Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali
Potential Factors Influencing Complete Functional Recovery in Traumatized Unowned Cats with Orthopedic Lesions— A Cohort Study
2024 F. Ferrari, L. Carnevale, F.A. Brioschi, J. Bassi, D.D. Zani, S. Romussi, L. Galimberti, D. Stefanello, S. Rioldi, L. Auletta
Does the Cambridge classification alone predict the possibility to perform echocardiographic examination in lateral recumbency in dogs affected by brachycephalic obstructive airways syndrome?
2023 M. Bagardi, C. Locatelli, S. Ghilardi, F. Creta, B. Pasquinelli, P.G. Brambilla, S. Romussi
Hematological values of captive Indotestudo travancorica (Boulenger, 1907) and Batagur kachuga (Gray, 1931): a short communication
2023 E. Bardi, E. Lubian, S. Romussi, N. Whitaker, A. Giordano
Canine urothelial carcinoma: expression of Periostin in spontaneous canine urothelial carcinoma and its correlation with histological features
2023 E. Brambilla, R. Ciaputa, P. Crepaldi, S. Dzimira, M. Nowak, P. Dziegiel, A. Piotrowska, V. Mollica Govoni, C. Eduardo Fonseca-Alves, R. Laufer-Amorim, D. Stefanello, S. Romussi, V. Grieco
Effects of animal position on M‐mode, two‐dimensional, and Doppler echocardiographic measurements in healthy French bulldogs
2023 M. Bagardi, S. Ghilardi, C. Locatelli, S. Romussi, P.G. Brambilla
Feline Injection-Site Sarcoma (FISS) : Does the growth pattern predict local recurrence?
2022 E. Brambilla, C. Giudice, J. Casalini, D. Stefanello, R. Ferrari, L. Chiti, S. Romussi, D. Zani, M. Di Giancamillo, V. Grieco
Modified prepubic urethrostomy with body wall tunneling: Description of technique and long-term outcome in eight male cats
2022 L. Bresciani, A. Mosca, S. Romussi
Two‐dimensional and doppler echocardiographic evaluation in twenty‐one healthy Python regius
2021 M. Bagardi, E. Bardi, M. Manfredi, A. Segala, A. Belfatto, S. Cusaro, S.F.M. Romussi, P.G.M. Brambilla
Determination of Efficacy of Single and Double 4.7 mg Deslorelin Acetate Implant on the Reproductive Activity of Female Pond Sliders (Trachemys scripta)
2021 E. Bardi, M. Manfredi, R. Capitelli, E. Lubian, A. Vetere, A. Montani, T. Bertoni, E. Talon, G. Ratti, S. Romussi
An oesophageal benign stricture: Endoscopy treatment limitation and surgical management in a heifer
2021 M. Trovatelli, G. Sala, S. Romussi, A. Boccardo
Circulating miRNome of Trachemys scripta after elective gonadectomy under general anesthesia
2021 E. Bardi, S. Brizzola, G. Ravasio, S. Romussi, P. Dall’Ara, V. Zamarian, M. Arigoni, R.A. Calogero, C. Lecchi
Comparison of Lateral and Dorsal Recumbency During Endoscope-Assisted Oophorectomy in Mature Pond Sliders (Trachemys Scripta)
2020 E. Bardi, G. Antolini, E. Lubian, V. Bronzo, S.F.M. Romussi
Total intramuscular multimodal anesthesia in pond sliders (Trachemys scripta) undergoing endoscopic gonadectomy
2019 E. Bardi, F. Di Cesare, E. D'Urso, D. Gioeni, V. Rabbogliatti, S. Romussi
Use of thrombocyte-leukocyte rich plasma to treat chronic oral cavity disorders in reptiles : two case reports
2019 E. Bardi, A. Vetere, V. Aquaro, E. Lubian, S. Lauzi, G. Ravasio, D.D. Zani, M. Manfredi, M. Tecilla, P. Roccabianca, S. Romussi
La sindrome respiratoria del cane brachicefalo a più di 50 anni dalla sua prima descrizione
2019 S. Romussi
A case of gastrointestinal impaction in a lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
2019 E. Bardi, M. Oltolina, G. Ravasio, F. Di Cesare, D. De Zani, M. Manfredi, D. Guadagnini, S. Romussi
Studio preliminare sui valori ematologici di due specie di tartarughe a rischio estinzione: indotestudo travancorica e batagur kachuga
2018 E. Bardi, E. Lubian, V. Aquaro, M. Masi, N. Whitaker, S. Romussi
Long-term outcome of permanent tracheostomy in 15 dogs with severe laryngeal collapse secondary to brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome
2018 M. Gobbetti, S. Romussi, P. Buracco, V. Bronzo, S. Gatti, M. Cantatore
Angiostrongylus vasorum infection in dogs from a cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis endemic area of Northwestern Italy : A case study and a retrospective data analysis
2017 E. Olivieri, S. Zanzani, A. Gazzonis, C. Giudice, P. Brambilla, I. Alberti, S. Romussi, R. Lombardo, C. Mortellaro, B. Banco, F. Vanzulli, F. Veronesi, M. Manfredi
Retrospective investigation on the prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in dogs with bronchial and upper respiratory diseases
2016 C. Locatelli, D. Montrasio, I. Spalla, G. Riscazzi, M. Gobbetti, A. Savarese, S. Romussi, P.G. Brambilla