Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Transgenic poplar against Lepidoptera : an Italy-China project for biosafety and conservation
2007 B.R.I. Manachini, B. Basso, F. Sala, H. Yifan
Impact of transgenic plants on soil ecosystem functioning : the Vietnam case
2007 B. Manachini, B. Anyango, B. Hoang Ngog, C. Zwahlen, P. Van Toan, R. Wheatley, A. Hilbeck, D. Andow
Baseline susceptibility to Cry1Ab toxin of Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (Lepidoptera : Crambidae) and Sesamia nonagrioides Lefebvre (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) from different European countries
2007 B. Manachini, S. Andreadis, D. Bourguet, L. Cagan, P. Castañera, J. Chaufaux, M. De la Poza, G. Pérez Farinós, K. Gottwaldova, N. Kagelaris, G.C. Lozzia, P.G. Milonas, G.K. Mironidis, K. Priesnitz, C. Saeglitz, M. Savopoulou Soultani, I. Schuphan
First investigation on nematofauna in well rotted manure
2007 A. Corsini, V. Bruini, B.R.I. Manachini, P. Zaccheo, L.E.V. Crippa
Nematodes colonization of pyrite cinders in a phytoremediation study
2007 A. Corsini, P. Zaccheo, L.E.V. Crippa, V. Bruini, B.R.I. Manachini
A comparison of the nematofauna from permanent grassland and maize monoculture
2007 A. Corsini, B.R.I. Manachini
The F2 Screen of ECB/MCB
2007 T. Stodola, C. Brazier, C. Mottet, A. Micoud, M.L. Caverivière, J. Chaufaux, D. Bourguet, H. Engels, C. Saeglitz, I. Schuphan, S. Andreadis, M. Savopoulou Soultani, B. Manachini, K. Gottwaldova, L. Cagan, F. Álvarez Alfageme, I. Sánchez Ramos, P. Castañera, D.A. Andow
Bt-Maize management plan for Europe : resistance management of Bt-maize in Europe
2007 D.A. Andow, S. Andreadis, M. Barta, D. Bourguet, L. Cagan, P. Castañera, H. Engels, B. Escriche, J. Ferré, D. Heckel, P. Hernández, G.C. Lozzia, B. Manachini, F. Ortego, C. Saeglitz, M. Savopoulou Soultani, I. Schuphan
Population Genetics of European Corn Borer (ECB, Ostrinia nubilalis) and Mediterranean corn borer (MCB, Sesamia nonagrioides) from different European countries
2007 C. Saeglitz, P. Castañera, M. De la Poza, G. Pérez Farinós, P. Hernández Crespo, B. Manachini, I. Schuphan
Indagini sulla diffusione di GFLV (Grapevine Fanleaf Virus) e di ArMV (Arabis Mosaic Virus) in un vigneto dell'Oltrepò pavese
2007 A. Zorloni, B. Manachini, S. Prati, P.A. Bianco, G. Belli
Preliminary results on the effect of transgenic apple encoding a cysteine proteinase inhibitor against Melolontha melolontha L. (Coleptera scarabaeidae ) on non target arthropods
2007 B. Basso, B. Manachini, C. Romagnoli, F. Sala
Role of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera : Aphididae) and its secondary hosts in plum pox virus propagation
2007 B.R.I. Manachini, P. Casati, L. Cinanni, P.A. Bianco
Laboratory selection of resistant Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera : Crambidae) and Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) to Cry1Ab-toxin from different European countries
2007 S. Andreadis, L. Cagan, G.P. Farinos, K. Gottwaldova, P. Hernandez Crespo, B. Manachini, P.G. Milonas, F. Ortego, K. Priesnitz, M. De la Poza, C. Saeglitz, M. Soultani, I. Schuphan
Clover extracts for the preparation of insecticidal agents
2006 B.R.I. Manachini, A.M. Bruno, E. Ragg
Estratti di trifoglio per la preparazione di agenti antiafide
2006 E. Ragg, B. Manachini, A.M. Bruno
Le ricerche nella Facoltà di Agraria
2006 M. Fiala, V. Raimondi, L. Bechini, S. Iametti, M. Rollini, B. Manachini, M.L. De Angelis, M. Saracchi, A. Sandrucci, A. Safina
Overview on the studies conducted in Italy on the effects of Bt GM plants on non-target organisms
2005 B.R.I. Manachini
Preliminary results on nematofauna of two different cropping systems.
2005 B. Manachini, S. Landi, A. Corsini, S. Frigeni, S. Bocchi
Uso di tecniche biomolecolari per la distinzione di biotipi mono, bivoltini e polivoltini di Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (Lepidoptera : Crambidae)
2005 B.R.I. Manachini
Relative fitness of Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on transgenic corn Bt 176
2005 B. Manachini