Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
COVID-19 monitoring of school personnel through molecular salivary test and dried blood spot analysis
2024 D. Henin, C. Fappani, D. Carmagnola, M. Gori, G. Pellegrini, D. Colzani, A. Amendola, M. Perrotta, E. Tanzi, C. Dellavia
Baseline masticatory muscles' performance may predict pain relief in temporomandibular disorders
2024 R. Rosati, M. Val, D. Manfredini, D. Carmagnola, C. Fortunati, L. Guarda‐nardini, C. Dellavia
Maxillary sinus lift augmentation: A randomized clinical trial with histological data comparing deproteinized bovine bone grafting vs graftless procedure with a 5–12‐year follow‐up
2024 D. Carmagnola, A. Pispero, G. Pellegrini, S. Sutera, D. Henin, G. Lodi, A. Achilli, C. Dellavia
European Cohorts of patients and schools to Advance Response to Epidemics (EuCARE): a cluster randomised interventional and observational study protocol to investigate the relationship between schools and SARS-CoV-2 infection
2023 S. Raimondi, S. Gandini, G.H. Rubio Quintanares, A. Abecasis, P.L. Lopalco, O. D'Ecclesiis, S. Chiocca, E. Tomezzoli, I. Cutica, D. Mazzoni, N. Amparo, M. Pingarilho, D. Carmagnola, C. Dellavia, G. Zuccotti, C. Ronchini, F. Bellerba, F. Dewald, R. Kaiser, F. Incardona
Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in current and recurrent periodontitis: A human study
2023 G. Pellegrini, D. Carmagnola, M. Toma, G. Rasperini, M. Orioli, C. Dellavia
Morphological and Immunopathological Aspects of Lingual Tissues in COVID-19
2022 D. Henin, G. Pellegrini, D. Carmagnola, G.C. Lanza Attisano, G. Lopez, S. Ferrero, A. Amendola, D. De Angelis, E. Tanzi, C. Dellavia
Dental Emergencies in an Italian Pediatric Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2022 D. Carmagnola, M. Toma, D. Henin, M. Perrotta, L. Gianolio, A. Colombo, C. Dellavia
Quantitative evaluation of inflammatory markers in peri-implantitis and periodontitis tissues : digital vs. manual analysis-A proof of concept study
2022 D. Henin, L.G. Fiorin, D. Carmagnola, G. Pellegrini, M. Toma, A. Cristofalo, C. Dellavia
Distribution of TAS2R38 bitter taste receptor phenotype and haplotypes among COVID-19 patients
2022 D. Risso, D. Carmagnola, G. Morini, G. Pellegrini, E. Canciani, M. Antinucci, D. Henin, C. Dellavia
Personal protection equipment and infection control procedures among health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022 D. Carmagnola, M. Toma, D. Henin, M. Perrotta, G. Pellegrini, C. Dellavia
Saliva molecular testing for sars-cov-2 surveillance in two italian primary schools
2021 D. Carmagnola, G. Pellegrini, E. Canciani, D. Henin, M. Perrotta, F. Forlanini, L. Barcellini, C. Dellavia
Test diagnostici per SARS-CoV-2: attualità e prospettive dei test molecolari salivari
2021 D. Carmagnola, D. Henin, G. Pellegrini, E. Canciani, M. Perrotta, A. Sangiorgio, G. Gambacorta, C. Dellavia
Saliva sampling for chasing SARS-CoV-2: A Game-changing strategy
2020 E. Borghi, V. Massa, D. Carmagnola, C.P.B. Dellavia, C. Parodi, E. Ottaviano, A. Sangiorgio, L. Barcellini, G. Gambacorta, F. Forlanini, G.V. Zuccotti
Impact of Lifestyle Variables on Oral Diseases and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Children of Milan (Italy)
2020 D. Carmagnola, G. Pellegrini, M. Malvezzi, E. Canciani, D. Henin, C. Dellavia
Tissue engineering in periodontology : biological mediators for periodontal regeneration
2019 D. Carmagnola, G. Pellegrini, C. Dellavia, L. Rimondini, E. Varoni
Spermidine Associated to Non-Surgical Treatment of Periodontal Disease: Split Mouth Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
2019 D. Carmagnola, C. Angelo Ghisalberti, G. Pellegrini, L. Cinquanta, M. Toma, C.P.B. Dellavia
Il posizionamento dell'impianto in siti con condizioni anatomiche e biomeccaniche avverse : revisione critica dei fattori determinanti per la pianificazione del trattamento = Implant placement in sites with adverse anatomical and biomechanical conditions: critical review of determinant factors for treatment planning.
2018 G. Pellegrini, M. Toma, L. Francetti, N. Cavalli, D. Carmagnola, C. Dellavia
Dental treatment of a rare case of pyoderma gangrenosum with aggressive periodontal disease
2018 D. Carmagnola, A. Pispero, E. Canciani, C. Dellavia, C. Barbieri, G. Lodi, E.M. Varoni
Histomorphometrical evaluation of the effects of Aminogam® gel in oral healing process of post-surgical soft tissue
2017 N. Khomchyna, R. Sirello, E. Canciani, M. Toma, G. Pellegrini, D. Carmagnola, D. Henin, C.P.B. Dellavia
Engineered scaffolds and cell-based therapy for periodontal regeneration
2017 D. Carmagnola, M. Tarce, C. Dellavia, L. Rimondini, E.M. Varoni