Dipartimento di Informatica Giovanni Degli Antoni
Effectiveness of Serious Games in Improving Genetic Literacy and Genetic Risk Awareness in the General Public: A Pilot Study
2024 I. Cutica, C. Cincidda, S. Oliveri, R. Mainetti, N.A. Borghese, G. Pravettoni
Procedural constrained story generation based on Propp's and Fabula models
2020 R. Cantoni, J. Essenziale, M. Pezzera, R. Mainetti, N.A. Borghese
Design and development of a web-based platform for comprehensive autonomous home rehabilitation management in multiple sclerosis
2019 N.A. Borghese, J. Essenziale, M. Pezzera, A. Tironi, R. Mainetti, R. Cazzaniga, B. Reggiori, S. Mercurio, P. Confalonieri
Approaches for increasing patient's engagement and motivation in exer-games-based autonomous telerehabilitation
2019 M. Pezzera, A. Tironi, J. Essenziale, R. Mainetti, N.A. Borghese
IA nelle piattaforme di e-Health ed e-Welfare
2019 N.A. Borghese, N. Basilico, J. Essenziale, M. Luperto, R. Mainetti
Un terapista virtuale empatico per terapie di riabilitazione
2019 A. Tironi, R. Mainetti, N.A. Borghese
Usability Testing of Two Mini-Games and One Serious Game to Educate People About Genetics
2019 R. Mainetti, S. Oliveri, A. Gorini, I. Cutica, G. Pravettoni, A. Borghese
2019 R. Mainetti
An Empathic Virtual Caregiver for assistance in exer-game-based rehabilitation therapies
2019 A. Tironi, R. Mainetti, M. Pezzera, N.A. Borghese
Generazione procedurale di contenuti per videogiochi
2019 R. Mainetti, J. Essenziale, R. Cantoni, M. Pezzera, A. Tironi, N.A. Borghese
Hand Rehabilitation and Telemonitoring through Smart Toys
2019 A. Borghese, J. Essenziale, R. Mainetti, E. Mancon, R. Pagliaro, G. Pajardi
Serious games to improve genetic literacy and genetic risk awareness in the general public: protocol for usability and knowledge transfer efficacy (Preprint)
2018 S. Oliveri, R. Mainetti, A. Gorini, I. Cutica, G. Candiani, N.A. Borghese, G. Pravettoni
Serious Games for Improving Genetic Literacy and Genetic Risk Awareness in the General Public: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
2018 S. Oliveri, R. Mainetti, A. Gorini, I. Cutica, G. Candiani, N.A. Borghese, G. Pravettoni
A cloud-based platform for effective supervision of autonomous home rehabilitation through exer-games
2018 N.A. Borghese, M. Pezzera, R. Mainetti, J. Essenziale, R. Cazzaniga, B. Reggiori, S. Mercurio, P. Confalonieri
Design, development and usability test of serious games related to genetics
2018 R. Mainetti, S. Oliveri, I. Cutica, A. Gorini, S. Gaspardo, A. Borghese, G. Pravettoni
Autonomous rehabilitation at stroke patients home for balance and gait: safety, usability and compliance of a virtual reality system
2017 J.P. Held, B. Ferrer, R. Mainetti, A. Steblin, B. Hertler, A. Moreno-Conde, A. Dueñas, M. Pajaro, C. L-Parra-Calderón, E. Vargiu, M.J. Zarco, M. Barrera, C. Echevarria, F. Jódar-Sánchez, A.R. Luft, N.A. Borghese
Exergaming for balance training, transparent monitoring, and social inclusion of community-dwelling elderly
2017 F. Lunardini, N. Basilico, E. Ambrosini, J. Essenziale, R. Mainetti, A. Pedrocchi, K. Daniele, M. Marcucci, D. Mari, S. Ferrante, N.A. Borghese
Exergames Encouraging Exploration of Hemineglected Space in Stroke Patients With Visuospatial Neglect: A Feasibility Study
2017 B.C. Tobler-Ammann, E. Surer, E.D. de Bruin, M. Rabuffetti, N.A. Borghese, R. Mainetti, M. Pirovano, L. Wittwer, R.H. Knols
Exergaming and rehabilitation : a methodology for the design of effective and safe therapeutic exergames
2016 M. Pirovano, E. Surer, R. Mainetti, P.L. Lanzi, N.A. Borghese
Assessment of Exergames as Treatment and Prevention of Dysgraphia
2016 N.A. Borghese, C. Palmiotto, J. Essenziale, R. Mainetti, E. Granocchio, B. Molteni, D. Sarti, T. Guasti, N. Stucchi, A. Pedrocchi, S. Ferrante