Dipartimento di Fisica Aldo Pontremoli
Association of 20 candidate gene markers with milk production and composition traits in sires of Reggiana breed, a local dairy cattle population
2015 L. Fontanesi, E. Scotti, A. Samorè, A. Bagnato, V. Russo
Variation of casein and fatty acids milk contents in Italian Browns Swiss cows
2015 E. Frigo, L. Reghenzani, N. Bergomi, A.B. Samorè, M.G. Strillacci, F. Schiavini, R.T.M.M. Prinsen, M.C. Cozzi, M. Serra, A. Rossoni, A. Bagnato
Variation of milk components in the Italian Brown cattle
2015 E. Frigo, A.B. Samorè, L. Reghenzani, N. Bergomi, M.G. Strillacci, F. Schiavini, R.T.M.M. Prinsen, M.C. Cozzi, M. Serra, A. Rossoni, A. Bagnato
Estimates of missing heritability for complex traits in Brown Swiss cattle
2014 S. Román-Ponce, A.B. Samoré, M.A. Dolezal, A. Bagnato, T.H.E. Meuwissen
Genetic parameters of fatty acids in Italian Brown Swiss and Holstein cows
2014 E. Tullo, E. Frigo, A. Rossoni, R. Finocchiaro, M. Serra, N. Rizzi, A.B. Samorè, F. Canavesi, M.G. Strillacci, R.T.M.M. Prinsen, A. Bagnato
Quantitative trait loci mapping for conjugated linoleic acid, vaccenic acid and Δ9-desaturase in Italian Brown Swiss dairy cattle using selective DNA pooling
2014 M.G. Strillacci, E. Frigo, F. Canavesi, Y. Ungar, F. Schiavini, L. Zaniboni, L. Reghenzani, M.C. Cozzi, A.B. Samorè, Y. Kashi, E. Shimoni, R. Tal Stein, M. Soller, E. Lipkin, A. Bagnato
Genome-wide association study for somatic cell score in Valdostana Red Pied cattle breed using pooled DNA
2014 M.G. Strillacci, E. Frigo, F. Schiavini, A.B. Samoré, F. Canavesi, M. Vevey, M.C. Cozzi, M. Soller, E. Lipkin, A. Bagnato
Some of the main results of Quantomics EU project : CNV detection and GWA analysis in the Italian Brown Swiss dairy cattle
2013 A. Bagnato, M.A. Dolezal, C. Maltecca, D. Velayutham, M.G. Strillacci, E. Frigo, K. Schlangen, A.B. Samorè, F. Schiavini, E. Santus, C. Warkup, L. Pellegrino
A medium resolution SNP array based CNV scan in Italian Brown Swiss dairy cattle
2013 L. Pellegrino, M.A. Dolezal, C. Maltecca, D. Velayutham, M.G. Strillacci, E. Frigo, K. Schlangen, A.B. Samorè, F. Schiavini, E. Santus, C. Warkup, A. Bagnato
Heritabilities and genetic correlations of body condition score and muscularity with productive traits and their trend functions in Italian Simmental cattle
2013 E. Frigo, A.B. Samorè, D. Vicario, A. Bagnato, O. Pedron
Estimates of marker effects for measures of milk flow in the Italian brown Swiss dairy cattle population
2012 K.A. Gray, C. Maltecca, A. Bagnato, M. Dolezal, A. Rossoni, A.B. Samore, J.P. Cassady
Genetics of casein content in Brown Swiss and Italian Holstein dairy cattle breeds
2012 A.B. Samorè, F. Canavesi, A. Rossoni, A. Bagnato
Genetic evaluations for measures of the milk-flow curve in the Italian Brown Swiss population
2011 K.A. Gray, F. Vacirca, A. Bagnato, A.B. Samoré, A. Rossoni, C. Maltecca
Bimodality and the genetics of milk flow traits in the Italian Holstein-Friesian breed
2011 A.B. Samoré, S.I. Román-Ponce, F. Vacirca, E. Frigo, F. Canavesi, A. Bagnato, C. Maltecca
Il punteggio della condizione corporea e della muscolosità nella Pezzata Rossa
2010 E. Frigo, A.B. Samorè, A. Bagnato, D. Vicario, O. Pedron
Genetic parameters for functional longevity, type traits, somatic cell scores, milk flow and production in the Italian Brown Swiss
2010 A.B. Samoré, R. Rizzi, A. Rossoni, A. Bagnato
Variance component estimation for SCS in different local breeds and species
2009 A.B. Samoré, M. Penasa, V. Riggio, F. Schiavini, E. Frigo, D. Pretto, N. Guzzo, R. Mantovani, B. Portolano, L. Fontanesi, M. Cassandro, A. Bagnato
The QuaLAT project : mapping QTL for SCC and milk fatty acid content in the Italian Brown population and in the Israel Holstein Friesian
2009 F. Schiavini, A.B. Samorè, A. Rossoni, Y. Ungar, Y. Kashi, E. Shimoni, R. Tal, E. Lipkin, M. Soller, A. Korol, Z. Frenkel, A. Bagnato
Genetic parameters and selection for casein content in Italian Holstein and Brown Swiss
2009 A.B. Samorè, F. Schiavini, F. Canavesi, A. Rossoni, R.M. Rizzi, A. Bagnato
Relationship between milkability traits recorded with flowmeters and udder type traits in Italian Holstein Friesian cows
2009 E. Frigo, M. Laurenti, A.B. Samoré, A. Bagnato, F. Canavesi, O. Pedron