Universita' degli Studi di MILANO  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Intraoperative surgical site infection control and prevention : a position paper and future addendum to WSES intra-abdominal infections guidelines 2020 Coccolini, FedericoBrambillasca, PietroNita, GabrielaCorbella, DavideBoschini, ElenaChiara, Osvaldo + Article (author) -
IROA: International Register of Open Abdomen, preliminary results 2017 Coccolini F.Ceresoli M.Catena F.Fugazzola P.Corbella D.Dondossola D. + Article (author) -
World society of emergency surgery (WSES) guidelines for management of skin and soft tissue infections 2014 L. AnsaloniM. TavolaO. ChiaraF. CoccoliniD. CorbellaP. Brambillasca + Article (author) -
Enteral vs. intravenous ICU sedation management: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 2013 G. MistralettiE.S. MantovaniD. CorbellaM. UmbrelloS. AnaniaP. FormentiG. Iapichino + Article (author) -
Bias reduction in repeated-measures observational studies by the use of propensity score : the case of enteral sedation for critically ill patients 2012 M. UmbrelloG. MistralettiD. CorbellaM. CigadaS. SaliniA. MorabitoG. Iapichino Article (author) -
Implications of ICU triage decisions on patient mortality: a cost-effectiveness analysis 2011 G. IapichinoD. CorbellaA. Pesenti + Article (author) -
Reasons for refusal of admission to intensive care and impact on mortality 2010 G. IapichinoD. Corbella + Article (author) -
Impact of antibiotics on the gut microbiota of critically ill patients 2008 G. IapichinoD. Corbella + Article (author) -
Tight glycaemic control and dimethylarginines in septic patients 2008 P. GiustiG. MistralettiA. ParisiA. ConfalonieriD. CorbellaR. PavlovicG. Iapichino + Conference Object -
Conscious sedation in the critically ill ventilated patient 2008 D. CorbellaG. MistralettiC. TommasinoA. MorabitoG. Iapichino + Article (author) -
Sedation in high-risk critical patients : propensity score on enteral vs parenteral approach 2007 D. CorbellaG. MistralettiF. ValdambriniR. GiudiciM. UmbrelloG. BassiG. Iapichino + Article (author) -
Sedazione del paziente critico ad alto rischio : confronto tra approccio enterale ed endovenoso attraverso propensity score 2007 R. GiudiciD. CorbellaG. MistralettiG. Iapichino + Conference Object -
Sedation in high-risk critical patients : propensity score on enteral vs parenteral approach 2007 D. CorbellaG. MistralettiM. UmbrelloG. Iapichino + Conference Object -
Dimethylarginines in critically ill patients with severe sepsis or septic shock 2007 D. CorbellaR. GiudiciR. ParoniG. Iapichino + Article (author) -
Conscious sedation in the critically ill ventilated patient 2006 D. CorbellaG. Iapichino + Conference Object -
Thiopenthal can increase risk of awareness during anesthesia induction : a bispectral index study 2006 C. TommasinoD. CorbellaG. MistralettiG. Iapichino + Conference Object -
Conscious sedation during critical illness 2006 D. CorbellaG. MistralettiG. Iapichino + Article (author) -
Scoring system for the selection of high-risk patients in the intensive care unit 2006 G. IapichinoG. MistralettiD. CorbellaG. BassiBOROTTO, ERIKAA. Morabito + Article (author) -
Strategies of patients selection in intensive care unit 2005 D. CorbellaG. MistralettiE. BorottoA. MorabitoG. Iapichino + Conference Object -
Performance determinants and flexible ICU organisation 2005 G. IapichinoE. BorottoG. MistralettiD. Corbella + Article (author) -