Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
Fratture periprotesiche di femore : confine tra sintesi e revisione
2018 M. Franceschini, O. De Bartolomeo, F. Calabrò, V. Cerbone, G.V. Mineo
Mesenchymal stem cells as adjuvant therapy for limb lengthening in achondroplasia
2018 A. Memeo, F. Verdoni, C. Ingraffia, L. Rossi, L. Pedretti, R.D. D'Amato, L. Peretto, G.V. Mineo
Injection of autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue for the treatment of post-traumatic degenerative lesion of knee cartilage: a case report
2016 M. Franceschini, C. Castellaneta, G.V. Mineo
The anatomical concept in hip stem : Learning from the past
2016 M. Franceschini, F. Calabro', O. De Bartolomeo, G. Mineo
Monosegmental vs bisegmental pedicle fixation for the treatment of thoracolumbar spine fractures
2016 G.A. La Maida, F. Luceri, M. Ferraro, C. Ruosi, G.V. Mineo, B. Misaggi
Valutazione comparativa tra tecnica convenzionale e tecnica paziente specifica (PSI) nella protesizzazione totale ginocchio
2015 M. Franceschini, A. Meersseman, F. Calabro', G.V. Mineo
Preliminary results on functional outcome among lateral transgluteal approach vs tissue sparing approaches
2015 M. Franceschini, A. Albisetti, C. Castellaneta, E. Pandini, G.V. Mineo
Periprosthetic femoral fracture due to sideways fall : a comparative analysis of the effect of stem design
2015 L. La Barbera, A. Anticonome, C. Ottardi, T. Villa, L.D. Napoli, M. Franceschini, G. Mineo
Influenza del disegno protesico nelle fratture periprotesiche di femore prossimale
2015 M. Franceschini, C. Castellaneta, A. Albisetti, F. Calabro', G.V. Mineo
The influence of obesity in cup positioning during total hip replacement
2015 M. Franceschini, F. Calabro', G.V. Mineo, M.M. Parrini
Treatment of AVN using the induction chamber technique and a biological-based approach : Indications and clinical results
2014 G.M. Calori, E. Mazza, M. Colombo, S. Mazzola, G.V. Mineo, P.V. Giannoudis
Subtrochanteric fracture non-unions with implant failure managed with the Diamond Concept
2013 P.V. Giannoudis, M.A. Ahmad, G.V. Mineo, T.I. Tosounidis, N.K. Kanakiris
Sagittal balance in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : radiographic study of spino-pelvic compensation after surgery
2013 G.A. La Maida, L. Zottarelli, G.V. Mineo, B. Misaggi
Management of shoulder periprosthetic fractures : our institutional experience and review of the literature
2013 G.V. Mineo, R. Accetta, M. Franceschini, G. Pedrotti Dell'Acqua, G.M. Calori, A. Meersseman
Monotherapy vs. polytherapy in the treatment of forearm non-unions and bone defects
2013 G.M. Calori, G.V. Mineo, E. Mazza, S. Mazzola, N. Marelli, M. Colombo
Subclinical infection as possibile cause of pain after THR
2012 A. Meersseman, L. Pedretti, M. Franceschini, G. Mineo
2012 G. Mineo, A. Meesserman
Classificazione e trattamento chirurgico per via posteriore delle fratture vertebrali toraco-lombari
2012 G.A. La Maida, L.S. Giarratana, A. Acerbi, G.V. Mineo, B. Misaggi
Cement leakage : safety of minimally invasive surgical techniques in the treatment of multiple myeloma vertebral lesions
2012 G.A. La Maida, L.S. Giarratana, A. Acerbi, V. Ferrari, G.V. Mineo, B. Misaggi
2012 G. Mineo, N. Portinaro, P. Randelli, V. Sansone, C. Verdoia