DIPARTIMENTO DI FISIOLOGIA UMANA (attivo dal 01/01/2009 al 26/04/2012)
Lung pathophysiology in patients with long COVID-19: one size definitely does not fit all
2023 D. Radovanovic, E. D'Angelo
Plethysmographic assessment of tidal expiratory flow limitation
2022 E. D'Angelo, D. Radovanovic, P. Barbini, P. Santus, M.M. Pecchiari
In memoriam Emilio Agostoni
2021 E. D'Angelo, R. Galli, M.M. Pecchiari, C. Porta, C.M.E. Sironi, L.A.M. Zocchi
Diagnostic Insights from Plethysmographic Alveolar Pressure Assessed during Spontaneous Breathing in COPD Patients
2021 C. Zilianti, P. Santus, M. Pecchiari, E. D'Angelo, D. Radovanovic
The development of various forms of lung injury with increasing tidal volume in normal rats
2020 E. D'Angelo, A. Koutsoukou, P. Della Valle, G. Gentile, M. Pecchiari
Standard and viscoelastic mechanical properties of respiratory system compartments in dogs : effect of volume, posture, and shape
2019 E. D'Angelo, E. Calderini, M. Tavola, M. Pecchiari
Plethysmographic Loops : a Window on the Lung Pathophysiology of COPD Patients
2018 D. Radovanovic, M. Pecchiari, F. Pirracchio, C. Zilianti, E. D’Angelo, P. Santus
Acute effects of long acting bronchodilators on small airways detected in COPD patients by single breath N2 test and lung P-V curve
2017 M.M. Pecchiari, P. Santus, D. Radovanovic, E. D'Angelo
Airway occlusion assessed by single breath N2 test and lung P-V curve in healthy subjects and COPD patients
2016 M. Pecchiari, D. Radovanovic, P. Santus, E. D'Angelo
Friction and morphology of pleural mesothelia
2016 M. Pecchiari, P. Sartori, V. Conte, E. D'Angelo, C. Moscheni
Assessment of acute bronchodilator effects from specific airway resistance changes in stable COPD patients
2014 P. Santus, D. Radovanovic, S. Henchi, F. Di Marco, S. Centanni, E. D'Angelo, M. Pecchiari
Effects of Various Modes of Mechanical Ventilation in Normal Rats
2014 M. Pecchiari, A. Monaco, A. Koutsoukou, P. Della Valle, G. Gentile, E. D'Angelo
Esophageal pressure as an estimate of average pleural pressure with lung or chest distortion in rats
2013 M.M. Pecchiari, S.H. Loring, E. D'Angelo
Plasma membrane disruptions with different modes of injurious mechanical ventilation in normal rat lungs
2012 M. Pecchiari, A. Monaco, A. Koutsoukou, E. D'Angelo
Patterns of plasma membrane disruptions distribution in mechanically ventilated lungs
2011 M. Pecchiari, A. Monaco, A. Koutsoukou, E. D'Angelo
Development of various forms of lung injury with increasing tidal volume in normal rats
2011 E. D’Angelo, A. Koutsoukou, P. Della Valle, G. Gentile, M. Pecchiari
Lubricating effect of sialomucin and hyaluronan on pleural mesothelium
2011 F. Bodega, M. Pecchiari, C. Sironi, C. Porta, E. D'Angelo, E. Agostoni
Positive -versus negative- pressure ventilation in healthy rats
2010 M.M. Pecchiari, A. Koutsoukou, P. Della Valle, G. Gentile, A. Monaco, E. D'Angelo
Motor control of the diaphragm in anesthetized rabbits
2010 E. D'Angelo, A. Monaco, M. Pecchiari
Maintaining end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure prevents worsening of ventilator-induced lung injury caused by chest wall constriction in surfactant-depleted rats
2010 S.H. Loring, M. Pecchiari, P. Della Valle, A. Monaco, G. Gentile, E. D'Angelo