Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Intraoperative surgical site infection control and prevention : a position paper and future addendum to WSES intra-abdominal infections guidelines
2020 B. De Simone, M. Sartelli, F. Coccolini, C.G. Ball, P. Brambillasca, M. Chiarugi, F.C. Campanile, G. Nita, D. Corbella, A. Leppaniemi, E. Boschini, E.E. Moore, W. Biffl, A. Peitzmann, Y. Kluger, M. Sugrue, G. Fraga, S. Di Saverio, D. Weber, B. Sakakushev, O. Chiara, F.M. Abu-Zidan, R. Ten Broek, A.W. Kirkpatrick, I. Wani, R. Coimbra, G.L. Baiocchi, M.D. Kelly, L. Ansaloni, F. Catena
IROA: International Register of Open Abdomen, preliminary results
2017 F. Coccolini, G. Montori, M. Ceresoli, F. Catena, R. Ivatury, M. Sugrue, M. Sartelli, P. Fugazzola, D. Corbella, F. Salvetti, I. Negoi, M. Zese, S. Occhionorelli, S. Maccatrozzo, S. Shlyapnikov, C. Galatioto, M. Chiarugi, Z. Demetrashvili, D. Dondossola, Y. Yovtchev, O. Ioannidis, G. Novelli, M. Nacoti, D. Khor, K. Inaba, D. Demetriades, T. Kaussen, A.C. Jusoh, W. Ghannam, B. Sakakushev, O. Guetta, A. Dogjani, S. Costa, S. Singh, D. Damaskos, A. Isik, K.-. Yuan, F. Trotta, S. Rausei, A. Martinez-Perez, G. Bellanova, V.C. Fonseca, F. Hernandez, A. Marinis, W. Fernandes, M. Quiodettis, M. Bala, A. Vereczkei, R.L. Curado, G.P. Fraga, B.M. Pereira, M. Gachabayov, G.P. Chagerben, M.L. Arellano, S. Ozyazici, G. Costa, T. Tezcaner, L. Ansaloni
World society of emergency surgery (WSES) guidelines for management of skin and soft tissue infections
2014 M. Sartelli, M.A. Malangoni, A.K. May, P. Viale, L.S. Kao, F. Catena, L. Ansaloni, E.E. Moore, F.A. Moore, A.B. Peitzman, R. Coimbra, A. Leppaniemi, Y. Kluger, W. Biffl, K. Koike, M. Girardis, C.A. Ordonez, M. Tavola, M. Cainzos, S.D. Saverio, G.P. Fraga, I. Gerych, M.D. Kelly, K. Taviloglu, I. Wani, S. Marwah, M. Bala, W. Ghnnam, N. Shaikh, O. Chiara, M.P. Faro, G.A. Pereira, C.A. Gomes, F. Coccolini, C. Tranà, D. Corbella, P. Brambillasca, Y. Cui, H.A.S. Lohse, V. Khokha, K.Y.Y. Kok, S.-. Hong, K.-. Yuan
Enteral vs. intravenous ICU sedation management: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
2013 G. Mistraletti, E.S. Mantovani, P. Cadringher, B. Cerri, D. Corbella, M. Umbrello, S. Anania, E. Andrighi, S. Barello, A. Di Carlo, F. Martinetti, P. Formenti, P. Spanu, G. Iapichino
Bias reduction in repeated-measures observational studies by the use of propensity score : the case of enteral sedation for critically ill patients
2012 M. Umbrello, G. Mistraletti, D. Corbella, M. Cigada, S. Salini, A. Morabito, G. Iapichino
Implications of ICU triage decisions on patient mortality: a cost-effectiveness analysis
2011 D.L. Edbrooke, C. Minelli, G.H. Mills, G. Iapichino, A. Pezzi, D. Corbella, P. Jacobs, A. Lippert, J. Wiis, A. Pesenti, N. Patroniti, R. Pirracchio, D. Payen, G. Gurman, J. Bakker, J. Kesecioglu, C. Hargreaves, S.L. Cohen, M. Baras, A. Artigas, C.L. Sprung
Reasons for refusal of admission to intensive care and impact on mortality
2010 G. Iapichino, D. Corbella, C. Minelli, G.H. Mills, A. Artigas, D.L. Edbooke, A. Pezzi, J. Kesecioglu, N. Patroniti, M. Baras, C.L. Sprung
Impact of antibiotics on the gut microbiota of critically ill patients
2008 G. Iapichino, M.L. Callegari, S. Marzorati, M. Cigada, D. Corbella, S. Ferrari, L. Morelli
Tight glycaemic control and dimethylarginines in septic patients
2008 P. Giusti, G. Mistraletti, A. Parisi, A. Confalonieri, R. Pinciroli, D. Corbella, F. Polli, E. Zanotto, R. Pavlovic, G. Iapichino
Conscious sedation in the critically ill ventilated patient
2008 M. Cigada, D. Corbella, G. Mistraletti, C. Reali Forster, C. Tommasino, A. Morabito, G. Iapichino
Sedation in high-risk critical patients : propensity score on enteral vs parenteral approach
2007 D. Corbella, G. Mistraletti, F. Valdambrini, R. Giudici, M. Umbrello, G. Bassi, V. Zona, R. Fiameni, E. Mantovani, G. Iapichino
Sedazione del paziente critico ad alto rischio : confronto tra approccio enterale ed endovenoso attraverso propensity score
2007 A. Galimberi, B. Moroni, M. Taverna, R. Giudici, D. Corbella, G. Mistraletti, M. Cigada, G. Iapichino
Sedation in high-risk critical patients : propensity score on enteral vs parenteral approach
2007 D. Corbella, G. Mistraletti, F. Valdambrini, R. Giudici, M. Umbrello, G. Bassi, V. Zona, R. Fiameni, E. Mantovani, G. Iapichino
Dimethylarginines in critically ill patients with severe sepsis or septic shock
2007 M. Albicini, D. Corbella, R. Giudici, M. Umbrella, R. Pavlovic, I. Fermo, R. Paroni, G. Iapichino
Conscious sedation in the critically ill ventilated patient
2006 D. Corbella, A. Confalonieri, A. Parisi, I. Vecchi, M. Cigada, G. Iapichino
Thiopenthal can increase risk of awareness during anesthesia induction : a bispectral index study
2006 C. Tommasino, F. Benvegnù, D. Corbella, G. Mistraletti, G. Iapichino
Conscious sedation during critical illness
2006 D. Corbella, M. Cigada, G. Mistraletti, M.A. Figini, E. Mantovani, A. Confalonieri, A. Parisi, G. Iapichino
Scoring system for the selection of high-risk patients in the intensive care unit
2006 G. Iapichino, G. Mistraletti, D. Corbella, G. Bassi, E. Borotto, DR. Miranda, A. Morabito
Strategies of patients selection in intensive care unit
2005 D. Corbella, G. Mistraletti, E. Borotto, M. Meroni, A. Morabito, G. Iapichino
Performance determinants and flexible ICU organisation
2005 G. Iapichino, A. Pezzi, E. Borotto, G. Mistraletti, M. Meroni, D. Corbella