Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Does Sawbone-Based Arthroscopy Module (SBAM) Can Help Elbow Surgeons?
2021 F. Luceri, P. Arrigoni, R. Barco, D. Cucchi, N. Raj, S. Frassoni, P.S. Randelli
Effectiveness of teriparatide combined with the Ilizarov technique in septic tibial non-union
2021 G. Rollo, F. Luceri, G. Falzarano, C. Salomone, E.M. Bonura, D. Popkov, M. Ronga, G. Pica, M. Bisaccia, V. Russi, P. Grubor, R. Franzese, G.M. Peretti, L. Meccariello
Medium-term outcomes of total hip arthroplasty in juvenile patients
2020 F. Luceri, I. Morelli, C.M. Sinicato, A. Della Grazia, F. Verdoni, N. Maffulli, G.M. Peretti, D. Curci
Italy and COVID-19 : the changing patient flow in an orthopedic trauma center emergency department
2020 F. Luceri, I. Morelli, R. Accetta, L. Mangiavini, N. Maffulli, G.M. Peretti
COVID-19 : not a contraindication for surgery in patients with proximal femur fragility fractures
2020 I. Morelli, F. Luceri, R. Giorgino, R. Accetta, P. Perazzo, L. Mangiavini, N. Maffulli, G.M. Peretti
Effects of sagittal tibial osteotomy on frontal alignment of the knee and patellar height
2020 F. Luceri, M. Basilico, C. Batailler, P.S. Randelli, G.M. Peretti, E. Servien, S. Lustig
Total knee arthroplasty after distal femoral osteotomy: a systematic review and current concepts
2020 F. Luceri, J. Tamini, P. Ferrua, D. Ricci, C. Batailler, S. Lustig, E. Servien, P.S. Randelli, G.M. Peretti
A combination of an anteromedial, anterolateral and midlateral portals is sufficient for 360° exposure of the radial head for arthroscopic fracture fixation
2019 D. Cucchi, E. Guerra, F. Luceri, A. Lenich, S. Nicoletti, P. Randelli, D.C. Wirtz, D. Eygendaal, P. Arrigoni, L. Pederzini, H.T. Çift, N. Holzer, B. Hollinger, C. Rosso, M. van den Bekerom, K. Wegmann, R. Barco, O. Zupanc
Fibromyalgia and Shoulder Surgery : a Systematic Review and a Critical Appraisal of the Literature
2019 R. Compagnoni, R. Gualtierotti, F. Luceri, F. Sciancalepore, P.S. Randelli
No neurovascular damage after creation of an accessory anteromedial portal for arthroscopic reduction and fixation of coronoid fractures
2019 P. Arrigoni, D. Cucchi, E. Guerra, F. Luceri, S. Nicoletti, A. Menon, P. Randelli
The posterior interosseous nerve crosses the radial head midline and increases its distance from bony structures with supination of the forearm
2019 P. Arrigoni, D. Cucchi, A. Menon, E. Guerra, S. Nicoletti, A. Colozza, F. Luceri, L.A. Pederzini, P.S. Randelli
Reliability of anterior medial collateral ligament plication of the elbow
2018 P. Arrigoni, F. Luceri, D. Cucchi, J. Tamini, P.S. Randelli
Monosegmental vs bisegmental pedicle fixation for the treatment of thoracolumbar spine fractures
2016 G.A. La Maida, F. Luceri, M. Ferraro, C. Ruosi, G.V. Mineo, B. Misaggi