Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
The Complex Nature of Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Including Retroperitoneal Sarcomas
2019 F. Grizzi, E.M. Borroni, D. Qehajaj, S. Stifter, M. Chiriva-Internati, F.C.M. Cananzi
Cancer Cells Exploit Notch Signaling to Redefine a Supportive Cytokine Milieu
2018 M. Colombo, L. Mirandola, M. Chiriva-Internati, A. Basile, M. Locati, E. Lesma, R. Chiaramonte, N. Platonova
Evolving notions on immune response in colorectal cancer and their implications for biomarker development
2018 F. Grizzi, G. Basso, E.M. Borroni, T. Cavalleri, P. Bianchi, S. Stifter, M. Chiriva-Internati, A. Malesci, L. Laghi
Tertiary lymphoid tissue in the tumor microenvironment : from its occurrence to immunotherapeutic implications
2015 G. Di Caro, G.F. Castino, F. Bergomas, N. Cortese, M. Chiriva-Internati, F. Grizzi, A. Mantovani, F. Marchesi
Notch signaling drives multiple myeloma induced osteoclastogenesis
2014 M. Colombo, K. Thümmler, L. Mirandola, S. Garavelli, K. Todoerti, L. Apicella, E. Lazzari, M. Lancellotti, N. Platonova, M. Akbar, M. Chiriva-Internati, R. Soutar, A. Neri, C.S. Goodyear, R. Chiaramonte
Effect of the novel galectin-3 blocker, Gal3M, on the efficacy and reduction of toxicity of proteasome inhibitors for the treatment of multiple myeloma
2014 J. Riaz, R. Verma, L. Mirandola, J.A. Figueroa, E. Cobos, D.D.T. Nguyen, A.S. Aulakh, V. Konala, M. Jenkins, E. Yu, S. Radhi, K. Trotter, L.A. Tijani, F. Hardwick, N.C. D'Cunha, M. Colombo, S. Dahlbeck, F. Grizzi, M. Chiriva-Internati
Selective expression of the Sp17/AKAP4/PTTG1 in NSCLC for detection and therapy
2013 S. Radhi, C. Saadeh, R. Wade, J. Mer, Y. Yu, L. Mirandola, V. Konala, A. Aulakh, R. Chiaramonte, N. Platonova, K. Zepeda, M. Colombo, M. Jenkins, J.A. Figueroa, E. Cobos, C.A. Jumper, R. Alalawi, M. Chiriva-Internati
The impact of sex on ropporin expression in multiple myeloma patients
2013 R. Wade, S. Radhi, M. Chiriva-Internati, F. Hardwick, J. Mer, A. Aulakh, C. Saadeh, Y. Yu, L. Mirandola, K. Zepeda, R. Chiaramonte, M. Colombo, N. Platonova, D.D. Thuy Nguyen, N. D'Chuna, V. Konala, M. Jenkins, J.A. Figueroa, E. Cobos
Promotion of human multiple myeloma cell growth in vitro and bone marrow invasion in vivo by Notch receptors and the CXCR4/SDF1 axis
2013 M. Chiriva-Internati, L. Mirandola, E. Lazzari, M. Colombo, M. Lancellotti, E. Cobos, Y. Yu, J.A. Figueroa, C. Saadeh, R. Wade, K. Zepeda, J. Mer, V. Konala, S. Radhi, A. Aulakh, M. Jenkins, C.A. Jumper, R. Alalawi, R. Chiaramonte
Relationship of the oncogene Notch and CXCR4/SDF1 signaling in human epithelial ovarian cancer
2013 V. Konala, N. Platonova, M. Colombo, L. Mirandola, E. Lazzari, D. De Simone, S. Radhi, A. Aulakh, K. Zepeda, R. Wade, J. Mer, C. Saadeh, Y. Yu, M. Jenkins, J.A. Figueroa, E. Cobos, M. Chiriva-Internati, R. Chiaramonte
The role of Notch in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis in multiple myeloma
2012 M. Colombo, L. Mirandola, L. Apicella, N. Platonova, M. Lancellotti, E. Lazzari, M. Chiriva-Internati, R. Chiaramonte
Notch1 produce una deregolazione dell’asse chemiochinico CXCR4/SDF1 nelle cellule di mieloma multiplo
2010 L. Apicella, L. Mirandola, M. Colombo, S. Carluccio, N. Platonova, P. Comi, M. Chiriva-Internati, R. Chiaramonte
Notch controlla la comunicazione mediata dalle chemochine nel microambiente tumorale
2010 R. Chiaramonte, L. Apicella, L. Mirandola, M. Colombo, S. Carluccio, N. Platonova, M. Chiriva-Internati, P. Comi
Notch regola recettori chemochinici che influenzano migrazione e proliferazione nella leucemia linfoblastica acuta a cellule T
2010 L. Mirandola, M. Colombo, L. Apicella, A. Basile, S. Carluccio, M. Chiriva-Internati, P. Comi, R. Chiaramonte
Sperm protein 17 is expressed in the sperm fibrous sheath
2009 M. Chiriva-Internati, N. Gagliano, E. Donetti, F. Costa, F. Grizzi, B. Franceschini, E. Albani, P.E. Levi Setti, M. Gioia, M. Jenkins, E. Cobos, W.M. Kast