Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Whole-Genome Sequencing of hMPXV1 in five Italian cases confirms the occurrence of the predominant epidemic lineage
2023 D. Forni, C. Moltrasio, M. Sironi, A. Mozzi, E. Quattri, L. Venegoni, M. Zamprogno, A. Citterio, M. Clerici, A.V. Marzano, R. Cagliani
Autoinflammation in Syndromic Hidradenitis Suppurativa: The Role of AIM2
2023 C. Moltrasio, R. Cagliani, M. Sironi, M. Clerici, C. Pontremoli, C.A. Maronese, P.M. Tricarico, S. Crovella, A.V. Marzano
Monkeypox: A Histopathological and Transmission Electron Microscopy Study
2023 C. Moltrasio, F.L. Boggio, M. Romagnuolo, R. Cagliani, M. Sironi, A. Di Benedetto, A.V. Marzano, B.E. Leone, B. Vergani
No association of a risk variant for severe COVID-19 with HIV protection in three cohorts of highly-exposed individuals
2022 M. Sironi, R. Cagliani, M. Biasin, S.L. Caputo, I. Saulle, D. Forni, L.M. Real, J.A. Pineda, A. Exposito, M.E. Saez, F. Sinangil, D. Forthal, A. Caruz, M. Clerici
Simplexviruses successfully adapt to their host by fine-tuning immune responses
2022 A. Mozzi, R. Cagliani, C. Pontremoli, D. Forni, I. Saulle, M. Saresella, U. Pozzoli, G. Cappelletti, C. Vantaggiato, M. Clerici, M. Biasin, M. Sironi
Evolutionary rates of mammalian telomere-stability genes correlate with karyotype features and female germline expression
2018 C. Pontremoli, D. Forni, R. Cagliani, U. Pozzoli, M. Clerici, M. Sironi
Multiple selected changes may modulate the molecular interaction between Laverania RH5 and primate basigin
2018 D. Forni, C. Pontremoli, R. Cagliani, U. Pozzoli, M. Clerici, M. Sironi
Genetic conflicts with Plasmodium parasites and functional constraints shape the evolution of erythrocyte cytoskeletal proteins
2018 M. Sironi, D. Forni, M. Clerici, R. Cagliani
The diversity of mammalian hemoproteins and microbial heme scavengers is shaped by an arms race for iron piracy
2018 A. Mozzi, D. Forni, M. Clerici, R. Cagliani, M. Sironi
Evolutionary analysis provides insight into the origin and adaptation of HCV
2018 D. Forni, R. Cagliani, C. Pontremoli, U. Pozzoli, J. Vertemara, L.D. Gioia, M. Clerici, M. Sironi
Ancient Evolution of Mammarenaviruses: Adaptation via Changes in the L Protein and No Evidence for Host-Virus Codivergence
2018 D. Forni, C. Pontremoli, U. Pozzoli, M. Clerici, R. Cagliani, M. Sironi
Susceptibility to type 2 diabetes may be modulated by haplotypes in G6PC2, a target of positive selection
2017 N.M. Al-Daghri, C. Pontremoli, R. Cagliani, D. Forni, M.S. Alokail, O.S. Al-Attas, S. Sabico, S. Riva, M. Clerici, M. Sironi
REST, a master regulator of neurogenesis, evolved under strong positive selection in humans and in non human primates
2017 A. Mozzi, F.R. Guerini, D. Forni, A.S. Costa, R. Nemni, F. Baglio, M. Cabinio, S. Riva, C. Pontremoli, M. Clerici, M. Sironi, R. Cagliani
Positive selection underlies the species-specific binding of Plasmodium falciparum RH5 to human basigin
2015 D. Forni, C. Pontremoli, R. Cagliani, U. Pozzoli, M. Clerici, M. Sironi
Diverse selective regimes shape genetic diversity at ADAR genes and at their coding targets
2015 D. Forni, A. Mozzi, C. Pontremoli, J. Vertemara, U. Pozzoli, M. Biasin, N. Bresolin, M. Clerici, R. Cagliani, M. Sironi
Evolutionary insights into host-pathogen interactions from mammalian sequence data
2015 M. Sironi, R. Cagliani, D. Forni, M. Clerici
Variants in the CYP7B1 gene region do not affect natural resistance to HIV-1 infection
2015 M. Sironi, M. Biasin, C. Pontremoli, R. Cagliani, I. Saulle, D. Trabattoni, F. Vichi, S. Lo Caputo, F. Mazzotta, W. Aguilar Jimenez, M.T. Rugeles, S. Cedeno, J. Sanchez, C. Brander, M. Clerici
The CCR5Δ32 allele is not a major predisposing factor for severe H1N1pdm09 infection
2014 M. Sironi, R. Cagliani, C. Pontremoli, M. Rossi, G. Migliorino, M. Clerici, A. Gori
Genetic adaptation of the human circadian clock to day-length latitudinal variations and relevance for affective disorders
2014 D. Forni, U. Pozzoli, R. Cagliani, C. Tresoldi, G. Menozzi, S. Riva, F. Guerini, G. Comi, E. Bolognesi, N. Bresolin, M. Clerici, M. Sironi
ABO histo-blood group might modulate predisposition to Crohn's disease and affect disease behavior
2014 D. Forni, I. Cleynen, M. Ferrante, A. Cassinotti, R. Cagliani, S. Ardizzone, S. Vermeire, M. Fichera, M. Lombardini, G. Maconi, R. de Franchis, R. Asselta, M. Biasin, M. Clerici, M. Sironi