Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
New Insights into Kleefstra Syndrome : Report of Two Novel Cases with Previously Unreported Features and Literature Review
2018 C. Ciaccio, G. Scuvera, A. Tucci, B. Gentilin, M. Baccarin, P. Marchisio, S. Avignone, D. Milani
Dysmorphologic assessment in 115 Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser patients
2015 F. Lalatta, F. Motta, E. Restelli, M. Bellini, M. Miozzo, C. Gervasini, B. Dallapiccola, B. Gentilin, L. Fedele
Quantitative DNA methylation analysis improves epigenotype-phenotype correlations in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
2013 M. Calvello, S. Tabano, P. Colapietro, S. Maitz, A. Pansa, C. Augello, F. Lalatta, B. Gentilin, F. Spreafico, L. Calzari, D. Perotti, L. Larizza, S. Russo, A. Selicorni, S.M. Sirchia, M. Miozzo
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia as prenatal presentation of Apert syndrome
2011 G.P. Bulfamante, S. Gana, L. Avagliano, I. Fabietti, B. Gentilin, F. Lalatta
Preferential X chromosome loss but random inactivation characterize primary biliary cirrhosis
2007 M.R. Miozzo, C.F. Selmi, B. Gentilin, F.R. Grati, S.M. Sirchia, M. Zuin, M.E. Gershwin, M. Podda, P. Invernizzi
Echocardiographic indications to detect chromosome 22 microdeletions through invasive prenatal procedures
2007 M. Infantino, B. Gentilin, E. Brandolisio, A. Colli, L. Mauri, L. Mandia, A. Kustermann, I. Cetin
Prenatal/neonatal pathology findings in two cases of Cornelia de Lange syndrome harboring novel mutations of NIPBL
2007 F. Lalatta, S. Russo, B. Gentilin, L. Spaccini, C. Boschetto, F. Cavalleri, M. Masciadri, C. Gervasini, A. Bentivegna, P. Castronovo, L. Larizza
Analisi dell'inattivazione del cromosoma X in donne affette da cirrosi biliare primitiva
2005 B. Gentilin, F.R. Grati, P. Invernizzi, C. Selmi, P. Busatto, S.M. Sirchia, F. Rossella, G. Simoni, M. Miozzo
Three cases with de novo 6q imbalance and variable prenatal phenotype
2005 FR Grati ,F Lalatta ,L Turolla ,U Cavallari ,B Gentilin ,F Rossella ,I Cetin ,P Antonazzo ,M Bellotti ,F Dulcetti ,D Baldo,R Tenconi,G Simoni,M Miozzo
Fetal and placental chromosomal mosaicism revealed by QF-PCR in severe IUGR pregnancies
2005 F.R. Grati, M. Miozzo, B. Cassani, F. Rossella, P. Antonazzo, B. Gentilin, S.M. Sirchia, L. Mori, S. Rigano, G. Bulfamante, I. Cetin, G. Simoni
Biparental expression of ESX1L gene in placentas from normal and intrauterine growth-restricted pregnancies
2004 F.R. Grati, S.M. Sirchia, B. Gentilin, F. Rossella, L. Ramoscelli, P. Antonazzo, U. Cavallari , G. Bulfamante, I. Cetin , G. Simoni, M. Miozzo