DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
Photometric evaluation of adult patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate treated with nasoalveolar molding and primary columella lengthening
2021 M.C. Meazzini, F. Parravicini, V. Donati, R. Brusati, F. Biglioli, L. Autelitano
Costochondral graft in growing patients with hemifacial microsomia case series: Long-term results compared with non-treated patients
2020 M.C. Meazzini, V.M.A. Battista, R. Brusati, F. Mazzoleni, F. Biglioli, L. Autelitano
Photometric Evaluation in Adolescence of Patients With Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Treated With Nasoalveolar Molding and Primary Columella Lengthening
2018 M.C. Meazzini, C.G. Chiavenna, L. Autelitano, G. Garattini, R. Brusati
Evaluation of a Sample of Patients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Treated with a Two-Stage Protocol
2018 R. Brusati, M.C. Meazzini, A. Rezzonico, F. Biglioli, G. Garattini, V.M.A. Battista, L. Autelitano
Long-term computed tomographic evaluation of alveolar bone formation in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate after early secondary gingivoalveoloplasty
2016 M.C. Meazzini, M. Corno, G. Novelli, L. Autelitano, C. Tortora, D. Elisido, G. Garattini, R. Brusati
Long-term follow-up of UCLP patients : surgical and orthodontic burden of care during growth and final orthognathic surgery need
2015 M.C. Meazzini, A. Varacca Capello, F. Ventrini, L. Autelitano, A. Morabito, G. Garattini, R. Brusati
Masseteric-facial nerve anastomosis for early facial reanimation
2012 F. Biglioli, A. Frigerio, G. Colletti, D. Rabbiosi, P. Mortini, E. Dalla Toffola, A. Lozza, R. Brusati
Long-term follow-up of syndromic craniosynostosis after Le Fort III halo distraction : a cephalometric and CT evaluation
2012 M. Meazzini, F. Allevi, F. Mazzoleni, L. Ferrari, M. Pagnoni, G. Iannetti, A. Bozzetti, R. Brusati
Longitudinal photometric evaluation of BCLP patients
2011 E. Capasso, M.C. Meazzini, R. Brusati, G. Garattini
Long-term outcome of dental implants placed in revascularized fibula free flaps used for the reconstruction of maxillo-mandibular defects due to extreme atrophy
2011 M. Chiapasco, E. Romeo, A. Coggiola, R. Brusati
Maxillary distraction osteogenesis in a growing cleft lip and palate patient: a case report
2011 G. Garattini, R. Brusati, M.C. Meazzini, C. Chiavenna
Perché e quando uso la calvaria
2011 R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco
Factors that affect variability in impairment of maxillary growth in patients with cleft lip and palate treated using the same surgical protocol
2011 M. Meazzini, C. Tortora, A. Morabito, G. Garattini, R. Brusati
Deep-planes lift associated with free flap surgery for facial reanimation
2011 F. Biglioli, A. Frigerio, L. Autelitano, G. Colletti, D. Rabbiosi, R. Brusati
Maxillary distraction in growing and non growing cleft lip and palate patients
2011 G. Garattini, R. Brusati, M.C. Meazzini, V. Basile, A. Bozzetti, C. Chiavenna
The influence of orthopaedic treatment on craniofacial growth in UCLP patients: long term results
2011 G. Garattini, R. Brusati, G. Giussani, F. Finazzi
Three-dimensional evaluation of alveolar ossification in UCLP patients, undergone early secondary gingivoalveoloplasty
2011 G. Garattini, R. Brusati, V. Linzalone, M.C. Meazzini
Secondary lip and anterior intraoral scarring : an insight on mandibular growth
2010 G. Garattini, A. Vizzari, M.C. Meazzini, R. Brusati
Early secondary gingivo-alveolo-plasty in the treatment of unilateral cleft lip and palate patients : 20 years experience
2010 M.C. Meazzini, G. Rossetti, G. Garattini, G. Semb, R. Brusati
Anterior cranial base reconstruction
2010 R. Brusati, F. Biglioli, P. Mortini