Dipartimento di Matematica Federigo Enriques
Stone-Gelfand duality for metrically complete lattice-ordered groups
2025 M. Abbadini, V. Marra, L. Spada
Polyhedral Completeness of Intermediate Logics: The Nerve Criterion
2024 S. ADAM-DAY, N. Bezhanishvili, D. Gabelaia, V. Marra
Separable MV-algebras and lattice-ordered groups
2024 V. Marra, M. Menni
Priestley duality for MV-algebras and beyond
2021 W. Fussner, M. Gehrke, S.J. Van Gool, V. Marra
The two-sorted algebraic theory of states, and the universal states of MV-algebras
2021 T. Kroupa, V. Marra
General affine adjunctions, Nullstellensätze, and dualities
2021 O. Caramello, V. Marra, L. Spada
Orders on groups, and spectral spaces of lattice-groups
2020 A. Colacito, V. Marra
A characterisation of the category of compact Hausdorff spaces
2020 V. Marra, L. Reggio
Generalised states : a multi-sorted algebraic approach to probability
2017 T. Kroupa, V. Marra
From Freudenthal’s spectral theorem to projectable hulls of unital Archimedean lattice-groups, through compactifications of minimal spectra
2017 R..N. Ball, V. Marra, D.K. Mc Neill, A. Pedrini
Tarski's theorem on intuitionistic logic, for polyhedra
2017 B. Nick, V. Marra, D. Mcneill, A. Pedrini
Stone duality above dimension zero: Axiomatising the algebraic theory of C(X)
2017 V. Marra, L. Reggio
Idempotent generated algebras and Boolean powers of commutative rings
2015 G. Bezhanishvili, V. Marra, P.J. Morandi, B. Olberding
The Chinese Remainder Theorem for Strongly Semisimple MV-Algebras and Lattice-Groups
2015 V. Marra
Two Principles in Many-Valued Logic
2015 S. Aguzzoli, V. Marra
Products in the category of forests and p-morphisms via Delannoy paths on Cartesian products
2015 P. Codara, O.M. D'Antona, V. Marra
De Vries powers: a generalization of Boolean powers for compact Hausdorff spaces
2015 G. Bezhanishvili, V. Marra, P.J. Morandi, B. Olberding
Combinatorial descriptions of products in the category of forests and open order-preserving maps
2014 P. Codara, O.M. D'Antona, V. Marra
The logical content of triangular bases of fuzzy sets in Łukasiewicz infinite-valued logic
2014 P. Codara, O.M. DʼAntona, V. Marra
Sheaf representations of MV-algebras and lattice-ordered abelian groups via duality
2014 M. Gehrke, S.J. van Gool, V. Marra