Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
Evaluation of uterine artery doppler and estrogen milieu in oocyte donation pregnancies-a pilot study
2020 L. Mandia, P. Cavoretto, P. Duca, M. Candiani, I. Cetin, V. Savasi
Uterine artery Doppler pulsatility index at 11-38 weeks in ICSI pregnancies with egg donation
2018 A. Inversetti, L. Mandia, M. Candiani, I. Cetin, A. Larcher, V. Savasi, E. Papaleo, P.I. Cavoretto
Hormonal milieu in singleton pregnancy during the first trimester of gestation: comparison between spontaneous, in vitro fertilization and eggs donation pregnancies
2017 E. Grossi, L. Mandia, C. Personeni, I. Cetin, V. Savasi
Ultrasound in Infertility Setting: Optimal Strategy to Evaluate the Assessment of Tubal Patency
2017 L. Mandia, C. Personeni, P. Antonazzo, S.A. Angileri, A. Pinto, V. Savasi
The effect of fetal sex on customized fetal growth charts
2016 G. Rizzo, F. Prefumo, E. Ferrazzi, C. Zanardini, D. Di Martino, S. Boito, E. Aiello, T. Ghi, G. Altobelli, L.M.A. Arduini, G. Canzone, A. Capece, E. Carboni, L. Cariello, E. Cariati, I. Cetin, N. Chianchiano, G. Clerici, V. D’Addario, D. Di Martino, E. Cosmi, R. Giacchello, A. Giancotti, M. Giorgina, A. Maiandi, L. Mandia, G. Maruotti, A. Mazzocco, L. Nicoletti, E. Periti, N. Persico, A. Rossi, T. Stampalija, A. Tenore, T. Todros, S. Visentin, C. Verrotti, E. Viora, P. Volpe
Evaluation of uterine arteries doppler and estrogen milieu in oocyte donation pregnancies
2016 L. Mandia, P. Cavoretto, A. Inversetti, P. Duca, I. Cetin, V. Savasi
Detection of Hepatitis C Virus in the Semen of Infected Men and Reproductive Assistance in HCV Discordant Couples : An Overview
2016 V. Savasi, L. Mandia
Maternal and fetal outcomes in oocyte donation pregnancies
2016 V.M. Savasi, L. Mandia, A. Laoreti, I. Cetin
Customized Fetal Growth Charts for Parents' Characteristics, Race, and Parity by Quantile Regression Analysis : a Cross-sectional Multicenter Italian Study
2016 T. Ghi, L. Cariello, L. Rizzo, E. Ferrazzi, E. Periti, F. Prefumo, T. Stampalija, E. Viora, C. Verrotti, G. Rizzo, G. Altobelli, M. Arduini, S. Boito, G. Canzone, A. Capece, E. Carboni, E. Cariati, I. Cetin, N. Chianchiano, G. Clerici, V. D'Addario, D. Di Martino, E. Cosmi, R. Giacchello, A. Giancotti, M. Giorgina, A. Maiandi, L. Mandia, G.M. Maruotti, A. Mazzocco, L. Nicoletti, N. Persico, A. Rossi, A. Tenore, T. Todros, S. Visentin, P. Volpe, C. Zanardini
Oocyte donation pregnancies: maternal and fetal outcomes
2015 A. Laoreti, L. Mandia, I. Cetin, V. Savasi
2015 L. Mandia
First trimester placental markers in oocyte donation pregnancies
2015 V.M. Savasi, L. Mandia, A. Laoreti, L. Ghisoni, P. Duca, I. Cetin
Reproductive assistance in HIV serodiscordant couples
2013 V.M. Savasi, L. Mandia, A. Laoreti, I. Cetin
Imported Loa loa filariasis : three cases with a review of cases reported in non-endemic countries in the past 25 years
2012 S. Antinori, L. Schifanella, M. Million, L. Galimberti, L. Ferraris, L. Mandia, G. Trabucchi, V. Cacioppo, G. Monaco, A. Tosoni, P. Brouqui, M.R. Gismondo, G. Giuliani, M. Corbellino
Evaluation of PAPP-A and free beta-hcg for the screening of Down Syndrome in egg donation pregnancies
2012 V.M. Savasi, A. Laoreti, L. Mandia, L. Ghisoni, P.G. Duca, I. Cetin
Pregenesys pre-eclampsia markers consensus meeting : What do we require from markers, risk assessment and model systems to tailor preventive strategies ?
2011 I. Cetin, B. Huppertz, G. Burton, H. Cuckle, R. Gonen, O. Lapaire, L. Mandia, K. Nicolaides, C. Redman, P. Soothill, K. Spencer, B. Thilaganathan, D. Williams, H. Meiri
Lactate detection in the brain of growth-restricted fetuses with magnetic resonance spectroscopy
2011 I. Cetin, B. Barberis, V. Brusati, E. Brighina, L. Mandia, A. Arighi, T. Radaelli, P. Biondetti, N. Bresolin, G. Pardi, M. Rango
3D ultrasound assessment of placenta volume in the first trimester in pregnancies from assisted reproduction technologies (ART)
2008 S. Boito, E. Taricco, T. Radaelli, L. Mandia, D. Consonni, V. Cozzi, I. Sandaite, G. Ragni, G. Pardi, I. Cetin
Echocardiographic indications to detect chromosome 22 microdeletions through invasive prenatal procedures
2007 M. Infantino, B. Gentilin, E. Brandolisio, A. Colli, L. Mauri, L. Mandia, A. Kustermann, I. Cetin