Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
SARS-CoV-2 infection in children: A 24 months experience with focus on risk factors in a pediatric tertiary care hospital in Milan, Italy
2023 G.M. Di Pietro, L. Ronzoni, L.M. Meschia, C. Tagliabue, A. Lombardi, R. Pinzani, S. Bosis, P.G. Marchisio, L. Valenti
Adverse effect of PNPLA3 p.I148M genetic variant on kidney function in middle-aged individuals with metabolic dysfunction
2023 A. Mantovani, S. Pelusi, S. Margarita, F. Malvestiti, M. Dell'Alma, C. Bianco, L. Ronzoni, D. Prati, G. Targher, L. Valenti
Circulating indian hedgehog is a marker of the hepatocyte-TAZ pathway in experimental NASH and is elevated in humans with NASH
2023 M.P. Moore, X. Wang, H. Shi, M. Meroni, A. Cherubini, L. Ronzoni, E.J. Parks, J.A. Ibdah, R.S. Rector, L. Valenti, P. Dongiovanni, I. Tabas
Clinical and genetic determinants of the fatty liver–coagulation balance interplay in individuals with metabolic dysfunction
2022 L. Valenti, A. Tripodi, V. La Mura, S. Pelusi, C. Bianco, E. Scalambrino, S. Margarita, F. Malvestiti, L. Ronzoni, M. Clerici, R. D'Ambrosio, M. Fraquelli, R. Carpani, D. Prati, F. Peyvandi
Genetics: A new clinical tool for the hepatologist
2022 L. Valenti, L. Ronzoni
Clinical exome sequencing for diagnosing severe cryptogenic liver disease in adults: A case series
2022 S. Pelusi, L. Ronzoni, F. Malvestiti, C. Bianco, I. Marini, R. D'Ambrosio, J.A. Giannotta, G. Soardo, M. Maggioni, D. Prati, L. Valenti
Trends and risk factors of SARS-CoV-2 infection in asymptomatic blood donors
2021 L. Valenti, S. Pelusi, A. Cherubini, C. Bianco, L. Ronzoni, S. Uceda Renteria, E. Coluccio, A. Berzuini, A. Lombardi, L. Terranova, F. Malvestiti, G. Lamorte, E. Erba, M. Oggioni, F. Ceriotti, D. Prati
Incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in fetuses with first trimester ultrasound anomalies and a low-risk cell-free DNA test for common trisomies
2020 N. Persico, S. Boito, P. Volpe, B. Ischia, M. Gentile, L. Ronzoni, V. De Robertis, I. Fabietti, C. Olivieri, E. Periti, R. Ficarella, R. Silipigni, G. Rembouskos
7p22.1 microduplication syndrome : refinement of the critical region
2017 L. Ronzoni, F.S. Grassi, L. Pezzani, A. Tucci, M. Baccarin, S. Esposito, D. Milani
Is cutis verticis Gyrata-Intellectual Disability syndrome an underdiagnosed condition? : A case report and review of 62 cases
2017 A. Tucci, L. Pezzani, G. Scuvera, L. Ronzoni, E. Scola, S. Esposito, D. Milani
2q33.1q34 Deletion in a Girl with Brain Anomalies and Anorectal Malformation
2017 L. Ronzoni, A. Novelli, G. Brisighelli, A. Peron, F. Triulzi, V. Bianchi, E. Leva, M.F. Bedeschi
The p.Phe174Ser mutation is associated with mild forms of Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome
2016 A. Tucci, L. Ronzoni, C. Arduino, P. Salmin, S. Esposito, D. Milani
Ferroportin expression and regulation in non-transfusion dependent thalassemia
2016 L. Sonzogni, L. Ronzoni, G. Graziadei, M.D. Cappellini
Growth differentiation factor 15 expression and regulation during erythroid differentiation in non-transfusion dependent thalassemia
2015 L. Ronzoni, L. Sonzogni, L. Duca, G. Graziadei, M.D. Cappellini, E. Ferru
Response to "Characteristics of 2p15-p16.1 microdeletion syndrome : review and description of two additional patients"
2015 L. Ronzoni, V. Saletti, G. Scuvera, S. Esposito, D. Milani
Molecular cytogenetic characterization of a 2q35-q37 duplication and a 4q35.1-q35.2 deletion in two cousins : a genotype-phenotype analysis
2015 L. Ronzoni, A. Peron, V. Bianchi, M. Baccarin, S. Guerneri, R. Silipigni, F. Lalatta, M.F. Bedeschi
Thalassemic erythrocytes release microparticles loaded with hemichromes by redox activation of p72Syk kinase
2014 E. Ferru, A. Pantaleo, F. Carta, F. Mannu, A. Khadjavi, V. Gallo, L. Ronzoni, G. Graziadei, M.D. Cappellini, F. Turrini
Ribavirin suppresses erythroid differentiation and proliferation in chronic hepatitis C patients
2014 L. Ronzoni, A. Aghemo, M.G. Rumi, G. Prati, A. Colancecco, L. Porretti, S. Monico, M. Colombo, M.D. Cappellini
Modulation of gamma globin genes expression by histone deacetylase Inhibitors : an in vitro study
2014 L. Ronzoni, L. Sonzogni, G. Fossati, D. Modena, E. Trombetta, L. Porretti, M.D. Cappellini
In vitro ferroportin expression in non trasfusion depedent thalassemia during erythroid differentiation
2013 L. Sonzogni, L. Ronzoni, G. Graziadei, A. Marcon, I. Gandolfi, M.D. Cappellini