Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Modeling a biofluid-derived extracellular vesicle surface signature to differentiate pediatric idiopathic nephrotic syndrome clinical subgroups
2024 G. Cricri, A. Gobbini, S. Bruno, L. Bellucci, S. Tassinari, F. Caicci, C. Tamburello, T. Nittoli, I. Paraboschi, A. Berrettini, R. Grifantini, B. Bussolati, W. Morello, G. Montini, F. Collino
Reconstructed colorectal cancer model to dissect the anti-tumor effect of mesenchymal stromal cells derived extracellular vesicles
2024 E. D'Angelo, S. Tassinari, A. Biccari, S. Crotti, F. Sensi, A. Marangio, O. Repetto, G. Corona, L. Bellucci, F. Antico, F. Caicci, G. Spolverato, G. Montini, B. Bussolati, M. Agostini, F. Collino
Biodistribution of Intratracheal, Intranasal, and Intravenous Injections of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in a Mouse Model for Drug Delivery Studies
2023 A. MARIA TOLOMEO, G. Zuccolotto, R. Malvicini, G. DE LAZZARI, A. Penna, C. Franco, F. Caicci, F. Magarotto, S. Quarta, M. Pozzobon, A. Rosato, M. Muraca, F. Collino
Upregulation of miR145 and miR126 in EVs from Renal Cells Undergoing EMT and Urine of Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
2022 V. Dimuccio, L. Bellucci, M. Genta, C. Grange, M.F. Brizzi, M. Gili, S. Gallo, M.L. Centomo, F. Collino, B. Bussolati
Early Effects of Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Adipose Tissue Mesenchymal Cells in Renal Ischemia Followed by Reperfusion: Mechanisms Rely on a Decrease in Mitochondrial Anion Superoxide Production
2022 J.A. Lopes, F. Collino, C. Rodrigues-Ferreira, L.D.S. Sampaio, G. Costa-Sarmento, C.H.C. Wendt, F.P. Almeida, K.R. Miranda, T.H. Kasai-Brunswick, R.S. Lindoso, A. Vieyra
Exosomes Recovered From the Plasma of COVID-19 Patients Expose SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Derived Fragments and Contribute to the Adaptive Immune Response
2022 E. Pesce, N. Manfrini, C. Cordiglieri, S. Santi, A. Bandera, A. Gobbini, P. Gruarin, A. Favalli, M. Bombaci, A. Cuomo, F. Collino, G. Cricrì, R. Ungaro, A. Lombardi, D. Mangioni, A. Muscatello, S. Aliberti, F. Blasi, A. Gori, S. Abrignani, R. De Francesco, S. Biffo, R. Grifantini
Differential therapeutic effect of extracellular vesicles derived by bone marrow and adipose mesenchymal stem cells on wound healing of diabetic ulcers and correlation to their cargoes
2021 M. Pomatto, C. Gai, F. Negro, M. Cedrino, C. Grange, E. Ceccotti, G. Togliatto, F. Collino, M. Tapparo, F. Figliolini, T. Lopatina, M.F. Brizzi, G. Camussi
Muscle functional recovery is driven by extracellular vesicles combined with muscle extracellular matrix in a volumetric muscle loss murine model
2021 F. Magarotto, A. Sgro, A.H. Dorigo Hochuli, M. Andreetta, M. Grassi, M. Saggioro, L. Nogara, A.M. Tolomeo, R. Francescato, F. Collino, G. Germano, F. Caicci, E. Maghin, M. Piccoli, M. Jurga, B. Blaauw, P. Gamba, M. Muraca, M. Pozzobon
Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Pass through the Filtration Barrier and Protect Podocytes in a 3D Glomerular Model under Continuous Perfusion
2021 L. Bellucci, G. Montini, F. Collino, B. Bussolati
Lateral dimension and amino-functionalization on the balance to assess the single-cell toxicity of graphene on fifteen immune cell types
2021 L. Fusco, M. Orecchioni, G. Reina, V. Bordoni, C. Fuoco, C. Gurcan, S. Guo, M. Zoccheddu, F. Collino, B. Zavan, E. Treossi, A. Yilmazer, V. Palermo, A. Bianco, L.G. Delogu
Urinary extracellular vesicles: Uncovering the basis of the pathological processes in kidney-related diseases
2021 G. Cricri, L. Bellucci, G. Montini, F. Collino
Serum Derived Extracellular Vesicles Mediated Delivery of Synthetic miRNAs in Human Endothelial Cells
2021 M. Tapparo, M.A.C. Pomatto, M.C. Deregibus, E. Papadimitriou, C. Cavallari, S. D'Antico, F. Collino, G. Camussi
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Modulators of the Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition : Driving the Fate of Tumor Microenvironment
2020 E. D'Angelo, R.S. Lindoso, F. Sensi, S. Pucciarelli, B. Bussolati, M. Agostini, F. Collino
Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Promote Renoprotection in Acute Kidney Injury Model
2020 F. Collino, J.A. Lopes, M. Tapparo, G.G. Tortelote, T.H. Kasai-Brunswick, G.M.C. Lopes, D.B. Almeida, R. Skovronova, C.H.C. Wendt, K.R. Miranda, B. Bussolati, A. Vieyra, R.S. Lindoso
Adipose mesenchymal cells-derived EVs alleviate DOCA-salt-induced hypertension by promoting cardio-renal protection
2020 R.S. Lindoso, J.A. Lopes, R. Binato, E. Abdelhay, C.M. Takiya, K.R. de Miranda, L.S. Lara, A. Viola, B. Bussolati, A. Vieyra, F. Collino
Renal regenerative potential of extracellular vesicles derived from mirna-engineered mesenchymal stromal cells
2019 M. Tapparo, S. Bruno, F. Collino, G. Togliatto, M.C. Deregibus, P. Provero, S. Wen, P.J. Quesenberry, G. Camussi
Proteomics in the World of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
2019 R. Soares Lindoso, T.H. Kasai-Brunswick, G. Monnerat Cahli, F. Collino, A. Bastos Carvalho, A. Carlos Campos de Carvalho, A. Vieyra
Role of CD133 Molecule in Wnt Response and Renal Repair
2018 A. Brossa, E. Papadimitriou, F. Collino, D. Incarnato, S. Oliviero, G. Camussi, B. Bussolati
A novel community driven software for functional enrichment analysis of extracellular vesicles data
2017 M. Pathan, S. Keerthikumar, D. Chisanga, R. Alessandro, C.-. Ang, P. Askenase, A.O. Batagov, A. Benito-Martin, G. Camussi, A. Clayton, F. Collino, D. di Vizio, J.M. Falcon-Perez, P. Fonseca, P. Fonseka, S. Fontana, Y.S. Gho, A. Hendrix, E. Nolte-'T Hoen, N. Iraci, K. Kastaniegaard, T. Kislinger, J. Kowal, I.V. Kurochkin, T. Leonardi, Y. Liang, A. Llorente, T.R. Lunavat, S. Maji, F. Monteleone, A. Overbye, T. Panaretakis, T. Patel, H. Peinado, S. Pluchino, S. Principe, G. Ronquist, F. Royo, S. Sahoo, C. Spinelli, A. Stensballe, C. Thery, M.J.C. van Herwijnen, M. Wauben, J.L. Welton, K. Zhao, S. Mathivanan
Extracellular vesicles as regulators of tumor fate: Crosstalk among cancer stem cells, tumor cells and mesenchymal stem cells
2017 R.S. Lindoso, F. Collino, A. Vieyra