Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Metamorphic Remnants of the Variscan Orogeny across the Alps and Their Tectonic Significance
2023 M. Roda, M.I. Spalla, M. Filippi, J. Lardeaux, G. Rebay, A. Regorda, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali, G. Gosso
Evidence of Tethyan continental break-up and Alpine collision in the Argentera-Mercantour Massif, Western Alps
2020 M. Filippi, D. Zanoni, J.M. Lardeaux, M.I. Spalla, G. Gosso
Variscan eclogites from the Argentera–Mercantour Massif (External Crystalline Massifs, SW Alps): a dismembered cryptic suture zone
2020 F. Jouffray, M.I. Spalla, J.M. Lardeaux, M. Filippi, G. Rebay, M. Corsini, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali, G. Gosso
Structure of lamprophyres: a discriminant marker for Variscan and Alpine tectonics in the Argentera-Mercantour Massif, Maritime Alps
2019 M. Filippi, D. Zanoni, G. Gosso, J. Lardeaux, C. Verati, M.I. Spalla
Mapping the progressive geologic history at the junction of the Alpine Mountain Belt and the Western Mediterranean Ocean
2019 G. Gosso, J.-. Lardeaux, D. Zanoni, S. Volante, M. Corsini, R. Bersezio, J. Mascle, L. Spaggiari, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, G. Giannerini, L. Camera
Incremental tectonic event maps at the junction of the Alps with the western Mediterranean
2019 D. Zanoni, G. Gosso, J.-. Lardeaux, S. Volante, M. Corsini, R. Bersezio, J. Mascle, L. Spaggiari, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, G. Giannerini, L. Camera
The late- to post-Varsican dioritic dyke swarm of the Argentera-Mercantour Massif and its tectono-metamorphic record
2018 M. Filippi, G. Gosso, J. Lardeaux, M.I. Spalla, C. Verati, D. Zanoni
Magmatic and metamorphic history of mafic dykes from the Argentera-Mercantour Massif, southwestern Alps: implications for Variscan and Alpine tectonics
2018 M. Filippi, L. Cinquegrani, G. Gosso, J.-. Lardeaux, M.I. Spalla, C. Verati, D. Zanoni
From Variscan to Alpine tectonics: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the Argentera-Mercantour dioritic dyke swarm
2018 M. Filippi, G.G.M. Gosso, J.-. Lardeaux, M.I. Spalla, C. Verati, D. Zanoni
Exploitation methods of the metamorphic rock memory in the continental crust of orogenic belts to infer subduction history
2015 M.I. Spalla, F. Delleani, G. Gosso, A.M. Marotta, G. Rebay, A. Regorda, M. Roda, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali
Taking advantage of petrostructural heterogeneities in subduction- collisional orogens, and effect on the scale of analysis
2015 G. Gosso, G. Rebay, M. Roda, M.I. Spalla, M. Tarallo, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali
Quantitative microstructural analysis of naturally deformed rocks as tool to understand tectono-metamorphic evolution
2015 M. Zucali, M.I. Spalla, G. Gosso, D. Chateigner, B. Ouladdiaf, P. Tartarotti, E. Fontana, L. Mancini, V. Barberini
Structural, igneous and metamorphic footprints of Pangea break-up preserved in the subducted Austroalpine continental lithosphere of the European Alps
2015 M.I. Spalla, G.G.M. Gosso, G. Rebay, M. Roda, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali
The continental crust of the Austroalpine Domain : the record of multiple rejuvenation of an orogenic scar
2014 M.I. Spalla, F. Delleani, A.M. Marotta, G. Rebay, A. Regorda, M. Roda, F. Salvi, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali, G. Gosso
The transition from Variscan collision to continental break-up in the Alps: advice from the comparison between natural data and numerical model predictions
2014 M.I. Spalla, D. Zanoni, A.M. Marotta, G. Rebay, M. Roda, M. Zucali, G. Gosso
Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana
2013 M. Zucali, E. Fontana, D. Zanoni, M.I. Spalla, G. Rebay, P. Tartarotti, G. Gosso
A new petro-structural map of the Monte Mucrone metagranitoids (Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Western Alps)
2013 F. Delleani, M.I. Spalla, D. Castelli, G. Gosso
Map of the strain and reaction-rate partitioning in the Mombarone-Mt. Mucrone area (Sesia Lanzo Zone, Italian Western Alps)
2013 F. Delleani, M. Zucali, M.I. Spalla, G. Gosso
Evidence for contrasting tectonic trajectories in adjacent domains in the Shuswap complex, southeastern Canadian Cordillera
2013 D. Zanoni, G. Gosso, Y.D. Kuiper, M.I. Spalla, P.F. Williams
Foglio 057 Malonno. Note illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000
2012 G. Gosso, M.I. Spalla, G.B. Siletto, F. Berra, A. Bini, F. Forcella