Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
TREM2 Expression and Amyloid-Beta Phagocytosis in Alzheimer's Disease
2023 F. La Rosa, S. Agostini, F. Piancone, I. Marventano, A. Hernis, C. Fenoglio, D. Galimberti, E. Scarpini, M. Saresella, M. Clerici
Modulation of MAPK- and PI3/AKT-Dependent Autophagy Signaling by Stavudine (D4T) in PBMC of Alzheimer's Disease Patients
2022 F. La Rosa, C.P. Zoia, C. Bazzini, A. Bolognini, M. Saresella, E. Conti, C. Ferrarese, F. Piancone, I. Marventano, D. Galimberti, C. Fenoglio, E. Scarpini, M. Clerici
Inflammatory Responses to Monomeric and Aggregated α-Synuclein in Peripheral Blood of Parkinson Disease Patients
2021 F. Piancone, M. Saresella, F. La Rosa, I. Marventano, M. Meloni, J. Navarro, M. Clerici
Deregulation of IL-37 and its miRNAs modulators in sarcopenic patients after rehabilitation
2021 F. La Rosa, S. Agostini, M. Saresella, A.S. Costa, F. Piancone, R. Miglioli, F. Trecate, M. Clerici
NK Cell Subpopulations and Receptor Expression in Recovering SARS-CoV-2 Infection
2021 M. Saresella, D. Trabattoni, I. Marventano, F. Piancone, F. La Rosa, A. Caronni, A. Lax, L. Bianchi, P. Banfi, J. Navarro, E. Bolognesi, M. Zanzottera, F.R. Guerini, M. Clerici
IL-33 and its decoy sST2 in patients with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment
2020 M. Saresella, I. Marventano, F. Piancone, F. La Rosa, D. Galimberti, C. Fenoglio, E. Scarpini, M. Clerici
A straightforward LC-MS/MS analysis to study serum profile of short and medium chain fatty acids
2020 M. Dei Cas, R. Paroni, A. Saccardo, E. Casagni, S. Arnoldi, V. Gambaro, M. Saresella, M. Clerici, F. La Rosa, I. Marventano, F. Piancone, G. Roda
Leishmania infantum infection reduces the amyloid β42-stimulated NLRP3 inflammasome activation
2020 M. Saresella, N. Basilico, I. Marventano, F. Perego, F. La Rosa, F. Piancone, D. Taramelli, H. Banks, M. Clerici
Alterations in Circulating Fatty Acid Are Associated With Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis and Inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis
2020 M. Saresella, I. Marventano, M. Barone, F. La Rosa, F. Piancone, L. Mendozzi, A. D'Arma, V. Rossi, L. Pugnetti, G. Roda, E. Casagni, M. Dei Cas, R. Paroni, P. Brigidi, S. Turroni, M. Clerici
Stavudine Reduces NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation and Modulates Amyloid-β Autophagy
2019 F. La Rosa, M. Saresella, I. Marventano, F. Piancone, E. Ripamonti, N. Al-Daghri, C. Zoia, E. Conti, C. Ferrarese, M. Clerici
Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) infection induces a potent but ineffective IFN-λ production in immune cells of AD and PD patients
2019 F. La Rosa, S. Agostini, A. Bianchi, R. Nemni, F. Piancone, I. Marventano, R. Mancuso, M. Saresella, M. Clerici
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)
2019 A. Cossarizza, H.-. Chang, A. Radbruch, A. Acs, D. Adam, S. Adam-Klages, W.W. Agace, N. Aghaeepour, M. Akdis, M. Allez, L.N. Almeida, G. Alvisi, G. Anderson, I. Andra, F. Annunziato, A. Anselmo, P. Bacher, C.T. Baldari, S. Bari, V. Barnaba, J. Barros-Martins, L. Battistini, W. Bauer, S. Baumgart, N. Baumgarth, D. Baumjohann, B. Baying, M. Bebawy, B. Becher, W. Beisker, V. Benes, R. Beyaert, A. Blanco, D.A. Boardman, C. Bogdan, J.G. Borger, G. Borsellino, P.E. Boulais, J.A. Bradford, D. Brenner, R.R. Brinkman, A.E.S. Brooks, D.H. Busch, M. Buscher, T.P. Bushnell, F. Calzetti, G. Cameron, I. Cammarata, X. Cao, S.L. Cardell, S. Casola, M.A. Cassatella, A. Cavani, A. Celada, L. Chatenoud, P.K. Chattopadhyay, S. Chow, E. Christakou, L. Cicin-Sain, M. Clerici, F.S. Colombo, L. Cook, A. Cooke, A.M. Cooper, A.J. Corbett, A. Cosma, L. Cosmi, P.G. Coulie, A. Cumano, L. Cvetkovic, V.D. Dang, C. Dang-Heine, M.S. Davey, D. Davies, S. De Biasi, G. Del Zotto, G.V. Dela Cruz, M. Delacher, S. Della Bella, P. Dellabona, G. Deniz, M. Dessing, J.P. Di Santo, A. Diefenbach, F. Dieli, A. Dolf, T. Dorner, R.J. Dress, D. Dudziak, M. Dustin, C.-. Dutertre, F. Ebner, S.B.G. Eckle, M. Edinger, P. Eede, G.R.A. Ehrhardt, M. Eich, P. Engel, B. Engelhardt, A. Erdei, C. Esser, B. Everts, M. Evrard, C.S. Falk, T.A. Fehniger, M. Felipo-Benavent, H. Ferry, M. Feuerer, A. Filby, K. Filkor, S. Fillatreau, M. Follo, I. Forster, J. Foster, G.A. Foulds, B. Frehse, P.S. Frenette, S. Frischbutter, W. Fritzsche, D.W. Galbraith, A. Gangaev, N. Garbi, B. Gaudilliere, R.T. Gazzinelli, J. Geginat, W. Gerner, N.A. Gherardin, K. Ghoreschi, L. Gibellini, F. Ginhoux, K. Goda, D.I. Godfrey, C. Goettlinger, J.M. Gonzalez-Navajas, C.S. Goodyear, A. Gori, J.L. Grogan, D. Grummitt, A. Grutzkau, C. Haftmann, J. Hahn, H. Hammad, G. Hammerling, L. Hansmann, G. Hansson, C.M. Harpur, S. Hartmann, A. Hauser, A.E. Hauser, D.L. Haviland, D. Hedley, D.C. Hernandez, G. Herrera, M. Herrmann, C. Hess, T. Hofer, P. Hoffmann, K. Hogquist, T. Holland, T. Hollt, R. Holmdahl, P. Hombrink, J.P. Houston, B.F. Hoyer, B. Huang, F.-. Huang, J.E. Huber, J. Huehn, M. Hundemer, C.A. Hunter, W.Y.K. Hwang, A. Iannone, F. Ingelfinger, S.M. Ivison, H.-. Jack, P.K. Jani, B. Javega, S. Jonjic, T. Kaiser, T. Kalina, T. Kamradt, S.H.E. Kaufmann, B. Keller, S.L.C. Ketelaars, A. Khalilnezhad, S. Khan, J. Kisielow, P. Klenerman, J. Knopf, H.-. Koay, K. Kobow, J.K. Kolls, W.T. Kong, M. Kopf, T. Korn, K. Kriegsmann, H. Kristyanto, T. Kroneis, A. Krueger, J. Kuhne, C. Kukat, D. Kunkel, H. Kunze-Schumacher, T. Kurosaki, C. Kurts, P. Kvistborg, I. Kwok, J. Landry, O. Lantz, P. Lanuti, F. Larosa, A. Lehuen, S. LeibundGut-Landmann, M.D. Leipold, L.Y.T. Leung, M.K. Levings, A.C. Lino, F. Liotta, V. Litwin, Y. Liu, H.-. Ljunggren, M. Lohoff, G. Lombardi, L. Lopez, M. Lopez-Botet, A.E. Lovett-Racke, E. Lubberts, H. Luche, B. Ludewig, E. Lugli, S. Lunemann, H.T. Maecker, L. Maggi, O. Maguire, F. Mair, K.H. Mair, A. Mantovani, R.A. Manz, A.J. Marshall, A. Martinez-Romero, G. Martrus, I. Marventano, W. Maslinski, G. Matarese, A.V. Mattioli, C. Maueroder, A. Mazzoni, J. Mccluskey, M. Mcgrath, H.M. Mcguire, I.B. Mcinnes, H.E. Mei, F. Melchers, S. Melzer, D. Mielenz, S.D. Miller, K.H.G. Mills, H. Minderman, J. Mjosberg, J. Moore, B. Moran, L. Moretta, T.R. Mosmann, S. Muller, G. Multhoff, L.E. Munoz, C. Munz, T. Nakayama, M. Nasi, K. Neumann, L.G. Ng, A. Niedobitek, S. Nourshargh, G. Nunez, J.-. O'Connor, A. Ochel, A. Oja, D. Ordonez, A. Orfao, E. Orlowski-Oliver, W. Ouyang, A. Oxenius, R. Palankar, I. Panse, K. Pattanapanyasat, M. Paulsen, D. Pavlinic, L. Penter, P. Peterson, C. Peth, J. Petriz, F. Piancone, W.F. Pickl, S. Piconese, M. Pinti, A.G. Pockley, M.J. Podolska, Z. Poon, K. Pracht, I. Prinz, C.E.M. Pucillo, S.A. Quataert, L. Quatrini, K.M. Quinn, H. Radbruch, T.R.D.J. Radstake, S. Rahmig, H.-. Rahn, B. Rajwa, G. Ravichandran, Y. Raz, J.A. Rebhahn, D. Recktenwald, D. Reimer, C. Reis e Sousa, E.B.M. Remmerswaal, L. Richter, L.G. Rico, A. Riddell, A.M. Rieger, J.P. Robinson, C. Romagnani, A. Rubartelli, J. Ruland, A. Saalmuller, Y. Saeys, T. Saito, S. Sakaguchi, F. Sala-de-Oyanguren, Y. Samstag, S. Sanderson, I. Sandrock, A. Santoni, R.B. Sanz, M. Saresella, C. Sautes-Fridman, B. Sawitzki, L. Schadt, A. Scheffold, H.U. Scherer, M. Schiemann, F.A. Schildberg, E. Schimisky, A. Schlitzer, J. Schlosser, S. Schmid, S. Schmitt, K. Schober, D. Schraivogel, W. Schuh, T. Schuler, R. Schulte, A.R. Schulz, S.R. Schulz, C. Scotta, D. Scott-Algara, D.P. Sester, T.V. Shankey, B. Silva-Santos, A.K. Simon, K.M. Sitnik, S. Sozzani, D.E. Speiser, J. Spidlen, A. Stahlberg, A.M. Stall, N. Stanley, R. Stark, C. Stehle, T. Steinmetz, H. Stockinger, Y. Takahama, K. Takeda, L. Tan, A. Tarnok, G. Tiegs, G. Toldi, J. Tornack, E. Traggiai, M. Trebak, T.I.M. Tree, J. Trotter, J. Trowsdale, M. Tsoumakidou, H. Ulrich, S. Urbanczyk, W. van de Veen, M. van den Broek, E. van der Pol, S. Van Gassen, G. Van Isterdael, R.A.W. van Lier, M. Veldhoen, S. Vento-Asturias, P. Vieira, D. Voehringer, H.-. Volk, A. von Borstel, K. von Volkmann, A. Waisman, R.V. Walker, P.K. Wallace, S.A. Wang, X.M. Wang, M.D. Ward, K.A. Ward-Hartstonge, K. Warnatz, G. Warnes, S. Warth, C. Waskow, J.V. Watson, C. Watzl, L. Wegener, T. Weisenburger, A. Wiedemann, J. Wienands, A. Wilharm, R.J. Wilkinson, G. Willimsky, J.B. Wing, R. Winkelmann, T.H. Winkler, O.F. Wirz, A. Wong, P. Wurst, J.H.M. Yang, J. Yang, M. Yazdanbakhsh, L. Yu, A. Yue, H. Zhang, Y. Zhao, S.M. Ziegler, C. Zielinski, J. Zimmermann, A. Zychlinsky
Endoplasmic Reticulum Associated Aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2) is released in the secretome of activated MDMs and reduces in vitro HIV-1 infection
2019 I. Saulle, S.V. Ibba, E. Torretta, C. Vittori, C. Fenizia, F. Piancone, D. Minisci, E.M. Lori, D. Trabattoni, C. Gelfi, M. Clerici, M. Biasin
Association between Hippocampal Shape, Neuroinflammation, and Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Disease
2018 M. Cabinio, M. Saresella, F. Piancone, F. Larosa, I. Marventano, F.R. Guerini, R. Nemni, F. Baglio, M. Clerici
Monosodium urate crystals activate the inflammasome in primary progressive multiple sclerosis
2018 F. Piancone, M. Saresella, I. Marventano, F.L. Rosa, M.A. Santangelo, D. Caputo, L. Mendozzi, M. Rovaris, M. Clerici
Immunological and clinical effect of diet modulation of the gut microbiome in multiple sclerosis patients: A pilot study
2017 M. Saresella, L. Mendozzi, V. Rossi, F. Mazzali, F. Piancone, F. Larosa, I. Marventano, D. Caputo, G.E. Felis, M. Clerici
Immune and Imaging Correlates of Mild Cognitive Impairment Conversion to Alzheimer's Disease
2017 F. La Rosa, M. Saresella, F. Baglio, F. Piancone, I. Marventano, E. Calabrese, R. Nemni, E. Ripamonti, M. Cabinio, M. Clerici
B Lymphocytes in Multiple Sclerosis : Bregs and BTLA/CD272 Expressing-CD19+ Lymphocytes Modulate Disease Severity
2016 F. Piancone, M. Saresella, I. Marventano, F. La Rosa, M. Zoppis, R. Longhi, D. Caputo, L. Mendozzi, M. Rovaris, M. Clerici
The NLRP3 and NLRP1 Inflammasomes are Activated in Alzheimer’s Disease
2016 M. Saresella, F. La Rosa, F. Piancone, M. Zoppis, I. Marventano, E. Calabrese, V. Rainone, R. Nemni, R. Mancuso, M. Clerici
Multiple inflammasome complexes are activated in autistic spectrum disorders
2016 M. Saresella, F. Piancone, I. Marventano, M. Zoppis, A. Hernis, M. Zanette, D. Trabattoni, M. Chiappedi, A. Ghezzo, M.P. Canevini, F. la Rosa, S. Esposito, M. Clerici