Universita' degli Studi di MILANO  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
High rates of sustained virological response despite premature discontinuation of directly acting antivirals in HCV-infected patients treated in a real-life setting 2021 Lombardi A.Colaneri M.D'Ambrosio R.Degasperi E.Dibenedetto C.Giorgini A.Pasulo L.Spinelli O.Re T.Rumi M.Aghemo A.Lampertico P.Soffredini R.Perbellini R.Gori A.Colpani M.Manini M.Lazzaroni S.De Nicola S.Angelini Zucchetti T.Rossotti R.Colella E.Magnani C.Mena M.Caramma I.Basilico C.Biagiotti S.Mazzone A.Saladino V.Menzaghi B.Rumi M.Fanetti I.Dibenedetto C.Zermiani P.Zuin M.D'Arminio Monforte A.Capretti A.Messina E.Colombo A. E.Bonfanti P.Conforti S.Menozzi F.Gritti S.Giani P. + Article (author) -
Characterization of liver nodules in patients with chronic liver disease by MRI: performance of the Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS v.2018) scale and its comparison with the Likert scale 2020 Esposito A.Buscarino V.Raciti D.Casiraghi E.Manini M.Biondetti P. + Article (author) -
Preliminary experience on safety of regorafenib after sorafenib failure in recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation 2019 Iavarone, MassimoInvernizzi, FedericaManini, Matteo AngeloMazzaferro, VincenzoLampertico, Pietro + Article (author) -
Experience Wwith Early Sorafenib Treatment with Mtor Inhibitors in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurring after Liver Transplantation 2019 Invernizzi, FedericaIavarone, MassimoMazza, StefanoANTONELLI, BARBARA BEATRICEAIROLDI, ALDOManini, Matteo AngeloRossi, GiorgioLampertico, Pietro + Article (author) -
Entecavir or tenofovir monotherapy prevents HBV recurrence in liver transplant recipients : a 5-year follow-up study after hepatitis B immunoglobulin withdrawal 2018 M. A. ManiniM. PasseriniP. Lampertico + Article (author) -
Glomerular filtration rate: A prognostic marker in atrial fibrillation—A subanalysis of the AntiThrombotic Agents Atrial Fibrillation 2018 Iannelli, G.Brucato, A. L.Santoro, E.Urbinati, S.Mascia, P.Perrone, C.Vinciguerra, A.Gambino, G. M.Rocchi, F.BONDI', GIUSEPPECOSTANTINI, MONIADUGNANI, MATTIA RENATOFazio, G.CASTELLO, CLAUDIOCampagna, G.Rimoldi, A.Serafini, F.Tondo, C.DONA', GIADA VALENTINAVincenti, A.CANNAVALE, GIULIA ALESSANDRABresciani, A.FONTANELLA, ANNARINALDI, PAOLAAGOSTI, SILVANOCASU, GIULIAPELLEGRINI, FILIPPOTremolada, F.Costantini, V.TINTORI, GUIDOManini, M.Scopelliti, G.Francia, P.VITOLO, ANNARITAANSELMI, MAUROGrandi, M.FONTANA, DELIACASTRONUOVO, MARGHERITA + Article (author) -
The impact of infection by multidrug resistant agents in patients with cirrhosis : A multicenter prospective study 2017 F. SalernoM.A. ManiniV. La MuraC. Dibenedetto + Article (author) -
Management of Biliary Anastomotic Strictures After Liver Transplantation (BASALT Study): a Nationwide Italian Survey 2017 F. SoggiuG. LombardiV. MazzaferroF. MalinvernoF. InvernizziM. ManiniM. ColomboD. ConteG. RossiR. Penagini + Article (author) -
Characterisation of liver nodules in patients with chronic liver disease by MRI: comparison between the LI-RADS v2014 and the Likert scale 2017 Valentina BuscarinoA. A. EspositoD. RacitiE. CasiraghiM. Manini + Article (author) -
TACE with drug-eluting beads is effective for the maintenance of the milan-in status in patients with a small hepatocellular carcinoma 2015 M.A. ManiniL. MartinettiV. La MuraA. AghemoM. IavaroneM. Colombo + Article (author) -
Clinical and economical impact of 2010 AASLD guidelines for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma 2014 M.A. ManiniA. GriecoM. Colombo + Article (author) -
Early and late de novo tumors after liver transplantation in adults: the late onset of bladder tumors in men 2013 M.A. ManiniS. GattiG. ConteP.A. BertazziG. Rossi + Article (author) -
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography and ultrasound-guided liver biopsy to diagnose dysplastic liver nodules in cirrhosis 2013 M. IavaroneM.A. ManiniL. Di TommasoA. AghemoM. RoncalliM. Colombo + Article (author) -
Twelve week post-treatment undetectable hepatitis C virus (HCV)-RNA by PCR assay predicts a sustained virological response to anti-HCV therapy independently from immunological status of the infected patients 2013 A.J. BastiampillaiM.A. ManiniS. Monico + Article (author) -
The diagnostic and economic impact of contrast imaging techniques in the diagnosis of small hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis 2010 M.A. ManiniR. RomeoC.M.R. Della CorteM. RumiM. Colombo + Article (author) -
Chemoembolization with epirubicin drug eluting beads to treat early and intermediate hepatocellular carcinoma 2009 M. IavaroneMARTINETTI, LAURAM.A. ManiniM. Colombo + Article (author) -
The natural history of hepatic macroregenerative nodules developing in cirrhotic patients during surveillance with ultrasound (US) 2009 M.A. ManiniM. IavaroneA. AghemoM. Colombo + Article (author) -
The natural history of macroregenerative nodules prospectively detected in cirrhotic patients under surveillance 2009 M. ManiniM. IavaroneA. AghemoM. Colombo + Conference Object -
Recist versus easl criteria for the evaluation of HCC response to sorafenib 2009 M. IavaroneM.A. ManiniM. Colombo + Article (author) -
Prospective validation of immunohistological stain for glypican-3 (GPC-3) in the early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma 2008 M. ManiniM. IavaroneM. Colombo + Conference Object -