DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA "ARDITO DESIO" (attivo dal 01/11/1982 al 26/04/2012)
Feasibility of allogeneic stem-cell transplantation after azacitidine bridge in higher-risk myelodysplastic syndromes and low blast count acute myeloid leukemia: results of the BMT-AZA prospective study
2017 M.T. Voso, G. Leone, A. Piciocchi, L. Fianchi, S. Santarone, A. Candoni, M. Criscuolo, A. Masciulli, E. Cerqui, A. Molteni, C. Finelli, M. Parma, A. Poloni, A.M. Carella, F. Spina, A. Cortelezzi, F. Salvi, E.P. Alessandrino, A. Rambaldi, S. Sica
The continental crust of the Austroalpine Domain : the record of multiple rejuvenation of an orogenic scar
2014 M.I. Spalla, F. Delleani, A.M. Marotta, G. Rebay, A. Regorda, M. Roda, F. Salvi, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali, G. Gosso
Three-dimensional evaluation of fabric evolution and metamorphic reaction progress in polycyclic and polymetamorphic terrains: a case from the Central Italian Alps
2010 F. Salvi, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, G. Gosso
Analysis of natural tectonic systems coupled with numerical modelling of the polycyclic continental lithosphere of the Alps
2010 M.I. Spalla, G. Gosso, A.M. Marotta, M. Zucali, F. Salvi
Tectonic analysis vs numerical modelling : advices from the Alpine belt
2009 M.I. Spalla, G.G.M. Gosso, A.M. Marotta, M. Roda, F. Salvi, M. Zucali
3D reconstruction of geological complex bodies : examples from the Alps
2009 A. Zanchi, F. Salvi, S. Zanchetta, S. Sterlacchini, G. Guerra
Deformation partitioning in the tectono-metamorphic unit Languard-Tonale, Austroalpine Domain (Central Alps): from the meso- and micro-structural data to the 3D reconstruction.
2009 F. Salvi, G. Gosso, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali
Three-dimensional reconstruction of a sector of the Languard-Tonale Alpine tectono-metamorphic unit in the Central Italian Alps, between upper Valtellina and Val Camonica, Austroalpine domain
2008 F. Salvi, M. Zucali, M.I. Spalla, G. Gosso
Tectonic analysis vs numerical modelling : insight from the polycyclic continental lithosphere of the Alps
2008 M.I. Spalla, A.M. Marotta, G. Gosso, F. Salvi, M. Zucali
Ricostruzione 3D dell'unità tettono-metamorfica alpina Languard-Tonale, tra l'alta Valtellina e la Val Camonica (Dominio Austroalpino, Alpi Centrali-Italia)
2008 F. Salvi, M. Zucali, M.I. Spalla, G. Gosso
Three-dimensional reconstruction of tectono-metamorphic units of the Languard Campo -Serie del Tonale nappes between upper Valtellina and Val Camonica (Central Italian Alps, Austroalpine domain)
2007 F. Salvi, M. Zucali, M.I. Spalla, G. Gosso, A. Vernej, D. Gazzola
Lack of association of the -463 G/A myeloperoxidase promoter polymorphism with Behçet's disease in Italian patients
2007 F. Atzeni, L. Boiardi, B. Casali, E. Farnetti, P. Sarzi-Puttini, N. Pipitone, I. Olivieri, F. Cantini, F. Salvi, R. La Corte, G. Triolo, D. Filippini, G. Paolazzi, C. Salvarani
Ricostruzione 3D dai dati di terreno : struttura del M. Misma, Sudalpino Centrale
2007 F. Salvi, S. Sterlacchini, A. Zanchi
Map of deformation partitioning in the polydeformed and polymetamorphic Austroalpine basement in Valtellina and Val Camonica, (Central Alps)
2006 G. Gosso, F. Salvi, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali
Clinical manifestations of Behçet's disease in 137 Italian patients: results of a multicenter study
2004 N. Pipitone, L. Boiardi, I. Olivieri, F. Cantini, F. Salvi, R. Malatesta, R. La Corte, G. Triolo, A. Ferrante, D. Filippini, G. Paolazzi, P. Sarzi-Puttini, G. Restuccia, C. Salvarani
GIS and 3D geological reconstruction of the Zuccone gravitational deformation, Val Taleggio (Southern Alps)
2004 A. Zanchi, F. Salvi, F. Natoli, M. De Amicis, F. Jadoul, S. Sterlacchini
Tectono-metamorphic map of the Languard-Campo-Serie del Tonale nappes between upper Val Camonica and Valtellina (Central Italian Alps, Austroalpine domain)
2003 M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, F. Salvi, G. Gosso, D. Gazzola
Structural Map Of The Languard-Campo- Serie Del Tonale Nappes (Passo Del Mortirolo -Valtellina-Valcamonica Divide, Austroalpine Domain, Central Italian Alps)
2003 F. Salvi, G. Gosso, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, D. Gazzola
Mutation and transcription analysis of transthyretin gene in Italian families with hereditary amyloidosis: a putative novel 'hot spot' in codon 47
2000 A. Ferlini, L. Obici, E. Manzati, O. Biadi, E. Tarantino, P. Conigli, G. Merlini, M. D'Alessandro, V. Mazzaferro, C. Tassinari, F. Salvi