Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
The role of coffee consumption in breast and ovarian cancer risk: updated meta-analyses
2019 C. Bamia, F. Turati, N. Guha, P. van den Brandt, D. Loomis, M. Ferraroni, C. La Vecchia, A. Tavani, V. Guercio
Proanthocyanidins and the risk of prostate cancer in Italy
2018 D. Praud, M. Parpinel, V. Guercio, C. Bosetti, D. Serraino, G. Facchini, M. Montella, C. La Vecchia, M. Rossi
EFSA new guidance on endocrine disruptors: comments, critical aspects and a case study
2018 F. Metruccio, F. Galimberti, C. Civitella, V. Guercio, A. Moretto
Exposure to PFOA and PFOS and fetal growth : a critical merging of toxicological and epidemiological data
2017 E. Negri, F. Metruccio, V. Guercio, L. Tosti, E. Benfenati, R. Bonzi, C. La Vecchia, A. Moretto
Critical Merging of Toxicological and Epidemiological Data: The Example of PFOA and PFOS and Fetal Growth
2017 A. Moretto, E. Negri, F. Metruccio, V. Guercio, L. Tosti, E. Benfenati, R. Bonzi, C. La Vecchia
Stirene e aborto: approccio integrato nella valutazione di dati epidemiologici e tossicologici
2017 F. Metruccio, L. Tosti, E. Negri, V. Guercio, R. Bonzi, E. Benfenati, A. Moretto
Bladder cancer risk in users of selected drugs for cardiovascular disease prevention
2017 V. Guercio, F. Turati, C. Bosetti, J. Polesel, D. Serraino, M. Montella, M. Libra, A. Galfano, C. La Vecchia, A. Tavani
Mediterranean diet and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
2017 V. Rosato, T. Norman J, C.V.B. LA VECCHIA, C. Giorgio, T. Alessandra, V. Guercio
Recommended immunization schedules for adults : clinical practice guidelines by the Escmid Vaccine Study Group (EVASG), European Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) and the World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders (WAidid)
2016 S. Esposito, P. Bonanni, S. Maggi, L. Tan, F. Ansaldi, P.L. Lopalco, R. Dagan, J. Michel, P. van Damme, J. Gaillat, R. Prymula, T. Vesikari, C. Mussini, U. Frank, A. Osterhaus, L.P. Celentano, M. Rossi, V. Guercio, G. Gavazzi
Allium vegetables and upper aerodigestive tract cancers : a meta-analysis of observational studies
2016 V. Guercio, F. Turati, C. La Vecchia, C. Galeone, A. Tavani
Mediterranean diet and colorectal cancer risk : A pooled analysis of three Italian case-control studies
2016 V. Rosato, V. Guercio, C. Bosetti, E. Negri, D. Serraino, A. Giacosa, M. Montella, C. La Vecchia, A. Tavani
Allium vegetable intake and gastric cancer : a case-control study and meta-analysis
2015 F. Turati, C. Pelucchi, V. Guercio, C. La Vecchia, C. Galeone
Relation of allium vegetables intake with head and neck cancers : evidence from the INHANCE consortium
2015 C. Galeone, F. Turati, Z. Zhang, V. Guercio, A. Tavani, D. Serraino, P. Brennan, E. Fabianova, J. Lissowska, D. Mates, P. Rudnai, O. Shangina, N. Szeszenia-Dabrowska, T.L. Vaughan, K. Kelsey, M. Mcclean, F. Levi, R.B. Hayes, M.P. Purdue, C. Bosetti, H. Brenner, C. Pelucchi, Y.A. Lee, M. Hashibe, P. Boffetta, C. La Vecchia
Gastric cancer and allium vegetable intake: A critical review of the experimental and epidemiologic evidence
2014 V. Guercio, C. Galeone, F. Turati, C. La Vecchia
Colorectal cancer and adenomatous polyps in relation to allium vegetables intake : a meta-analysis of observational studies
2014 F. Turati, V. Guercio, C. Pelucchi, C. La Vecchia, C. Galeone