Dipartimento di Informatica Giovanni Degli Antoni
Towards an Algebraic Topos Semantics for Three-valued Gödel Logic
2021 S. Aguzzoli, P. Codara
Computing Duals of Finite Gödel Algebras
2020 P. Codara, G. Maurina, D. Valota
Connecting Systems of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic with Fuzzy Concept Lattices
2018 P. Codara, F. Esteva, L. Godo, D. Valota
On gödel algebras of concepts
2017 P. Codara, D. Valota
Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas cubes arising from powers of paths and cycles
2016 P. Codara, O.M. D’Antona
Recursive formulas to compute coproducts of finite goedel algebras and related structures
2016 S. Aguzzoli, P. Codara
Querying with Łukasiewicz logic
2015 S. Aguzzoli, P. Codara, D. Valota, T. Flaminio, B. Gerla
Products in the category of forests and p-morphisms via Delannoy paths on Cartesian products
2015 P. Codara, O.M. D'Antona, V. Marra
Valuations in Nilpotent Minimum Logic
2015 P. Codara, D. Valota
Sistemi operativi: concetti ed esempi
2014 P. Codara
Combinatorial descriptions of products in the category of forests and open order-preserving maps
2014 P. Codara, O.M. D'Antona, V. Marra
Eulerian digraphs and Dyck words, a bijection
2014 P. Codara, O. D'Antona, M. Genuzio
The logical content of triangular bases of fuzzy sets in Łukasiewicz infinite-valued logic
2014 P. Codara, O.M. DʼAntona, V. Marra
A simple combinatorial interpretation of certain generalized Bell and Stirling numbers
2014 P. Codara, O.M. D’Antona, P. Hell
On valuations in Gödel and nilpotent minimum logics
2013 P. Codara
Investigating indipendent subsets of graphs, with Mathematica
2013 P. Codara, O. D'Antona
Architettura dei calcolatori : un approccio strutturale
2013 P. Codara
Making simple proofs simpler
2013 P. Codara, O. D'Antona, F. Marigo, C. Monti
Independent subsets of powers of paths, and Fibonacci cubes
2013 P. Codara, O. D'Antona
The independent subsets of powers of paths and cycles
2012 P. Codara, O.M. D'Antona