Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in current and recurrent periodontitis: A human study
2023 G. Pellegrini, D. Carmagnola, M. Toma, G. Rasperini, M. Orioli, C. Dellavia
Healthcare Strategies in Subjects with Intellectual Disabilities During COVID-19 Pandemic
2022 M. Toma, M. Perrotta, M. Roncati, D. Henin, G. Pellegrini, C. Allievi, C. Dellavia
Quantitative evaluation of inflammatory markers in peri-implantitis and periodontitis tissues : digital vs. manual analysis-A proof of concept study
2022 D. Henin, L.G. Fiorin, D. Carmagnola, G. Pellegrini, M. Toma, A. Cristofalo, C. Dellavia
Dental Emergencies in an Italian Pediatric Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2022 D. Carmagnola, M. Toma, D. Henin, M. Perrotta, L. Gianolio, A. Colombo, C. Dellavia
Personal protection equipment and infection control procedures among health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022 D. Carmagnola, M. Toma, D. Henin, M. Perrotta, G. Pellegrini, C. Dellavia
sCD14 level in saliva of children and adolescents with and without dental caries, a hurdle model
2021 G. Pellegrini, M. Maddalone, M. Malvezzi, M. Toma, M. Del Fabbro, E. Canciani, C. Dellavia
Effects of Vitamin and Amino Acid-Enriched Hyaluronic Acid Gel on the Healing of Oral Mucosa: In Vivo and In Vitro Study
2021 E. Canciani, R. Sirello, G. Pellegrini, D. Henin, M. Perrotta, M. Toma, N. Khomchyna, C.P.B. Dellavia
Histo-Pathological Assessment of Zinc Oxide Eugenol Canal Sealer on Periodontal Tissues: Three Case Reports
2020 M. Toma, G. Cacciatore, E. Canciani, R. Sirello, G. Pellegrini, G. Rasperini, E. Galliera, C. Dellavia
Spermidine Associated to Non-Surgical Treatment of Periodontal Disease: Split Mouth Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
2019 D. Carmagnola, C. Angelo Ghisalberti, G. Pellegrini, L. Cinquanta, M. Toma, C.P.B. Dellavia
Immediate augmentation of compromised extraction sockets in chronic periodontitis patients : 1-year results of a case series on volumetric and histologic response
2019 F. Romano, V. Manavella, M. Bottone, M. Toma, C. Dellavia, M. Aimetti
Il posizionamento dell'impianto in siti con condizioni anatomiche e biomeccaniche avverse : revisione critica dei fattori determinanti per la pianificazione del trattamento = Implant placement in sites with adverse anatomical and biomechanical conditions: critical review of determinant factors for treatment planning.
2018 G. Pellegrini, M. Toma, L. Francetti, N. Cavalli, D. Carmagnola, C. Dellavia
Use of capillaroscopy to assess the architecture of gingival microvessels in healthy subjects
2018 G. Pellegrini, G. Begnoni, E. Canciani, F. Ingegnoli, F. Musto, M. Toma, C. Dellavia
Histomorphometrical evaluation of the effects of Aminogam® gel in oral healing process of post-surgical soft tissue
2017 N. Khomchyna, R. Sirello, E. Canciani, M. Toma, G. Pellegrini, D. Carmagnola, D. Henin, C.P.B. Dellavia
Standardised surface electromyography allows effective submental muscles assessment
2017 F. Musto, R. Rosati, C. Sforza, M. Toma, C. Dellavia
2015 M. Toma
Deproteinized bovine bone graft remodeling pattern in alveolar socket : an immunohistological evaluation
2013 C. Dellavia, S. Milani, M. Toma, E. Canciani, L. Dal Pozzo, F. Musto, D. Carmagnola
EMG analysis of trapezius and masticatory muscles : experimental protocol and data reproducibility
2011 C. Sforza, R. Rosati, M. De Menezes, F. Musto, M. Toma