Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Innovative technologies for welfare assessment of sheep and goats at pasture in the Mediterranean area
2023 L. Turini, S. Mattiello, M. Battini, M. Mele
Subsurface profiling of buried valleys in central alps (northern Italy) using HVSR single-station passive seismic
2021 M. Mele, R. Bersezio, A. Bini, M. Bruno, M. Giudici, D. Tantardini
La prospezione geofisica della Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio e dintorni: forma del sito, strutture idrauliche e contesto geomorfologico
2021 M. Giudici, M. Mele, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni
A conceptual framework for discrete inverse problems in geophysics
2019 M. Giudici, F. Baratelli, L. Cattaneo, A. Comunian, G. DE FILIPPIS, C. Durante, F. Giacobbo, S. Inzoli, M. Mele, C. Vassena
An electrostratigraphic cross-section across the central Po plain : bearings on subsurface geology and hydrostratigraphy
2018 M. Mele, R. Bersezio, M. Giudici
The Quaternary N-Apennine tectonics recorded in the Po Basin : stratigraphic and geomorphological evidences along a N-S traverse in Lombardy (Italy)
2016 R. Bersezio, C. Zuffetti, E. Cavalli, M. Baio, M. Cantone, S. Inzoli, M. Mele, F. Pavia, V. Rigato, Y. Rusnighi, C. Rodondi, S. Sozzi
Exposing high-school students to Geosciences through seminars, laboratory and field demonstrations
2016 M. Giudici, P. D’Orsi, V. Caironi, F. Baratelli, L. Cattaneo, A. Comunian, G. De Filippis, D. Dell’Arciprete, C. Durante, S. Inzoli, M. Mele, C. Vassena
Mapping soil water capacity through EMI survey to delineate site-specific management units within an irrigated field
2016 B. Ortuani, E.A. Chiaradia, S. Priori, G. Lʼabate, D. Canone, A. Comunian, M. Giudici, M. Mele, A. Facchi
Using geophysical monitoring methods (ERT and EMI) to delineate homogeneous management zones within agricultural fields
2015 B. Ortuani, E.A. Chiaradia, S. Priori, G. L’Abate, D. Canone, A. Comunian, M. Giudici, M. Mele, A. Facchi
A multidisciplinary research on aquifer analogues to assess the effect of hydrofacies heterogeneities at fine scale on solute transport al large scale
2015 M. Giudici, R. Bersezio, A. Comunian, F. Felletti, F. Giacobbo, F. Baratelli, L. Cattaneo, E. Cavalli, D. Dell’Arciprete, L. Demicheli, S. Inzoli, C. Lazzati, M. Mele, L. Pessina, C. Vassena, G. Zappa
The application of hydrogeophysics to study water-based ecosystem services in alluvial plains
2015 M. Giudici, M. Mele, S. Inzoli, A. Comunian, R. Bersezio
Resolving electrolayers from VES : a contribution from modeling the electrical response of a tightly constrained alluvial stratigraphy
2015 M. Mele, N. Ceresa, R. Bersezio, M. Giudici, S. Inzoli, E. Cavalli
Mapping the spatial variation of soil moisture at the large scale using GPR for pavement applications
2015 A. Benedetto, F. Tosti, B. Ortuani, M. Giudici, M. Mele
Comparing EM38 and Profiler-EMP400 for the delineation of homogeneous management zones within agricultural fields
2015 B. Ortuani, E.A. Chiaradia, S. Priori, G. L’Abate, D. Canone, M. Mele, A. Comunian, M. Giudici, A. Facchi
Joint hydrogeological and hydrogeophysical models to map subsurface heterogeneity and to model transport processes
2014 L. Cattaneo, M. Giudici, R. de Franco, M. Mele, C. Vassena
Complex electrical resistivity measurements on alluvial sediment samples toward sedimentological and petrographic properties estimation
2014 S. Inzoli, M. Giudici, M. Mele, R. Bersezio
Complex electrical properties of sand-clay mixtures and alluvial sediment samples
2014 S. Inzoli, M. Giudici, M. Mele, E. Rondolini
Laboratory electrical measurements on sediment samples and relation with textural parameters
2014 S. Inzoli, M. Giudici, M. Mele, E. Rondolini, R. Bersezio
Relating electrical conduction of alluvial sediments to textural properties and pore-fluid conductivity
2014 M. Mele, S. Inzoli, M. Giudici, R. Bersezio
Modelling the hydrostratigraphic heterogeneity of a glacio-fluvial scour-pool
2013 R. Bersezio, L. Pessina, L. Cattaneo, E. Cavalli, F. Felletti, M. Giudici, M. Mele