inflamed from fibrotic terminal ileum strictures in patients with Crohn's disease : preliminary results
2016 L.M. Sconfienza, F. Cavallaro, V. Colombi, L. Pastorelli, G. Tontini, L. Pescatori, A. Esseridou, E. Savarino, C. Messina, R. Casale, G. Di Leo, F. Sardanelli, M. Vecchi
Resistance to thrombomodulin is associated with de novo portal vein thrombosis and low survival in patients with cirrhosis
2016 V. La Mura, A. Tripodi, G. Tosetti, F. Cavallaro, V. Chantarangkul, M. Colombo, M. Primignani
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of splenic vein thrombosis: a novel approach to the portal venous system
2016 G. Delconte, S. Bhoori, M. Milione, F. Cavallaro, E. Masci, P.D. Siersema, V. Mazzaferro
Microscopic colitis and colorectal neoplastic lesion rate in chronic nonbloody diarrhea : a prospective, multicenter study
2014 G.E. Tontini, L. Pastorelli, L. Spina, F. Fabris, B. Bruni, C. Clemente, G. De Nucci, F. Cavallaro, S. Marconi, M.F. Neurath, H. Neumann, M. Tacconi, M. Vecchi