Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Gravity rate of change at convergent margins
2024 V. Fedeli, A.M. Marotta, A. Regorda, R. Sabadini
Metamorphic Remnants of the Variscan Orogeny across the Alps and Their Tectonic Significance
2023 M. Roda, M.I. Spalla, M. Filippi, J. Lardeaux, G. Rebay, A. Regorda, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali, G. Gosso
Alpine convergence record in the Carboniferous Badstub Formation, Upper Austroalpine basement nappes, Austria
2023 D. Zanoni, M. Filippi, M. Roda, A. Regorda, M.I. Spalla
Rifting Venus: Insights From Numerical Modeling
2023 A. Regorda, C. Thieulot, I. van Zelst, Z. Erdős, J. Maia, S. Buiter
The gravitational signature of the dynamics of oceanization in the Gulf of Aden
2023 A.M. Marotta, R. Barzaghi, A. Bollino, A. Regorda, R. Sabadini
From rifting to oceanization in the Gulf of Aden: Insights from 2D numerical models
2022 A. Bollino, A. Regorda, R. Sabadini, A.M. Marotta
Quantification of Alpine Metamorphism in the Edolo Diabase, Central Southern Alps
2022 M. Filippi, D. Zanoni, G. Rebay, M. Roda, A. Regorda, J.-. Lardeaux, M.I. Spalla
Metamorphic facies and deformation fabrics diagnostic of subduction: insights from 2D numerical models
2021 A. Regorda, M.I. Spalla, M. Roda, J. Lardeaux, A.M. Marotta
New insights on the dynamics of the Sumatra and Mariana complexes inferred from the comparative analysis of gravity data and model predictions
2020 A. Bollino, A.M. Marotta, F. Restelli, A. Regorda, R. Sabadini
Formation and evolution of a subduction-related mélange: The example of the Rocca Canavese Thrust Sheets (Western Alps)
2020 M. Roda, M. Zucali, A. Regorda, M. Iole Spalla
The static and time-dependent signature of ocean-continent and ocean-ocean subduction : The case studies of Sumatra and Mariana complexes
2020 A.M. Marotta, F. Restelli, A. Bollino, A. Regorda, R. Sabadini
How many subductions in the Variscan orogeny? Insights from numerical models
2020 A. Regorda, J. Lardeaux, M. Roda, A.M. Marotta, M.I. Spalla
What drives Alpine Tethys opening? Clues from the review of geological data and model predictions
2019 M. Roda, A. Regorda, M.I. Spalla, A.M. Marotta
Is the Rocca Canavese Thrust Sheet (Italian Western Alps) a subduction-related mélange? : a multidisciplinary approach
2018 M. Roda, M. Zucali, A. Regorda, M.I. Spalla
What drives Alpine Tethys opening: suggestions from numerical modelling
2017 M. Roda, A. Regorda, A.M. Marotta, M.I. Spalla
2017 A. Regorda
2-D numerical study of hydrated wedge dynamics from subduction to post-collisional phases
2017 A. Regorda, M. Roda, A.M. Marotta, M.I. Spalla
What drives alpine tethys opening: suggestions from numerical modelling
2016 M. Roda, A. Regorda, A.M. Marotta, M.I. Spalla
Exploitation methods of the metamorphic rock memory in the continental crust of orogenic belts to infer subduction history
2015 M.I. Spalla, F. Delleani, G. Gosso, A.M. Marotta, G. Rebay, A. Regorda, M. Roda, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali
Effects of mantle hydration and viscous heating on the dynamics of mantle wedge in a subduction system: differences and similarities of 2D model predictions with examples from the Variscan crust
2015 A. Regorda, A.M. Marotta, M. Roda, J.M. Lardeaux, M.I. Spalla