Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
The influence of petrography, mineralogy and chemistry on burnability and reactivity of quicklime produced in Twin Shaft Regenerative (TSR) kilns from Neoarchean limestone (Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa)
2018 G. Vola, L. Sarandrea, G. Della Porta, A. Cavallo, F. Jadoul, G. Cruciani
An expanded Tethyan Kimmeridgian magneto-biostratigraphy from the S'Adde section (Sardinia) : implications for the Jurassic timescale
2018 G. Muttoni, A. Visconti, J.E.T. Channell, C.E. Casellato, M. Maron, F. Jadoul
Sedimentary evolution of a coral-, microbialites- and debris-rich Upper Jurassic reef (upper Tithonian, eastern Sardinia, Italy)
2018 C. Ricci, G. Rusciadelli, G. Della Porta, A. Lanfranchi, F. Jadoul, B. Lathuilière
Sedimentary context and palaeoecology of Gigantoproductus shell beds in the Mississippian Eyam Limestone Formation, Derbyshire carbonate platform, central England
2017 L.S.P. Nolan, L. Angiolini, F. Jadoul, G. Della Porta, S.J. Davies, V.J. Banks, M.H. Stephenson, M.J. Leng
Comments on “The Cenozoic fold-and-thrust belt of Eastern Sardinia: Evidences from the integration of field data with numerically balanced geological cross section” by Arragoni et al., 2016
2017 F. Berra, A. Lanfranchi, F. Jadoul
Does compaction-induced subsidence control accommodation space at the top of prograding carbonate platforms? : Constraints from the numerical modelling of the Triassic Esino Limestone (Southern Alps, Italy)
2016 F. Berra, E. Carminati, F. Jadoul, M. Binda
Calcareous nannofossils at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary : stratigraphic and paleoceanographic characterization
2016 C. Bottini, F. Jadoul, M. Rigo, M. Zaffani, C. Artoni, E. Erba
Neotethys seawater chemistry and temperature at the dawn of the end Permian mass extinction
2016 C. Garbelli, L. Angiolini, U. Brand, S. Shen, F. Jadoul, R. Posenato, K. Azmy, C. Cao
Origin of the Breno and Esino dolomites in the western Southern Alps (Italy): Implications for a volcanic influence
2016 Y. Hou, K. Azmy, F. Berra, F. Jadoul, N.J.F. Blamey, S.A. Gleeson, U. Brand
Chemo-Biostratigraphic characterization of the Triassic/Jurassic boundary interval in the Western Southern Alps
2016 C. Bottini, F. Jadoul, M. Rigo, M. Zaffani, E. Erba, C. Artoni
Detachments and mass transports along low-angle slopes: the onset of the Tithonian carbonate ramp progradation along the Eastern Sardinia Jurassic passive margin (Italy)
2015 F. Jadoul, G. Della Porta, A. Lanfranchi, F. Felletti F, M. Marini
Stratigraphic-paleogeographic evolution of Eastern Sardinia Jurassic passive margin carbonates: synthesis and future developments.
2015 F. Jadoul
Applied stratigraphy and carbonate petrography of the Arabescato Orobico dimension stone from the Bergamasc Alps (Calcare Rosso, Italy)
2014 G. Vola, F. Jadoul
Brachiopod fabric, classes and biogeochemistry: implications for the reconstruction and interpretation of seawater carbon-isotope curves and records
2014 C. Garbelli, L. Angiolini, U. Brand, F. Jadoul
Equatorial sea surface seasonality of the Mississippian (Early Carboniferous) derived from Brachiopod shell calcite
2013 L.S.P. Nolan, M.J. Leng, S.J. Davies, L. Angiolini, V. Banks, F. Jadoul, M.H. Stephenson
Coral sponge-microincruster-microbialite associations in the uppermost Jurassic reef complex of Eastern Sardinia (Italy)
2012 C. Ricci, F. Jadoul, A. Lanfranchi, G. Rusciadelli, G. Della Porta, B. Lathullier, F. Berra
Foglio 077 : Clusone : Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50000
2012 F. Jadoul, F. Berra, A. Bini, C. Ferliga, D. Mazzoccola, L. Papani, A. Piccin, R. Rossi, S. Rossi, G.L. Trombetta
Foglio 077 Clusone. Note illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000
2012 F. Jadoul, F. Berra, A. Bini, C. Ferliga, D. Mazzoccola, L. Papani, A. Piccin, R. Rossi, S. Rossi, L. Trombetta
Slope Facies of High-Relief, Steep-Slope Triassic Carbonate Platforms (Esino Limestone, Southern Alps, Italy): Sedimentary Processes and Marine Cementation
2012 F. Berra, F. Jadoul, P. Brack, R. Pessina
Sedimentological and Diagenetic Constraints for the Forward Modelling of a Greenhouse High-Relief Flat-Topped Platform (Triassic, Southern Alps, Italy)
2012 F. Berra, A. Lanfranchi, P. Ronchi, P. Smart, F. Whitaker, F. Jadoul