Dipartimento di Informatica Giovanni Degli Antoni
Exergames Encouraging Exploration of Hemineglected Space in Stroke Patients With Visuospatial Neglect: A Feasibility Study
2017 B.C. Tobler-Ammann, E. Surer, E.D. de Bruin, M. Rabuffetti, N.A. Borghese, R. Mainetti, M. Pirovano, L. Wittwer, R.H. Knols
Exergaming and rehabilitation : a methodology for the design of effective and safe therapeutic exergames
2016 M. Pirovano, E. Surer, R. Mainetti, P.L. Lanzi, N.A. Borghese
Intelligent Game Engine for Rehabilitation (IGER)
2016 M. Pirovano, R. Mainetti, G. Baud Bovy, P.L. Lanzi, N.A. Borghese
Volcano: an interactive sword generator
2015 D. Loiacono, R. Mainetti, M. Pirovano
Fuzzy tactics: a scripting game that leverages fuzzy logic as an engaging game mechanic
2014 M. Pirovano, P.L. Lanzi
Game engines and exergames to guide rehabilitation at home
2014 M. Pirovano, R. Mainetti, P.L. Lanzi, N.A. Borghese
Usability and Effects of an Exergame-Based Balance Training Program
2014 S. Wüest, N.A. Borghese, M. Pirovano, R. Mainetti, R. van de Langenberg, E.D. de Bruin
Video-games based Neglect rehabilitation using haptics
2014 E. Surer, M. Pirovano, R. Mainetti, F. Tatti, G. Baud Bovy, N.A. Borghese
The design of a comprehensive game engine for rehabilitation
2013 M. Pirovano, P.L. Lanzi, R. Mainetti, N.A. Borghese
IGER: an intelligent game engine for rehabilitation
2013 N.A. Borghese, M. Pirovano, R. Mainetti, P.L. Lanzi
Accuracy and validity of balance boards for posture and balance rehabilitation
2013 I. Frosio, R. Mainetti, F. Masse, M. Pirovano, K. Aminian, N.A. Borghese
IGER: a game engine specifically tailored to rehabilitation
2013 M. Pirovano, P.L. Lanzi, R. Mainetti, N.A. Borghese
Robust silhouette extraction from Kinect data
2013 M. Pirovano, C.Y. Ren, I. Frosio, P.L. Lanzi, V. Prisacariu, D.W. Murray, N.A. Borghese
Computational intelligence and game design for effective home-based stroke at home rehabilitation
2013 N.A. Borghese, M. Pirovano, P.L. Lanzi, S. Wuest, E.D. de Bruin
An intelligent game engine for the at-home Rehabilitation of stroke patients
2013 N.A. Borghese, M. Pirovano, P.L. Lanzi, R. Mainetti
An integrated low-cost system for at-home rehabilitation
2012 N.A. Borghese, R. Mainetti, M. Pirovano, P.L. Lanzi
Self-adaptive games for rehabilitation at home
2012 M. Pirovano, R. Mainetti, P.L. Lanzi, N.A. Borghese
Rehabilitation at home : the intelligent game engine for rehabilitation (IGER system)
2012 N.A. Borghese, M. Pirovano, R. Mainetti, P.L. Lanzi