Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Quaternary slip-rates probabilistic estimation for the Northern Apennines frontal thrust in the Po Plain (Northern Italy) by integrating surface and subsurface data
2024 F.E. Maesano, C. Zuffetti, A. Abbate, C. D'Ambrogi, R. Bersezio
Integration of Geological Surveys and 3D Laser Scanner Techniques in Heritage Sites: How Did Palazzo Belfort Survive the Catastrophic 1618 Piuro Landslide?
2024 T. Apuani, C. Achille, E. Pigazzi, F. Marotta, R. Bersezio, S. Castelletti
Mapping landscape evolution in 3D: Climate change, natural hazard and human settlements across the 1618 Piuro landslide in the Italian Central Alps
2024 E. Pigazzi, R. Bersezio, F. Marotta, T. Apuani
Impact of historical landslides on natural landscape and human settlements in the core of the Alps: the Piuro 1618 disaster in the Bregaglia Valley.
2023 E. Pigazzi, R. Bersezio, F. Marotta, C. Achille, T. Apuani
Hydrogeological characteristics and water availability in the mountainous aquifer systems of Italian Central Alps: A regional scale approach
2023 S. Stevenazzi, C. Zuffetti, C.A.S. Camera, A. Lucchelli, G.P. Beretta, R. Bersezio, M. Masetti
Geological mapping as a tool for understanding the historical landscape evolution of an Alpine valley: the Piuro case study (Bregaglia Valley, SO)
2022 E. Pigazzi, T. Apuani, R. Bersezio
Handling non stationarity in Multiple-Point Statistics Simulation with a Hierarchical approach
2022 A. Comunian, E. Consonni, C. Zuffetti, R. Bersezio, M. Giudici
From 2D geological maps to 3D models: A case-study in the Central Alps (Lombardy, Italy)
2022 C. Zuffetti, R. Bersezio, A. Lucchelli, S. Stevenazzi, M. Masetti
Collaborative geoscience investigations in natural and archaeological heritage sites: the Palazzo Belfort area of Piuro (SO, Italy) case study
2022 E. Pigazzi, C. Achille, T. Apuani, R. Bersezio, S. Castelletti, F. Marotta
Geology of the area of the Piuro 1618 event (Val Bregaglia, Italian Central Alps) : the setting of a catastrophic historical landslide
2022 E. Pigazzi, R. Bersezio, A. Morcioni, D. Tantardini, T. Apuani
Active thrusting and glacial controls recorded by stratigraphic unconformities in a Quaternary foreland basin (Po basin, Northern Italy)
2021 C. Zuffetti, R. Bersezio
Subsurface profiling of buried valleys in central alps (northern Italy) using HVSR single-station passive seismic
2021 M. Mele, R. Bersezio, A. Bini, M. Bruno, M. Giudici, D. Tantardini
Space-time geological model of the Quaternary syntectonic fill of a foreland basin (Po basin, Northern Italy)
2021 C. Zuffetti, R. Bersezio
A stop along the A.M.AL.PI.18 geotourist itinerary to discover large alpine landslides : the Piuro 1618 disaster
2021 E. Pigazzi, T. Apuani, R. Bersezio, A. Morcioni
A multidisciplinary approach to improve and share the understanding of landslide hazard in mountain environments : the PIURO 1618 disaster
2021 E. Pigazzi, T. Apuani, R. Bersezio, C.A.S. Camera, A. Comunian, M. Lualdi, A. Morcioni
A new perspective to model subsurface stratigraphy in alluvial hydrogeological basins, introducing geological hierarchy and relative chronology
2020 C. Zuffetti, A. Comunian, R. Bersezio, P. Renard
Morphostructural evidence of Late Quaternary tectonics at the Po Plain-Northern Apennines border (Lombardy, Italy)
2020 C. Zuffetti, R. Bersezio
Incremental tectonic event maps at the junction of the Alps with the western Mediterranean
2019 D. Zanoni, G. Gosso, J.-. Lardeaux, S. Volante, M. Corsini, R. Bersezio, J. Mascle, L. Spaggiari, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, G. Giannerini, L. Camera
Effects of Late Pleistocene synsedimentary tectonics on alluvial architecture at the Po Plain-Apennines border (N-Italy)
2019 C. Zuffetti, R. Bersezio
Deciphering Quaternary palimpsest landscapes to constrain 3D (4D) geological models: an example from the Po Plain-Apennines border (N-Italy)
2019 C. Zuffetti, R. Bersezio