Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Targeting SMYD3 to Sensitize Homologous Recombination-Proficient Tumors to PARP-Mediated Synthetic Lethality
2020 P. Sanese, C. Fasano, G. Buscemi, C. Bottino, S. Corbetta, E. Fabini, V. Silvestri, V. Valentini, V. Disciglio, G. Forte, M. Lepore Signorile, K. De Marco, S. Bertora, V. Grossi, U. Guven, N. Porta, V. Di Maio, E. Manoni, 5. Gianluigi Giannelli, M. Bartolini, A. Del Rio, G. Caretti, L. Ottini, C. Simone
SMYD3: An Oncogenic Driver Targeting Epigenetic Regulation and Signaling Pathways
2020 G. Caretti, C. Bottino, A. Peserico, C. Simone
BETs inhibition attenuates oxidative stress and preserves muscle integrity in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
2020 M. Segatto, R. Szokoll, R. Fittipaldi, C. Bottino, L. Nevi, K. Mamchaoui, P. Filippakopoulos, G. Caretti
SMYD3 promotes the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer
2018 C. Fenizia, C. Bottino, S. Corbetta, R. Fittipaldi, P. Floris, G. Gaudenzi, S. Carra, F. Cotelli, G. Vitale, G. Caretti
Impaired aquaporins expression in the gastrointestinal tract of rat after mercury exposure
2016 C. Bottino, M. Vazquez, V. Devesa, U. Laforenza
Constitutive store-operated Ca(2+) entry leads to enhanced nitric oxide production and proliferation in infantile hemangioma-derived endothelial colony-forming cells
2016 E. Zuccolo, C. Bottino, F. Diofano, V. Poletto, A.C. Codazzi, S. Mannarino, R. Campanelli, G. Fois, G.L. Marseglia, G. Guerra, D. Montagna, U. Laforenza, V. Rosti, M. Massa, F. Moccia
Mammalian aquaglyceroporin function in metabolism
2016 U. Laforenza, C. Bottino, G. Gastaldi
Stress Regulates Aquaporin-8 Permeability to Impact Cell Growth and Survival
2016 I. Medrano-Fernandez, S. Bestetti, M. Bertolotti, G.P. Bienert, C. Bottino, U. Laforenza, A. Rubartelli, R. Sitia
A functional transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channel is expressed in human endothelial progenitor cells
2015 S. Dragoni, G. Guerra, A.F. Pla, G. Bertoni, A. Rappa, V. Poletto, C. Bottino, A. Aronica, F. Lodola, M.P. Cinelli, U. Laforenza, V. Rosti, F. Tanzi, L. Munaron, F. Moccia
Ca2+ signalling in endothelial progenitor cells : A novel means to improve cell-based therapy and impair tumour vascularisation
2014 F. Moccia, F. Lodola, S. Dragoni, E. Bonetti, C. Bottino, G. Guerra, U. Laforenza, V. Rosti, F. Tanzi
Store-operated Ca2+ entry does not control proliferation in primary cultures of human metastatic renal cellular carcinoma
2014 S. Dragoni, I. Turin, U. Laforenza, D.M. Potenza, C. Bottino, T.N. Glasnov, M. Prestia, F. Ferulli, A. Saitta, A. Mosca, G. Guerra, V. Rosti, O. Luinetti, C. Ganini, C. Porta, P. Pedrazzoli, F. Tanzi, D. Montagna, F. Moccia
Enhanced expression of stim, Orai, and TRPC transcripts and proteins in endothelial progenitor cells isolated from patients with primary myelofibrosis
2014 S. Dragoni, U. Laforenza, E. Bonetti, M. Reforgiato, V. Poletto, F. Lodola, C. Bottino, D. Guido, A. Rappa, S. Pareek, M. Tomasello, M.R. Guarrera, M.P. Cinelli, A. Aronica, G. Guerra, G. Barosi, F. Tanzi, V. Rosti, F. Moccia
Canonical transient receptor potential 3 channel triggers vascular endothelial growth factor-induced intracellular Ca2+ oscillations in endothelial progenitor cells isolated from umbilical cord blood
2013 S. Dragoni, U. Laforenza, E. Bonetti, F. Lodola, C. Bottino, G. Guerra, A. Borghesi, M. Stronati, V. Rosti, F. Tanzi, F. Moccia
Store-dependent Ca2+ entry in endothelial progenitor cells as a perspective tool to enhance cell-based therapy and adverse tumour vascularization
2012 F. Moccia, S. Dragoni, F. Lodola, E. Bonetti, C. Bottino, G. Guerra, U. Laforenza, V. Rosti, F. Tanzi
Store-Operated Ca2+ Entry Is Remodelled and Controls In Vitro Angiogenesis in Endothelial Progenitor Cells Isolated from Tumoral Patients
2012 F. Lodola, U. Laforenza, E. Bonetti, D. Lim, S. Dragoni, C. Bottino, H.L. Ong, G. Guerra, C. Ganini, M. Massa, M. Manzoni, I.S. Ambudkar, A.A. Genazzani, V. Rosti, P. Pedrazzoli, F. Tanzi, F. Moccia, C. Porta
Vascular endothelial growth factor stimulates endothelial colony forming cells proliferation and tubulogenesis by inducing oscillations in intracellular Ca 2+ concentration
2011 S. Dragoni, U. Laforenza, E. Bonetti, F. Lodola, C. Bottino, R. Berra-Romani, G.C. Bongio, M.P. Cinelli, G. Guerra, P. Pedrazzoli, V. Rosti, F. Tanzi, F. Moccia