Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Zebrafish dnm1a gene plays a role in the formation of axons and synapses in the nervous tissue
2023 C. Bragato, A. Pistocchi, G. Bellipanni, S. Confalonieri, J. Balciunie, F.M. Monastra, S. Carra, G. Vitale, P. Mantecca, F. Cotelli, G. Gaudenzi
The Lysine Methylase {SMYD}3 Modulates Mesendodermal Commitment during Development
2021 R. Fittipaldi, P. Floris, V. Proserpio, F. Cotelli, M.D.A. Beltrame, G. Caretti
Modeling Cornelia de Lange Syndrome in vitro and in vivo reveals a role for cohesin complex in neuronal survival and differentiation
2019 D. Bottai, M. Spreafico, A.S. Pistocchi, G. Fazio, R. Adami, P. Grazioli, A. Canu, C. Bragato, S. Rigamonti, C. Parodi, G. Cazzaniga, A. Biondi, F. Cotelli, A. Selicorni, V. Massa
NIPBL: a new player in myeloid cells differentiation
2019 M. Mazzola, G. Deflorian, A. Pezzotta, L. Ferrari, G. Fazio, E. Bresciani, C. Saitta, L. Ferrari, M. Fumagalli, M. Parma, F. Marasca, B. Bodega, P. Riva, F. Cotelli, A. Biondi, A. Marozzi, G. Cazzaniga, A. Pistocchi
NIPBL a new player with NPMc+ in the onset of acute myeloid leukemia
2018 M. Mazzola, G. Fazio, G. De florian, L. Ferrari, M. Spreafico, C. Saitta, L. Ferrari, E. Bresciani, A. Biondi, F. Cotelli, M. Fumagalli, M. Parma, P. Riva, A. Marozzi, G. Cazzaniga, A. Pistocchi
SMYD3 promotes the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer
2018 C. Fenizia, C. Bottino, S. Corbetta, R. Fittipaldi, P. Floris, G. Gaudenzi, S. Carra, F. Cotelli, G. Vitale, G. Caretti
In vivo Functional Consequences of Human THRA Variants Expressed in the Zebrafish
2017 F. Marelli, S. Carra, G. Rurale, F. Cotelli, L. Persani
Zebrafish Tmem230a cooperates with the Delta/Notch signaling pathway to modulate endothelial cell number in angiogenic vessels
2017 S. Carra, L. Sangiorgio, P. Pelucchi, S. Cermenati, A. Mezzelani, V. Martino, M. Palizban, A. Albertini, M. Gã¶tte, J. Kehler, G. Deflorian, M. Beltrame, A. Giordano, R. Reinbold, F. Cotelli, G. Bellipanni, I. Zucchi
From trascriptomic analysis to in vivo functional experiments: zebrafish as a model for studying GnRH system
2016 V. Andrè, R. Oleari, A. Lettieri, F. Cotelli, Y. Gothilf, A. Cariboni
Zebrafish as a Model to Investigate Dynamin 2-Related Diseases
2016 C. Bragato, G. Gaudenzi, F. Blasevich, G. Pavesi, L. Maggi, M. Giunta, F. Cotelli, M. Mora
CyclinD1 down-regulation and increased apoptosis are common features of cohesinopathies
2016 G. Fazio, C. Gaston-Massuet, L.R. Bettini, F. Graziola, V. Scagliotti, A. Cereda, L. Ferrari, M. Mazzola, G. Cazzaniga, A. Giordano, F. Cotelli, G. Bellipanni, A. Biondi, A. Selicorni, A. Pistocchi, V. Massa
Patient-derived xenograft in zebrafish embryos: a new platform for translational research in neuroendocrine tumors
2016 G. Gaudenzi, M. Albertelli, A. Dicitore, R. Würth, F. Gatto, F. Barbieri, F. Cotelli, T. Florio, D. Ferone, L. Persani, G. Vitale
From trascriptomic analysis to in vivo functional experiments: zebrafish as a model for studying GnRH system
2016 V.I. Andre', R. Oleari, A. Lettieri, F. Cotelli, Y. Gothilf, A. Cariboni
Patterns of thyroid hormone receptor expression in zebrafish and generation of a novel model of resistance to thyroid hormone action
2016 F. Marelli, S. Carra, M. Agostini, F. Cotelli, R. Peeters, K. Chatterjee, L. Persani
Ovarian senescence increases liver fibrosis in humans and zebrafish with steatosis
2015 E. Turola, S. Petta, E. Vanni, F. Milosa, L. Valenti, R. Critelli, L. Miele, L. Maccio, V. Calvaruso, A.L. Fracanzani, M. Bianchini, N. Raos, E. Bugianesi, S. Mercorella, M. Di Giovanni, A. Craxì, S. Fargion, A. Grieco, C. Cammà, F. Cotelli, E. Villa
Modelling the p53/p66Shc aging pathway in the shortest living vertebrate Nothobranchius furzeri
2015 C. Priami, G. de Michele, F. Cotelli, A. Cellerino, M. Giorgio, P.G. Pelicci, E. Migliaccio
The increase in maternal expression of axin1 and axin2 contribute to the zebrafish mutant ichabod ventralized phenotype
2015 F. Valenti, J. Ibetti, Y. Komiya, M. Baxter, A.M. Lucchese, L. Derstine, C. Covaciu, V. Rizzo, R. Vento, G. Russo, M. Macaluso, F. Cotelli, D. Castiglia, C.J. Gottardi, R. Habas, A. Giordano, G. Bellipanni
The Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 80 (ccdc80) Gene Regulates gadd45β2 Expression in the Developing Somites of Zebrafish as a New Player of the Hedgehog Pathway
2015 I. Della Noce, S. Carra, C. Brusegan, R. Critelli, A. Frassine, C. De Lorenzo, A. Giordano, G. Bellipanni, E. Villa, F. Cotelli, A. Pistocchi, F. Schepis
Quantitative measurement of blood velocity in zebrafish with optical vector field tomography
2015 L. Fieramonti, E.A. Foglia, S. Malavasi, C. D'Andrea, G. Valentini, F. Cotelli, A. Bassi
A zebrafish model of Poikiloderma with Neutropenia recapitulates the human syndrome hallmarks and traces back neutropenia to the myeloid progenitor
2015 E.A. Colombo, S. Carra, L. Fontana, E. Bresciani, F. Cotelli, L. Larizza