Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
Guided versus freehand single implant placement: A 3-year parallel randomized clinical trial
2024 D. Lops, A. Palazzolo, S. Calza, L. Proietto, A. Sordillo, M. Mensi, E. Romeo
Difference of Two Antiseptic Gels for the Treatment of Peri-Implant Mucositis on Plaque Index and Bleeding Score: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study
2023 S. Storelli, G. Palandrani, B. Manfredi, E. Romeo, D. De Martis, C. Todaro, R. Rodriguez y Baena, S.M. Lupi
CAD/CAM Abutments in the Esthetic Zone: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Soft Tissue Stability
2023 D. Lops, E. Romeo, M. Mensi, G. Troiano, K. Zhurakivska, M. Del Fabbro, A. Palazzolo
Single Crown Restorations Supported by One-Piece Zirconia Dental Implants: Case Series with a Mean Follow-Up of 58 Months
2023 E. Romeo, R. Scaringi, D. Lops, A. Palazzolo
Implant rehabilitation of the esthetic area: A five-year retrospective study comparing conventional and fully guided surgery
2023 L. Amorfini, P. Pesce, M. Migliorati, S. Drago, S. Storelli, E. Romeo, M. Menini
Clinical, microbiological and immunological short, medium and long-term effects of different strains of probiotics as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy in patients with periodontitis. Systematic review with meta-analysis
2023 F. Ausenda, E. Barbera, E. Cotti, E. Romeo, Z.S. Natto, N.A. Valente
Angolo di emergenza implantare e peri-implantite: revisione della letteratura e caso clinico
2023 A. Palazzolo, V. De Giovanni, L. Proietto, D. Lops, E. Romeo
Association between Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Health and Different Prosthetic Emergence Angles in Esthetic Areas: Digital Evaluation after 3 Years’ Function
2022 D. Lops, E. Romeo, S. Calza, A. Palazzolo, L. Viviani, S. Salgarello, B. Buffoli, M. Mensi
Consensus Report by the Italian Academy of Osseointegration on the Use of Graft Materials in Postextraction Sites
2022 A. Caiazzo, L. Canullo, D. Lops, E. Romeo, G. Tommasato, P. Pesce
Scanner intraorale e facciale, chirurgia guidata e carbonio. Il futuro dell’odontoiatria? = Intraoral and facial scanner, guided surgery and carbon. The future of dentistry?
2022 M. Scanferla, G.M. Moretti, D. Oldani, G. Lomas, S. Storelli, E. Romeo
Marginal Bone Maintenance and Different Prosthetic Emergence Angles: A 3-Year Retrospective Study
2022 D. Lops, E. Romeo, M. Stocchero, A. Palazzolo, B. Manfredi, L. Sbricoli
Use of Narrow-Diameter Implants in Completely Edentulous Patients as a Prosthetic Option: A Systematic Review of the Literature
2021 S. Storelli, A. Caputo, G. Palandrani, M. Peditto, M. Del Fabbro, E. Romeo, G. Oteri
Context-Dependent Pharmacological Effects of Metformin on the Immune System
2020 F. Marcucci, E. Romeo, C.A. Caserta, C. Rumio, F. Lefoulon
Five degree internal conical connection and marginal bone stability around subcrestal implants: A retrospective analysis
2020 D. Lops, M. Stocchero, J.M. Jones, A. Freni, A. Palazzolo, E. Romeo
Gestione dell’alveolo post-estrattivo e rigenerazione ossea pre-implantare nella mono-edentulia = Post-extractive alveolar management and pre-implant bone regeneration in unilateral partial edentulism
2020 A. Pispero, D. Lops, E. Romeo, A. Caiazzo, M. Gisotti
A digital workflow for computer-guided implant surgery integrating CBCT, model scanning, and CAD/CAM for a complete edentulism implant-supported prosthesis: A technique procedure
2020 S. Storelli, G. Palandrani, L. Amorfini, M. Scanferla, F. Ausenda, E. Romeo
Treatment of full and partial arches with internal‐ conical‐connection dental implants: Clinical results after 5 years of follow‐up
2020 D. Lops, R. Guazzo, A. Rossi, A. Palazzolo, V. Favero, M. Manfredini, L. Sbricoli, E. Romeo
6 mm vs 10 mm-long implants in the rehabilitation of posterior jaws : A 10-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial
2018 S. Storelli, A. Abbà, M. Scanferla, D. Botticelli, E. Romeo
Biomechanical aspects: Summary and consensus statements of group 4. The 5(th) EAO Consensus Conference 2018
2018 C.H.F. Hämmerle, L. Cordaro, K.A.A. Alccayhuaman, D. Botticelli, M. Esposito, L.E. Colomina, A. Gil, F.L. Gulje, A. Ioannidis, H. Meijer, S. Papageorgiou, G. Raghoebar, E. Romeo, F. Renouard, S. Storelli, F. Torsello, H. Wachtel
Implant supported cantilevered fixed dental rehabilitations in partially edentulous patients : systematic review of the literature. Part I
2018 S. Storelli, M. Del Fabbro, M. Scanferla, G. Palandrani, E. Romeo