Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Investigating the Upper Holocene palaeoenvironment and human subsistence strategy in the Khor Rori coastal area by studying mollusc remains from the Inqitat plateau (Dhofar, Sultanate of Oman)
2024 G. Crippa, S. Lischi, M. Cremaschi
Last Glacial Maximum glaciolacustrine deposits from the Adige Moraine Amphitheatre (Rivoli Veronese, Northern Italy): distribution, sedimentary facies, and significance
2024 A. Pezzotta, G.S. Mariani, M. Marini, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni
Integrating musealized archaeological sediment collections into current geoarchaeological analytical frameworks for sustainable research practices
2024 S. Costanzo, M. Pappalardo, E. Starnini, E. Rossoni-Notterd, O. Notter, A. Moussous, M. Soares-Remiseiro, P. Fermo, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni
Glacial Lake Outburst Flood from the Central Alps (N-Italy): from the Last Glacial Maximum to the deglaciation
2023 A. Pezzotta, G.S. Mariani, M. Marini, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni
Mollusc shells as a tool for seasonality reconstructions in the HAS1 settlement (Holocene, Oman)
2023 G. Crippa, A. Chiari, M. Cremaschi, M. Dapiaggi, S. Lischi, M.J. Leng
Glacial Lake Outburst Flood from the Central Alps (N-Italy): from the Last Glacial Maximum to the deglaciation
2023 A. Pezzotta, G.S. Mariani, M. Marini, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni
Discovering fire events in the HAS1 settlement on the Dhofar coast (Oman) by a multi-methodological study of mollusk shells
2023 G. Crippa, S. Lischi, A. Chiari, M. Dapiaggi, M. Cremaschi
Scenari di ricostruzione delle interazioni uomo-ambiente-clima in Lombardia (N-Italia) dal Paleolitico medio all’età del Ferro
2022 C. Ravazzi, G. Artioli, F. Badino, M. Baioni, R. Banino, L. Castellano, L. Castelletti, S. Chiesa, D. Colombaroli, R. Comolli, M. Cremaschi, E. Croce, M. Dal Corso, G. Dal Sasso, M. Deaddis, M. De Amicis, M.F. Ferrario, F. Fontana, G. Furlanetto, L. Garozzo, F. Livio, C. Mangani, M. Marchetti, E. Martinelli, A.M. Michetti, S. Motella De Carlo, C. Nicosia, R. Perego, M. Peresani, R. Pini, R. Poggiani Keller, T. Quirino, M. Rapi, M. Rottoli, M.G. Ruggiero, W. Tinner, A. Tramelli, A. Trentacoste, F. Vallé, D. Visentin, L. Wick, M. Zanon, A. Zerboni
Delenda Spina. Le trasformazioni del delta del Po tra invasioni galliche e conquista romana
2022 C. Buoite, C. Cornelio, M. Cremaschi, L. Malnati, L. Zamboni
Plaines, lacs, montagnes et collines : les habitats et les paysages d'Italie du Nord à l'Age du Bronze (2200-1150 av. J.-C.)
2022 M. Baioni, A. Cardarelli, M. Cattani, C. Cavazzuti, M. Cremaschi, M. Cupitò, F. Debandi, D. Delfino, N. Martinelli, F. Marzatico, C. Putzolu, M. Rapi, F. Rubat Borel, G. Tasca, U. Tecchiati
La prospezione geofisica della Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio e dintorni: forma del sito, strutture idrauliche e contesto geomorfologico
2021 M. Giudici, M. Mele, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni
Age, palaeoenvironment, and preservation of prehistoric petroglyphs on a boulder in the oasis of Salut (northern Sultanate of Oman)
2021 A. Zerboni, M. Degli Esposti, Y.L. Wu, F. Brandolini, G.S. Mariani, F. Villa, P. Lotti, F. Cappitelli, M. Sasso, A. Rizzi, G.D. Gatta, M. Cremaschi
Geomorphology and (palaeo-)hydrography of the Southern Atbai plain and western Eritrean Highlands (Eastern Sudan/Western Eritrea)
2021 S. Costanzo, A. Zerboni, M. Cremaschi, A. Manzo
Dating the Noceto Vasca Votiva, a unique wooden structure of the 15th century BCE, and the timing of a major societal change in the Bronze Age of northern Italy
2021 M. Cremaschi, C. Griggs, C. Kocik, A. Mutti, A. Zerboni, S. Manning
Geomorphology of the northwestern Kurdistan Region of Iraq : landscapes of the Zagros Mountains drained by the Tigris and Great Zab Rivers
2021 L. Forti, A. Perego, F. Brandolini, G.S. Mariani, M. Zebari, K. Nicoll, E. Regattieri, C. Conati Barbaro, D. Morandi Bonacossi, H. Ahmed Qasim, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni
Geomorphology of the Jebel Qara and the coastal plain of Salalah (Southern Sultanate of Oman)
2020 A. Zerboni, A. Perego, G.S. Mariani, F. Brandolini, E. Regattieri, G. Zanchetta, M. Al Kindi, F. Borgi, V. Charpentier, M. Cremaschi
Green, blue, or brown? Storia olocenica del deserto del Sahara
2020 A. Zerboni, M. Cremaschi
Rock art survey in the ancient oasis of Salūt (northern Sultanate of Oman) : a variegated iconographic record
2020 M. Degli Esposti, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni
SfM-photogrammetry for fast recording of archaeological features in remote areas
2020 F. Brandolini, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni, M. Degli Esposti, G.S. Mariani, S. Lischi
Lashed by the wind : short-term Middle Palaeolithic occupations within the loess-palaeosoil sequence at Monte Netto (Northern Italy)
2019 D. Delpiano, M. Peresani, S. Bertola, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni