Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
Maxillary sinus lift augmentation: A randomized clinical trial with histological data comparing deproteinized bovine bone grafting vs graftless procedure with a 5–12‐year follow‐up
2024 D. Carmagnola, A. Pispero, G. Pellegrini, S. Sutera, D. Henin, G. Lodi, A. Achilli, C. Dellavia
Actinic cheilitis: Guidance on monitoring and management in primary care
2023 P. Shah, Q. Feng, B. Carey, M. Diniz-Freitas, J. Limeres, L. Monteiro, L. Silva, J.-. Fricain, S. Catros, M. Fenelon, N. Lombardi, A. Pispero, G. Lodi, V. Brailo, D. Vidovi Juras, J. Lopez-Lopez, R. Albuquerque
The Effect of Keratinized Mucosa on Peri-Implant Health and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2023 M. Stefanini, A. Pispero, M. Del Fabbro, L. Gobbato, P. Ghensi, G. Lodi, A. Sculean, G. Zucchelli, M. Grusovin
Disturbi orali potenzialmente maligni: una risorsa educativa di e-learning gratuita realizzata da una cooperazione europea internazionale [Oral potentially malignant disorders: a free e-learning educational resource by an international European cooperation]
2023 N. Lombardi, E. Varoni, A. Pispero, G. Lodi
Oral Surgery and Osteoradionecrosis in Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Radiation Therapy: An Update of the Current Literature
2023 G. Corrao, G.C. Mazzola, N. Lombardi, G. Marvaso, A. Pispero, E. Baruzzi, S. Decani, M. Tarozzi, L. Bergamaschi, C. Lorubbio, I. Repetti, A. Starzynska, D. Alterio, M. Ansarin, R. Orecchia, F. D'Amore, R. Franchini, A. Nicali, P. Castellarin, A. Sardella, G. Lodi, E.M. Varoni, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa
Neoformazione osteolitica ed esofitica mandibolare = Mandibular osteolytic and exophytic mass
2022 A. Pispero, R. Franchini, G. Sacilotto, V. Desantis, N. Lombardi
Macroglossia associated with multiple nodular lesions of the tongue
2022 N. Lombardi, R. Franchini, A. Pispero, L. Moneghini, E.M. Varoni
Implantologia in pazienti affetti da patologie sistemiche e in politerapia farmacologica = Implantology in patients affected by systemic diseases and on polypharmacy
2022 C. Morelli, E. Salerno, A. Pispero, R. Franchini, N.G. Lombardi
Oral infections in oral cancer survivors: A mini-review
2022 A. Pispero, N. Lombardi, M. Manfredi, E.M. Varoni, A. Sardella, G. Lodi
Recommendations for a safe restart of elective aerosol-generating oral surgery procedures following the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak: An Italian multicenter study
2022 F. Giovanditto, D. Soma, L.A. Vaira, A. Pispero, N. Lombardi, F. Ristoldo, U. Mariani, S. Pizzi, A. Isola, P. Smania, M. Albanese, A. D'Agostino, P. Appendino, E. Scata, M.T. Raho, R. Gobbi, E. Carta, O. Massarelli, A. Lumbau, G. Spano, G. De Riu
Antibiotics as Adjunctive Therapy in the Non-Surgical Treatment of Peri-Implantitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2022 M.G. Grusovin, A. Pispero, M. Del Fabbro, M. Sangiorgi, M. Simion, M. Stefanini, E.M. Varoni
Lesione nodulare della mucosa buccale
2021 D. Sorrentino, F. D'Amore, R. Franchini, A. Pispero, L. Moneghini, N. Lombardi
Oral microbiome in orthodontic patients = Il microbioma orale nel paziente ortodontico
2021 F. D'Amore, R. Franchini, N. Lombardi, A. Pispero, E.M. Varoni
Conservative management of medication‐related osteonecrosis of the jaws (Mronj): A retrospective cohort study
2021 E.M. Varoni, N. Lombardi, G. Villa, A. Pispero, A. Sardella, G. Lodi
Presentazione clinica e diagnosi = [Clinical presentation and diagnosis]
2021 A. Pispero, S. Decani, F. Scotti, L. Moneghini, E. Vegni, D. Sorrentino, A. Saibene, A. Sardella
Posture assessment in dentistry for different visual aids using 2D markers
2021 A. Pispero, M. Marcon, C. Ghezzi, D. Massironi, E.M. Varoni, S. Tubaro, G. Lodi
Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? The experience of an Oral Medicine Unit in the time of Corona-Virus
2020 A. Sardella, E. Varoni, A. Carrassi, A. Pispero, N. Lombardi, G. Lodi
Local complications associated with labial salivary gland biopsy for diagnosis of Sjogren's syndrome : a retrospective cohort study
2020 E.M. Varoni, G. Villani, N. Lombardi, A. Pispero, G. Lodi, A. Sardella, D. Uglietti
Gestione dell’alveolo post-estrattivo e rigenerazione ossea pre-implantare nella mono-edentulia = Post-extractive alveolar management and pre-implant bone regeneration in unilateral partial edentulism
2020 A. Pispero, D. Lops, E. Romeo, A. Caiazzo, M. Gisotti
Clinical audit of minimally invasive nonsurgical techniques in active periodontal therapy
2020 C. Ghezzi, L. Ferrantino, C. Donghi, S. Vaghi, V. Vigano, D. Costa, M. Mandaglio, A. Pispero, G. Lodi