Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Intake of prebiotic fibers and the risk of laryngeal cancer: the PrebiotiCa study
2023 F. Turati, F. Concina, P. Bertuccio, F. Fiori, M. Parpinel, M. Taborelli, V. Rosato, W. Garavello, E. Negri, C. La Vecchia
Processed meat and risk of selected digestive tract and laryngeal cancers
2019 V. Rosato, D. Kawakita, E. Negri, D. Serraino, W. Garavello, M. Montella, A. Decarli, C. La Vecchia, M. Ferraroni
Flavonoids and bladder cancer risk
2019 M. Rossi, P. Strikoudi, M. Spei, M. Parpinel, D. Serraino, M. Montella, M. Libra, C. La Vecchia, V. Rosato
Dietary inflammatory index and acute myocardial infarction in a large Italian case-control study
2018 N. Shivappa, A. Tavani, J.R. Hébert, V. Rosato, C. La Vecchia
Processed Meat and Risk of Renal Cell and Bladder Cancers
2018 V. Rosato, E. Negri, D. Serraino, M. Montella, M. Libra, P. Lagiou, G. Facchini, M. Ferraroni, A. Decarli, C.L. Vecchia
Processed meat and selected hormone-related cancers
2018 V. Rosato, E. Negri, F. Parazzini, D. Serraino, M. Montella, M. Ferraroni, A. Decarli, C. La Vecchia
Dietary Inflammatory Index and Risk of Bladder Cancer in a Large Italian Case-Control Study
2017 N. Shivappa, J.R. Hébert, V. Rosato, M. Rossi, M. Libra, M. Montella, D. Serraino, C. La Vecchia
Association between the dietary inflammatory index and breast cancer in a large Italian case-control study
2017 N. Shivappa, J.R. Hébert, V. Rosato, M. Montella, D. Serraino, C. La Vecchia
Dietary Inflammatory Index and Renal Cell Carcinoma Risk in an Italian Case-Control Study
2017 N. Shivappa, J.R. Hébert, V. Rosato, M. Rossi, M. Montella, D. Serraino, C. La Vecchia
Processed Meat and Colorectal Cancer Risk : a Pooled Analysis of Three Italian Case-Control Studies
2017 V. Rosato, A. Tavani, E. Negri, D. Serraino, M. Montella, A. Decarli, C. La Vecchia, M. Ferraroni
Dietary acrylamide and the risk of pancreatic cancer in the International Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (PanC4)
2017 C. Pelucchi, V. Rosato, P.M. Bracci, D. Li, R.E. Neale, E. Lucenteforte, D. Serraino, K.E. Anderson, E. Fontham, E.A. Holly, M.M. Hassan, J. Polesel, C. Bosetti, L. Strayer, J. Su, P. Boffetta, E.J. Duell, C. La Vecchia
Inflammatory potential of diet and risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer in a large case-control study from Italy
2017 N. Shivappa, J.R. Hébert, V. Rosato, W. Garavello, D. Serraino, C. La Vecchia
A systems approach identifies time-dependent associations of multimorbidities with pancreatic cancer risk
2017 P. Gomez Rubio, V. Rosato, M. Marquez, C. Bosetti, E. Molina Montes, M. Rava', J. Piñero, C.W. Michalski, A. Farré, X. Molero, M. Löhr, L. Ilzarbe, J. Perea, W. Greenhalf, M. O'Rorke, A. Tardón, T. Gress, V.M. Barberà, T. Crnogorac Jurcevic, L. Muñoz Bellvís, E. Domínguez Muñoz, A. Gutiérrez Sacristán, J. Balsells, E. Costello, C. Guillén Ponce, J. Huang, M. Iglesias, J. Kleeff, B. Kong, J. Mora, L.M.A. Murray, D. O'Driscoll, P. Peláez, I. Poves, R.T. Lawlor, A. Carrato, M. Hidalgo, A. Scarpa, L. Sharp, L.I. Furlong, F.X. Real, C. La Vecchia, N. Malats
Mediterranean diet and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
2017 V. Rosato, T. Norman J, C.V.B. LA VECCHIA, C. Giorgio, T. Alessandra, V. Guercio
Evaluation of the Care Pathway in a Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients from Northern Italy : a New Methodological Approach
2016 V. Rosato, A. Andreano, M. Ferraroni, L. Cavalieri d’Oro, P. Ricci, A. Zucchi, A.G. Russo, A. Decarli
The effect of breakfast composition and energy contribution on cognitive and academic performance: A systematic review
2016 V. Edefonti, V. Rosato, M. Parpinel, G. Nebbia, L. Fiorica, E. Fossali, M. Ferraroni, A. Decarli, C. Agostoni
Energy contribution and nutrient composition of breakfast and their relations to overweight in free-living individuals : A systematic review
2016 V. Rosato, V. Edefonti, M. Parpinel, G.P. Milani, A. Mazzocchi, A. Decarli, C. Agostoni, M. Ferraroni
Type 2 diabetes, antidiabetic medications, and colorectal cancer risk : Two case-control studies from Italy and Spain
2016 V. Rosato, A. Tavani, E. Gracia Lavedan, E. Guinó, G. Castaño Vinyals, C.M. Villanueva, M. Kogevinas, J. Polesel, D. Serraino, F.E. Pisa, F. Barbone, V. Moreno, C. La Vecchia, C. Bosetti
Inflammatory potential of diet and risk of laryngeal cancer in a case–control study from Italy
2016 N. Shivappa, J.R. Hébert, V. Rosato, D. Serraino, C. la Vecchia
Dietary inflammatory index and ovarian cancer risk in a large Italian case–control study
2016 N. Shivappa, J.R. Hébert, V. Rosato, M. Rossi, M. Montella, D. Serraino, C. La Vecchia