Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
A multi-step genomic approach prioritized TBKBP1 gene as relevant for multiple sclerosis susceptibility 2022 Lupoli, SaraSalvi, ErikaBarlassina, CristinaCusi, DanieleComi, GiancarloMartinelli Boneschi, Filippo + Article (author) -
Preliminary profiling of blood transcriptome in a rat model of hemorrhagic shock 2017 D. BragaM. BarcellaF. D'AvilaS. LupoliC. Barlassina + Article (author) -
Genome-wide meta-analysis of 241,258 adults accounting for smoking behaviour identifies novel loci for obesity traits 2017 M. ChittaniD. BragaS. LupoliC. MenniD. BaldassarreE. Tremoli + Article (author) -
Interaction between polyphenols intake and PON1 gene variants on markers of cardiovascular disease : A nutrigenetic observational study 2016 RIZZI, FEDERICACONTI, COSTANZADOGLIOTTI, ELENATERRANEGRA, ANNALISAE. SalviBRAGA, DANIELES. LupoliMINGIONE, ALESSANDRAPIVARI, FRANCESCAC. BrasacchioM. BarcellaCHITTANI, MARTINAF. D'AvilaM. TurielL. SoldatiD. Cusi + Article (author) -
Exome sequencing identifies variants in two genes encoding the LIM-proteins NRAP and FHL1 in an Italian patient with BAG3 myofibrillar myopathy 2016 F. D’AvilaM. MeregalliS. LupoliM. BarcellaDE SANTIS, FRANCESCASITZIA, CLEMENTINAA. FariniS. ErraticoR. CristofaniD. BragaA. PolettiC. BarlassinaY. Torrente + Article (author) -
Exome sequencing identifies mutations in two genes encoding the LIM-proteins N-RAP and FHL1 in a BAG3 myofibrillar myopathy 2015 M. MeregalliLUPOLI, SARAD. BragaBARLASSINA, MARIA CRISTINAY.Torrente + Conference Object -
Cross-Disorder Genome-Wide Analyses Suggest a Complex Genetic Relationship Between Tourette's Syndrome and OCD 2015 C. BarlassinaD. CusiS. LupoliF. MacciardiE. Salvi + Article (author) -
The burden of multiple sclerosis variants in continental Italians and Sardinians 2015 S. LupoliC. BarlassinaD. BragaD. CusiF. Martinelli Boneschi + Article (author) -
Pharmacogenomics considerations in the control of hypertension 2015 S. LupoliE. SalviM. BarcellaC. Barlassina Article (author) -
Defining the role of common variation in the genomic and biological architecture of adult human height 2014 C. MenniS. LupoliE. Tremoli + Article (author) -
Genetic burden of common variants in progressive and bout-onset multiple sclerosis 2014 S. LupoliF.R. GueriniD. CusiF. Martinelli-Boneschi + Article (author) -
Target sequencing, cell experiments, and a population study establish endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene as hypertension susceptibility gene 2013 E. SalviS. LupoliF. D'AvilaM. BarcellaF. FrauD. VelayuthamD. BragaC. BarlassinaD. Cusi + Article (author) -
Association of Genetic Markers with CSF Oligoclonal Bands in Multiple Sclerosis Patients 2013 D. CusiS. LupoliF. Martinelli-Boneschi + Article (author) -
A "Candidate-Interactome" Aggregate Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Data in Multiple Sclerosis 2013 V.A..G. RiciglianoB. Filippo MartinelliG. ComiD. CusiD. GalimbertiF.R. GueriniS. LupoliF. MacciardiE. Salvi + Article (author) -
Dietary Salt Intake, Blood Pressure, and Genes 2013 S. LupoliE. SalviC. Barlassina Article (author) -
Pharmacogenomics in Alzheimer’s disease: a genome-wide association study of response to cholinesterase inhibitors 2013 MARTINELLI BONESCHI, FILIPPOS. LupoliD. GalimbertiC. MarianiE. Scarpini + Article (author) -
Replication study to confirm the role of CYP2D6 polymorphism rs1080985 on donepezil efficacy in Alzheimer's disease patients 2012 F. Martinelli BoneschiS. LupoliD. GalimbertiC. MarianiE. Scarpini + Article (author) -
Mitochondrial mutations and polymorphisms in psychiatric disorders 2012 F. MacciardiS. Lupoli + Article (author) -
Genomewide association study using a high-density single nucleotide polymorphism array and case-control design identifies a novel essential hypertension susceptibility locus in the promoter region of endothelial NO synthase 2012 E. SalviF. FrauC. ContiA. CalabriaF. RizziS. LupoliD. BragaC. BarlassinaD. Cusi + Article (author) -
The type 2 diabetes mellitus susceptibility gene, TCF7L2, is associated with schizophrenia in an Arab-Israeli family sample 2012 S. LupoliF. Macciardi + Article (author) -