DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
Notch-ing from T-cell to B-cell limphoid malignancies
2011 L. Mirandola, P. Comi, E. Cobos, W.M. Kast, M. Chiriva-Internati, R. Chiaramonte
AKT positively regulates Notch pathway in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
2010 N. Platonova, L. Mirandola, S. Carluccio, M. Colombo, R. Chiaramonte, P. Comi
A 3-D study of capsular invasion in follicular thyroid tumors : a novel approach to an old dilemma
2010 L. Di Tommaso, D. Tresoldi, C.I. Navligu, A. Destro, P. Comi, U. Morbiducci, M. Roncalli, G. Rizzo
Notch1 produces a deregulation of CXCR4/SDF1 chemokine signaling in Multiple Myeloma cells
2010 L. Apicella, L. Mirandola, M. Colombo, S. Carluccio, N. Platonova, P. Comi, M. Chiriva Internati, R. Chiaramonte
Notch1 produce una deregolazione dell’asse chemiochinico CXCR4/SDF1 nelle cellule di mieloma multiplo
2010 L. Apicella, L. Mirandola, M. Colombo, S. Carluccio, N. Platonova, P. Comi, M. Chiriva-Internati, R. Chiaramonte
Notch controlla la comunicazione mediata dalle chemochine nel microambiente tumorale
2010 R. Chiaramonte, L. Apicella, L. Mirandola, M. Colombo, S. Carluccio, N. Platonova, M. Chiriva-Internati, P. Comi
Notch regola recettori chemochinici che influenzano migrazione e proliferazione nella leucemia linfoblastica acuta a cellule T
2010 L. Mirandola, M. Colombo, L. Apicella, A. Basile, S. Carluccio, M. Chiriva-Internati, P. Comi, R. Chiaramonte
Notch1 positively regulates the AKT survival pathway by epigenetically silencing the PTEN tumor suppressor gene
2009 S. Larocca, L. Mirandola, K. Rea, M. Colombo, S. Carluccio, P. Comi, R. Chiaramonte
Notch: from fly wings to human hematological tumors
2009 L. Mirandola, S. Larocca, K. Rea, G. Palma, P. Comi, R. Chiaramonte
Notch1 produces a deregulation of Chemochine receptors expression in leukemic cells
2009 L. Mirandola, K. Rea, S. Larocca, P.P.M. Comi, R. Chiaramonte
Burkitt lymphoma translocation turns Notch over to the dark side
2009 L. Mirandola, A. Basile, P. Comi, R. Chiaramonte
Hexamethylene bisacetamide inhibits malignant phenotype in T-ALL cell lines
2008 V. Cecchinato, E. Erba, A. Basile, B. Scarpati, C. Fazi, B. Brando, P. Comi, R. Chiaramonte
Reciprocal regulation of Notch and PI3K/Akt signalling in T-ALL cells in vitro
2008 E. Calzavara, R. Chiaramonte, D. Cesana, A. Basile, G.V. Sherbet, P.P.M. Comi
Down-Regulation of Notch1 Expression is Involved in HL-60 Cell Growth Inhibition Induced by 4-Hydroxynonenal, a Product of Lipid Peroxidation
2008 S. Pizzimenti, G. Barrera, E. Calzavara, L. Mirandola, C. Toaldo, M.U. Dianzani, P. Comi, R. Chiaramonte
Hyperthermia Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis : Relative Signaling Status of P53, S100A4, and Notch in Heat Sensitive and Resistant Cell Lines
2008 A. Basile, D. Biziato, G.V. Sherbet, P. Comi, F. Cajone
Resveratrol-induced apoptosis in human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia MOLT-4 cells
2007 V. Cecchinato, R. Chiaramonte, M. Nizzardo, B. Cristofaro, A. Basile, G.V. Sherbet, P.Comi
Notch signalling in cancer
2006 R. Chiaramonte, E. Calzavara, A. Basile, P. Comi
Resveratrol dependent apoptosis in T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line MOLT-4
2005 M. Nizzardo, B. Cristofaro, V. Cecchinato, E. Calzavara, L. Mirandola, P. Comi, R. Chiaramonte
Expression of Hes-1 (Notch-1 effector) during "In vitro" normal erythroid differentiation
2005 M.D. Cappellini, I. Libani, E. Calzavara, L. Ronzoni, R. Chiaramonte, P. Comi
The Notch pathway in tumor cell migration
2005 R. Chiaramonte, L. Mirandola, A. Basile, M. Locati, P. Comi